Should I look into rebuildable coils?

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Full Member
Oct 18, 2014
I have been vaping fo about 7 weeks now and have found a juice I really like from Zeus E juice, some of you may have tried it. The only problem I have encountered is it gunks up my coils. I use either a nautilus or nautilus mini and I am going through coils every two to three days at the most. So should Iook into buying a rebuildable? If so what kind. I use primarily a Itaste mvp 2.0 battery.


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Oct 28, 2014
Ohio, USA
I have a Kafun lite that I like a lot. It's a single coil design but works well with heavy Vape fluid. I also have a Patriot. Dripping atomizers are (for the most part) a matter of opinion with a few exceptions that have something really special about the design. I learned to build coils using a SMOK Dripper RDA. It never failed.
Dripper RDA
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Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
I second or third or 10th the Kayfun suggestion; the kayfun lite plus or even a clone (Tobeco!) KFL+ is just a marvelous vape, the best I've had so far, and they're VERY easy to build. On the subject of rebuilding coils, we were discussing that yesterday in another thread, and this is what I posted:
AndriaD said:
The best reason for building your own is a) absolute customizability -- you get the vape YOU want, not what some machine in some factory in china thought would be good, and b) they last virtually indefinitely -- the two in my 2 kayfuns have been in use since July, and I daresay might still be in use NEXT July! Seriously... they don't wear out in NEARLY the time that factory made coils wear/burn out. And, maybe best of all, it makes you independent of a) the factory, b) the vendor, and c) most of all, THE MAIL! And of course it costs a GREAT!!! deal less to buy wire and wick than to buy pre-made coils.



Vaping Master
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Sep 1, 2014
Perth , Australia
I took the suggestions of most people for my first rebuildable and got a kayfun. Well a kayfun light clone - Still the same build.

Need to get an ohm meter and use a coil wrapping site such as Coil wrapping | Steam Engine | free vaping calculators .
Look up ohms law make sure your not going to over tax your battery.
Most people at first use 28 gauge wire - so far 28-29-30 gauge seems ok for starting.
Read up or watch videos on wrapping and wicking.


Vaping Master
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Jan 12, 2014
Yep, a Kayfun 3.1 clone. The Nautilus was good for me, but it gave a thicker taste, like tasting through a touch of dough. Rebuilding gave my flavors clarity.

Rebuilding is rather simple once I got the materials and tools gathered. I have to say that I now have a rebuilding toolbox. I pretty much only run Rebuildable Tank Atomizers (RTA) now. A good Kayfun clone will give more taste and vapor.

In getting a clone, I look for the ones that come with the spare parts. I got one that didn't and it was shoddy workmanship. Just seems a trick to me.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes.


Senior Member
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Mar 16, 2014
Alpharetta, GA USA
I have been vaping fo about 7 weeks now and have found a juice I really like from Zeus E juice, some of you may have tried it. The only problem I have encountered is it gunks up my coils. I use either a nautilus or nautilus mini and I am going through coils every two to three days at the most. So should Iook into buying a rebuildable? If so what kind. I use primarily a Itaste mvp 2.0 battery.

I like Zeus juice, too. They do seem to have an awful lot of 'sweet' to them, especially Aphrodite's Affair. I had the same issues as you when I used a Nautilus, began rebuilding and experimenting with coil and wick. Although Rayon wick allowed good transport, I still get more coil build-up of caramelized juice of that flavor than any other--even if I'm a dry-burn and re-wick away from my ideal quality. Dark, sweet juices are murder on ANY coils. You learn to live with it. Rebuilding, as stated, is to find your individual 'best' situation, and save a boat load of money. Eventually it's a pretty simple process! The best of luck to you!!


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Along the same lines, I would like to try a Kayfun, or an Orchid RBA, but I'm not sure if my MVP 2 will be enough for them. Any thoughts?

ROFL... I run my Kayfuns on my iTaste vv3s -- it looks like a scepter, but it works. :D



Ultra Member
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Jul 17, 2014
Ohio, USA
Along the same lines, I would like to try a Kayfun, or an Orchid RBA, but I'm not sure if my MVP 2 will be enough for them. Any thoughts?

I believe the orchid needs dual coils. If so, you might have a hard time with 11 watts. 30 gauge might be OK, and 32 gauge would almost certainly work, but it's a bit of a pain to work with wire that thin.
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