Slang Talk

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Jul 6, 2010
So the solution would be to have a sticky with actual definitions of the words or abbreviations we use most in the forum. In this case, the rollover would show atty=atomizer and inside of the sticky it would have that the atomizer is the portion of the e-cig that takes in liquid from the cartridge and, using battery power, atomizes the liquid into a vapor that can be drawn into the lungs in much the same manner as a smoker draws in smoke from the cigarette.

Is that what you were thinking or am I totally off still?

As a newer member I think that is a fantastic idea. I spent a few days reading... and watching a ton of videos; So I picked up the lingo pretty quick, but many people who are interested in PV's (that's an e-cig) won't be willing or able to put that much time into it.

People want simple, especially in the beginning when dealing with a new concept.

I made a point to read the vast majority of the newbie threads that are stickied all over the place. I was overjoyed to find the abbreviation's post, until I read it.

My thought was this, "Well that was almost entirely unhelpful." I wanted the list stalnakerz is talking about. One of all the definitions, so I could understand what I was reading in all these posts.

In tech support, sales, customer service, or any kind of occupation where you deal with the public, one of the first things they drill into you is not to use jargon because it confuses the average Joe.

Another concern I have, is that if I say that, "I love this VB Cinnabomb," you can rest assured I didn't purchase it from now did I?

I may be coming off harsher than I mean to. This forum is great and everyone goes out of their way to be helpful. However, I think we need to avoid anything that smacks of elitism or exclusion since we need this to go mainstream, before PV's are banned outright.

Just my $0.02. (Which coincidentally will get you a sample of Monster Hit from V9, (Vapor Nine) thus proving that my $0.02 is worth a heck of lot more than it was in my father's day.)
What about analog? Start there. Everyone knows a cigarette is a cig, shorter to type, no explanation needed yet still see it everywhere. If I tell a new member to order extras atomizers instead of attys, I'll most likely get the same question "what's that?" If I say cig on this forum I never have to explain analog.

I like the idea of taking the abbreviation thread and just updating it with definitions. No need to add another annoying sticky, and solves the problem for everyone willing to start at the top of the page and work there way down. Most won't still they'd just rather jump right in. I believe that's the price you pay for not reading the rules and stickies.


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Jul 6, 2010
I couldn't agree more zbasspro.

I've noticed your signature long before this post and it's a valid point. Although I also see the need to have terms like "analog," to make vaping seem hip, and cool.

Regarding your other point, I agree that many won't read "from the top down," to see the list of definitions, but at least when someone posts a link to that thread it will actually have more information that what we have likely just told them about "hovering the mouse over the underlined word."

It's a great idea, poorly implemented; but easily improved on. :)

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
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Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
Hey I don't care what you call anything around long as you don't call each other names! New members just want to understand what they are getting and how to use it. There are about 6 million useful threads on every topic. It's up to us to point them in the right direction as old timers.
It is overwhelming when you start, that is why there are new member threads and wiki and what should I buy threads as well as DonDa Boom's excellent thread. Be nice and explain when you can, but if it irritates you..move along and go read something more fun.
Remember that this board is only 3 years old..almost. that e-cigs have been around (but not well known) for only 6 years or so. It's not like any of us are experts with 20 years of vaping under our belt!

The ECF Library A great place to start!


Senior Member
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May 30, 2010
Ok, I probably shouldnt have wrote this up since I dont usually word things very well and it stemmed from a few post's that I read earlier in the night where someone was talking about cartos yet calling them carts. I got confused and know the rest.
I also agree many come here asking questions instead of reading post's (like DonDaBoom's) I know I read more in this forum than I did in school and feel other new should do the same. I guess I got irritated reading some of the questions that night and asked if we could be more specific when answering a newb but, I dont think WE should have to do THEIR homework !

So, I retract my op and say to all the newb's..READ MORE, ASK LESS !!

PS. Im a newb and do take my own advice.
PSS. Thx MaryKay


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 25, 2010
I know I felt overwhelmed with the lingo at first, but once I actually got my 1st e-cig kit and saw everything there, got it in my hands & started using it, etc. suddenly it all became very clear.

We need to consider the poster's post count and status (how long they've been vaping) before replying "RTFM!" This is much too polite a group to stoop to that level, IMO. We all have a common goal, which is to educate.

To a whole lot of folks, internet forums are something very new & different. We should cut them a little slack.

I just have to say, I spend a lot of time in technical forums and there's a constant outcry of "use the effin search button", "that's been asked a TRILLION times!!!", "RTFM" etc... etc...

In a technical forum, where it's somewhat expected, it still gets old. Help or don't help, but .... and .... if all you're going to do is gripe at someone for asking a question. (This, in no way, is intended for the OP or any comment in this thread).

One of the greatest things about this forum is the amount of people here that are willing to answer the SAME question 3-4 times a day just to help out newbies that are overwhelmed with all of this information. Sure, spelling it out might help. However, like a couple people have already said, it's still going to be confusing until you really get your feet wet. You might as well learn the lingo with the dance imho...
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