Some times you just feel like an ID-10-T

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Santa Fe Texas
So I ordered the ss elite and it came in with 5 carts. In my rush to try out the thing I didn't read the stickers on the carts, no biggie. Then I pull one out and the sticker said ON...I am thinking "On what?" huh, put that one back and refill some of the other carts with JC artic mint and live the dream. A few days go by and I see this sealed cart with the "on" sticker but it is laying upside down and guess what it says...NO! as in no nic...felt like an id10t...:oops:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Santa Fe Texas
Does searching your house for 15 minutes frantically looking for your 801 that's hanging around your neck on an eyeglass holder right where you left it count for ID-10-T status?

I say yes. Yes, it does.


I would have to agree..not saying I have never done anything like that, like looking everywhere being late for work because I couldn't find the darn e-cig case that was in my pocket...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 15, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
LOL, I have A.D.D. so those moments come and go unexpectedly.

Here are my ID-10-T moments...

I have been driving a scooter for years now. To start a scooter, you turn the key into the RUN position, followed by a procedure of holding the break and hitting a separate START button, or kick-starting it. A few times I turned the key to the RUN position, trying to start it like a car, frustrated that it would not start at the turn of the key, thinking "Great, the battery is dead!" That is an ID-10-T moment for two reasons... One, you don't start it by turning the key, and two... even if the battery is dead, you can still kick-start it. (This I know, after 8 years driving, but I still have one ID-10-T moment every six months.) It is real funny when I do the opposite in a car, and get startled by the car starting with the key... or forgetting that I have to put it into gear after it is started, or wondering where the shifter is located.

For my other random ID-10-T moment...

Once in a while I will grab our remote control to answer it like a phone. (In my defence, the control looks a little like a phone, and our phone itself does not ring only the base rings.)

On the reverse of that, I will sometimes grab the phone, and try to change the channel on the TV... even going so far as to turn the phone around when it is first unsuccessful at changing the channel, thinking that it must be pointing the wrong way. (Same reason, they look similar.)


Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2009
Broomfield, CO
Mine are usually financial...
A couple of weeks ago I was looking for a qty discount on ecigs (I'm getting a lot of people interested around work and the family, so ...) and found that most were around $20 each if you buy 10. So, there I was with 3 or 4 different options and decided one that looked like a good choice and was a few dollars cheaper than the others, I bought it.

Yes. "IT" I paid the nearly same price for one as I was planning to spend for TEN!

Jim Davis

Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 16, 2009
Retired in Houston, Texas / USA
So I ordered the ss elite and it came in with 5 carts. In my rush to try out the thing I didn't read the stickers on the carts, no biggie. Then I pull one out and the sticker said ON...I am thinking "On what?" huh, put that one back and refill some of the other carts with JC artic mint and live the dream. A few days go by and I see this sealed cart with the "on" sticker but it is laying upside down and guess what it says...NO! as in no nic...felt like an id10t...:oops:

OK - I'll make you feel a bit better. Last year I was driving through New Orleans and I was passing signs that said NO Airport. Why would they post signs telling me that there was NO Airport. Until I realized a couple of hours later that the sign meant New Orleans Airport. (Worse yet, I missed my flight.)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
While in Mexico several years ago I bought a t-shirt. Got back to the hotel room, put on the shirt then looked in the mirror. The damn thing said NALTAZAM! I was working myself into a real snit over this until my girlfriend reminded me that mirrors reverse things.
:lol: OMG you made me LAUGH so dang hard!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 9, 2009
OK - I'll make you feel a bit better. Last year I was driving through New Orleans and I was passing signs that said NO Airport. Why would they post signs telling me that there was NO Airport. Until I realized a couple of hours later that the sign meant New Orleans Airport. (Worse yet, I missed my flight.)
:lol: OMG - tooo friggin FUNNY! - sorry about the flight! :D
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