Should we vape juices that eat through plastic?

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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
Lots of people vape unflavored. It's really not bad at all.

I was doing a DIY mix the other day. I have a 250ml bottle of 21.5mg Unflavored "Pre-Mix" that I pour into 30ml bottles and then add Flavoring.

Perhaps it was a Subliminal Suggestion that you had Planted in my brain Caridwen? But I tried some of the 21.5mg Unflavored in a New CE2.

It wasn't all that Bad. Kinda like Drinking Tonic Water compared to my TastyFinger Clone. But not all that Bad.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
That's how I started vaping it. I had a batch of DIY I forgot to put flavoring in.

Sometimes I add a couple drops of lemon. Sort of like adding lemon to water- refreshing.

I'll have to try that. Thanks.

Yes, they do. So does Vapor Station and I think Virgin Vaper and AIV use glass.

I am Amazed that Most Retail e-Liquid Vendors haven't had the thought of Offering their e-Liquids in Glass Bottle as an Option?

Doesn't seem all that hard to have some Code Monkey make a Drop Down Box for an e-Liquid to say...

Glass Bottle (Cobalt Blue) with Poly Cap + .60
Glass Bottle (Cobalt Blue) with Dropper Cap + .90


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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
Yes, they do. So does Vapor Station and I think Virgin Vaper and AIV use glass.

Nah, VS no longer does. But, I have all of my Vapor Station juices in cobalt glass with the labels! Darth Vaper does, MOV, Ahlusion, Vermillion, Halo, QuickNic, 5 Pawns, EpipeMods Pipe Sauces (fantastic bottles), Standard (gorgeous, unique bottles) and many others that I can't think of at the moment.

p.s. Not all of those vendor's bottles come in glass, but they are offered in larger sizes if not all sizes.

Arnie H

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Jun 25, 2013
Greensboro, NC, USA
I see your point but it sure as hell beats the 4000 chemicals in traditional cigarettes. Until there is concrete evidence of it causing ill effects then I will keep on vaping these juices.
I was looking all over the Internet the other day and counld'nt for the life of me, find a list of these "4,000 - 7,000" (the number varies) different chemical compounds that are produced when you burn a cigarret and inhale it. Does someone have a link? Would be great ammo for us vapers.

Thanks for all your replies. Yes, I believe glass is safer, not only for vaping these juices, but for long term storage. Personally, I prefer to stay away from such juices completely. Bright green, bright blue, or other neon-like colors are very likely to be artificial. You generally do not encounter these types of colors in naturally made juices or extracts derived from fruits and vegetables.

I think it is important to know what your inhaling!
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ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
I was looking all over the Internet the other day and counld'nt for the life of me, find a list of these "4,000 - 7,000" (the number varies) different chemical compounds that are produced when you burn a cigarret and inhale it. Does someone have a link? Would be great ammo for us vapers.

Thanks for all your replies. Yes, I believe glass is safer, not only for vaping these juices, but for long term storage. Personally, I prefer to stay away from such juices completely. Bright green, bright blue, or other neon-like colors are very likely to be artificial. You generally do not encounter these types of colors in naturally made juices or extracts derived from fruits and vegetables.

Cigarette Ingredients - Chemicals in Cigarettes

A list of additives is different than just what's in cigarette smoke (there'll be a lot more once burned). I am not sure how legit that link is, but I have no reason to question it considering I really don't care what's in cig smoke--after all, I don't smoke.
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Arnie H

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Jun 25, 2013
Greensboro, NC, USA
Thanks for the link. That list looks similiar to this one which shows the 600 or so additives that have or may be used in cigarrets (no single cigarette contains them all!):

List of additives in cigarettes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Btw, does that list really show 4,000 compounds? I did a quick word count on the list and only came up with 1,800 or so words, so I am guessing only a few hundred are actually listed there. Not thousands!!

Interesting to note that both PG and VG are on the list.

The leaching issue is a reason why I stay away from carto/tanks. Having a cartomizer sitting in a vat of juice doesn't sound kosher!
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Chief Thunder

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Apr 30, 2012
Just wanted to add to this little discussion. Someone touched on it already but a big issue is the use of plastic bottles.

Nicotine in it self is a poison used as a natural pesticide by farmers. Nicotine can and will leach plastic. The longest you can get out of a plastic bottle is one that is fire cured and that is 6 months tops. Imho there is no excuse for a responsible vendor to not at least offer glass bottles better yet only use glass. I think plastic is fine for short term use in a climate controlled environment like filling up every couple of days if your a dripper as its alot easier to use.
With the summer heat and your juices sitting in a 100*+ metal mailbox this is only going to speed up the breakdown of the plastic.

You will find most vendors who only offer glass are not only particular on packaging safety but also in the level of ingredients going in the juice. Not all flavorings, VG, & pg are the same. A cheap VG will actually give juice a "soapy" aftertaste.
Just something to consider next time you purchase 30mls for $6 or so dollars, you get what you pay for.

Off the top of my head here are juice company's that use glass:
G2Vapor, Alice in Vapeland, the standard/ Jameson, vape syndicate, there's more but I am drawing a blank.


My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
Nah, VS no longer does. But, I have all of my Vapor Station juices in cobalt glass with the labels! Darth Vaper does, MOV, Ahlusion, Vermillion, Halo, QuickNic, 5 Pawns, EpipeMods Pipe Sauces (fantastic bottles), Standard (gorgeous, unique bottles) and many others that I can't think of at the moment.

p.s. Not all of those vendor's bottles come in glass, but they are offered in larger sizes if not all sizes.

The FIRST e-Liquid I every purchased (early 2010) came from Johnson Creek. It came in an Amber Glass Boston Bottle with a Poly Cap. And they included a Boston Dropper Top with the order.

I didn't think much about it. I thought that was how All Retailers Bottled their e-Liquids.



My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010

Interesting to note that both PG and VG are on the list.


Absolutely PG and VG are on the List.

Because they have Both been used in Most Brands of Cigarette (and Pipe/Cigar) Tobacco.

And also because they Both Break Down into some Nasty Chemicals at Tobacco Burning Temperatures.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 14, 2012
I was looking all over the Internet the other day and counld'nt for the life of me, find a list of these "4,000 - 7,000" (the number varies) different chemical compounds that are produced when you burn a cigarret and inhale it. Does someone have a link? Would be great ammo for us vapers.

Thanks for all your replies. Yes, I believe glass is safer, not only for vaping these juices, but for long term storage. Personally, I prefer to stay away from such juices completely. Bright green, bright blue, or other neon-like colors are very likely to be artificial. You generally do not encounter these types of colors in naturally made juices or extracts derived from fruits and vegetables.

I think it is important to know what your inhaling!

When they tell you the flavours are ''natural'' is misleading,its just a natural chemical compostion of man made flavour,MSG is listed as a natural flavour.


Vape 4 Life
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Feb 21, 2013
I love and drink Coka Cola, and a few other cola products. Coke is great for tenderizing ribs and other meats, however it can corrode a nail.

But I still drink it.... That being said this is true of many things we eat, drink, inhale etc.

Now to OP question, If said liquid came in glass bottle I might not get to know if it would eat a plastic bottle, and would Vape it to my hearts content. If said liquid came in plastic bottle and ate a hole through the side, I'd toss it.

Many foods give me heartburn, but I still eat them.

Sometimes xxx hurts, but I always go back for more, lol. Spank me baby. I'm a bad boy......


Full Member
Jun 30, 2013
I love and drink Coka Cola, and a few other cola products. Coke is great for tenderizing ribs and other meats, however it can corrode a nail.

But I still drink it.... That being said this is true of many things we eat, drink, inhale etc.

Now to OP question, If said liquid came in glass bottle I might not get to know if it would eat a plastic bottle, and would Vape it to my hearts content. If said liquid came in plastic bottle and ate a hole through the side, I'd toss it.

Many foods give me heartburn, but I still eat them.

Sometimes xxx hurts, but I always go back for more, lol. Spank me baby. I'm a bad boy......

Have to agree on this. Lots of bad habits but some times if I see it in the works like a hole in a plastic bottle the juice has eaten through, i'll probably toss and avoid it. If I saw a nail dissolved by coke, I wouldn't drink that coke in particular, but I'd still open a can to enjoy. But I have been trying to get away from coke for a whole different reason. I swear I'm addicted to cola. Get a headache, grab a pop. Gotta ween off that a bit.


ECF Guru
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Dec 30, 2011
All over the place
When they tell you the flavours are ''natural'' is misleading,its just a natural chemical composition of man made flavour, MSG is listed as a natural flavour.

Or even worse, some artificial vanilla flavors can be deemed natural considering where it comes from. It's crazy! I guess artificial and natural could be the claim since the vanilla itself is artificial, but the place it comes from is natural. :blink:

Safety assessment of castoreum extract... [Int J Toxicol. 2007 Jan-Feb] - PubMed - NCBI

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 (Castoreum is FEMA/GRAS)

Castoreum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The usage of vanillin is more widespread, but castroeum is used in some flavorings.
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