So I've been a troll for a while now...

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Apr 19, 2010
Haven't posted anything, really, but gotten loads of info off this site... thanks SO MUCH for all the good advice, etc.

I've moved from a stock 510 to an EM Riva w/EM LR atty's, and been juicin' it up from vaporbomb... I finally feel like I've got exactly what I want from vaping.

Thought it might be time to introduce myself finally :)

My name's Michael, I'll be posting here a lot more now (I really want to give a bit back to this awesome community that helped me so much), I live in Ohio, and well... Hi!

Oh, and I saw a bit ago that a site called TECC in the UK is closing down, everything is half off. I live in the states so I've never heard of them (no clue if they're legit) but any brits on this site who might have heard of them may want to check that out.

Also I have to say (wrong section, I know, this seems a little random) but the Riva is AWESOME! I figure it vapes just wicked's Tornado and the eGo, so if anyone is thinking about getting any of those three... GO FOR IT! The LR atty's produce INSANE vapor, I cannot possibly imagine any reason to need 6V when 3.7 with an LR can produce that much vape.

Great to meet you all, and happy vaping!


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Aug 1, 2010
Hi!! I haven't been here all that long but like you have gotten some invaluable information here. It is good to know that you like the Riva. I just ordered one for my Grandfather. I have the eGo but seeing as how everyone says they are similar I couldn't pass up the great deal they had price wise where I ordered it from. Don't tell anyone... but I ordered a Riva for myself also, as well as a LR atty (I haven't tried one of those yet)... I can't wait to get it in. Didn't mean to hijack your thread. Just wanted to say Hi and Welcome!!


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Apr 19, 2010
Three4Me--> You'll love the LR atty's :) I got two of them from vaporjunction (where I got my riva) though they carry Eastmall goods... just ordered another 10 atty's from direct from Eastmall... I didn't go there for the Riva initially though because I was way impatient and the shipping time is like 6 days at EM from what I'm told... but their LR atty's are 5 for 15 bucks... couldn't pass that up once I was stocked enough to wait out the shipping week.

15250--> I know, I'm SO glad I started vaping! My sense of smell has returned, I feel more energetic, I don't cough up mysterious stuff, and the cost of one carton can buy a good PV and some juice. I'm spreading the word wherever I can :D


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Jul 24, 2010
Glad to have your input!! I have an ego but I hear the button on the riva is nicer. Just saw an another post that there is talk of a 1300 mAh battery coming out for the riva. Have not tried the low resistance antomizers yet but I there life span is shorter than a regular one and for now the regular ones work for me. May pick one up to try out. Do you find you go thru juice quicker with the LR atty?


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Aug 1, 2010
Three4Me--> You'll love the LR atty's :) I got two of them from vaporjunction (where I got my riva) though they carry Eastmall goods... just ordered another 10 atty's from direct from Eastmall... I didn't go there for the Riva initially though because I was way impatient and the shipping time is like 6 days at EM from what I'm told... but their LR atty's are 5 for 15 bucks... couldn't pass that up once I was stocked enough to wait out the shipping week.

I ordered the Riva's from Vaporjunction! They should be here tomorrow. So I guess that is why they say they are 'EM' LR atty's. For Eastmall? I wondered about that. I still get a little confused with all that is out there. I will have to go check out EM real quick. I am only getting one LR atty in with the Riva as I didn't know if I would like it. Sounds like I am going to need to get some more!! :)


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Apr 19, 2010
I go through juice noticably quicker. Not sure how much quicker, but it feels a good bit faster. It's all turned into vapor though...(totally worth it) the difference is like night and day in terms of satisfaction of vapor production.

Definitely uses juice more though... you also might want to poke around on the forums and look for posts about the EM LR 510 atty's... the ones Eastmall makes. From what I read, they last a long time... several weeks to a month. I'm only on day two (three, maybe?) of my first one, so I can't confirm myself, but if what people are saying is true, then buying them at $3 each will last me longer than even the cheapie cartomizers I was using.

I just need to factor in the juice cost difference...

And I think I saw a mega tornado battery in a store... like 1000mAH, so maybe the Riva/eGo is coming out with their version of that? That would be nice... the battery already lasts me all day with heavy vaping, but more battery is always welcomed!


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Apr 19, 2010
@Three4Me sounds like you're in exactly the same shoes I was in, order-wise, a day or two ago :) I ordered two LR atty's from Vaporjunction, but one would have been fine, it's still going strong and I'm never going back to reg atty's! Placed my order today for the ones direct from Eastmall. 17 bucks for shipping (ouch) but 10 LR atty's for 30 bucks, couldn't pass it up.

Do you direct drip, or use standard carts? I got a black drip tip from Vaporjunction and WOW... another thing I should have started a while ago. Bye bye cartomizers. That might have also made some of the difference I experienced in terms of vapor production... going from standard cartomizer to Riva with LR atty and direct drip.


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Aug 1, 2010
Do you direct drip, or use standard carts?

Yeah, I typically am a direct dripper. I only use cartos when I plan on being out of the house for an extended period of time. I got carried away with the drip tips.. lol, like a typical girl, had to have one in every color. Ten LR attys for 30.00 isn't bad at all.. just imagine the deal we could get if shipping weren't so darn expensive :D


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Apr 19, 2010
When I was shopping for my new PV (and ended up getting the Riva) I was on the verge of getting the Prodigy V3... I still would like to try 'true' HV vaping some time to compare.

Is there an HV passthrough at all? I'm at my computer practically all day and wouldn't mind a cheap (albeit non-mobile) HV solution for when I'm at my desk.

I do have a passthrough, but I'm almost positive it's not HV... it has an inline battery and vapes like a stock 510.


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Apr 19, 2010
@Xanax... ah. Then a troll I certainly have not been :)

As for TECC... the site I saw the closing info on had a post from some guy who said he got this email:
(I'm copy/pasting since I don't know if posting links is approved on this forum)

"Electronic Cigarette Company - TECC Will Cease Trading after the Sale.

Dear Rohaq
It is with regret that I am writing this newsletter; I know there has been speculation on why TECC was selling its goods at a discount of 50%.

It has nothing to do with any potential regulatory decisions or about trying to put other E.cig vendors out of business.

As many of you know I own and manage three other businesses “Pillbox38 UK LTD, Pillbox38 USA LTD and Totally Wicked E.liquid USA INC”.

TECCs day to day UK management was conducted until 5 weeks ago by a Director who had been with me since the company’s inception. The person concerned notified me by email on my return from a business trip to the USA in July that she had resigned, and no longered wanted anything to do with running the business.

After a month’s reflection on what myself and my business should do, I have taken the decision today to sell of TECCs inventory and close the business down. It has been a difficult decision but one I feel is right, all of our customers will be able to purchase all their regular products from Totally Wicked and we will off course manage the liquidation in a professional manner.

All Staff will be found employment in Pillbox38 UK LTD and all of our customers will still be able to purchase their regular goods from the same business.

I will have more details as we progress, but for now I want to thank everyone who has ever supported TECC, or any of my other businesses.

Jason Cropper

Managing Director

The Electronic Cigarette Company (UK) Ltd"
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