Stay with what I have or upgrade?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2014
Looking for some help. vaping for 5 months and loving it, but getting caught up in the "wanting something even better yet" crowd.

I am currently using an MVP2 with 2 Kanger Aerotank Megas. I normally have the MVP2 set at P9.5 and have used coils ranging from 1.2 to 2.0 ohms, but usually stay with 1.5. Backups are a Kanger vv 1000 mah and some Kanger T3D's. I tried the iClear 30 that came with the MVP2, but prefer the Mega. While this is working well for me, I hear the MVP2 isn't going to last forever and who wouldn't be interested in trying other tanks in search of that ever evasive great tasting perfect vape.

I was looking at the Sigelei 30W and I understand there is a soon to be released MVP3 also at 30W. But things I read talked about these higher wattage devices are more designed for those building coils at lower ohms or sub ohming. Unfortunately, due to a case of essential tremors, I do not attempt nor do I foresee ever attempting to build my own coils. I've also heard that the higher wattage tends to burn out higher ohm coils faster.

So that is my question. Are these higher wattage devices overkill for my current usage, would I merely keep the setting down in the 10 - 15 watt level, are they even safe with the tanks and coils I currently use, or might there be other tank/coil choices that would work great with either of these choices and enhance my vaping experience?

Or would another MVP2 be my best option as backup should my current one go south on me?

Thanks for any input or suggestions.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2010
Since no one answered you, I just wanted to tell you to see if you have a vapor store close by and give them a call. We just got one in Feb. 2014, but I didn't discover it until August. I put down a Joye 510 for a bigger system, but not nearly close to being the biggest. Boy am I a happy camper. I've had to buy 3 of the Vision Spinner batteries.....I kept dropping one and it died, but 2 working ones, with smaller backups, I'm a REALLY big happy camper. Just make some calls, if you can, and keep at it until you get a professional answer. Just a suggestion. :)


Senior Member
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Jul 10, 2014
San Antonio, TX
I would have but my wife got me this for my bday present and I just couldn't say no. I mean how could I?


By the way it's at 15 watts right now and I have had my kayfun on it at that wattage it's a great vape.


Senior Member
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Jul 10, 2014
San Antonio, TX
Since no one answered you, I just wanted to tell you to see if you have a vapor store close by and give them a call. We just got one in Feb. 2014, but I didn't discover it until August. I put down a Joye 510 for a bigger system, but not nearly close to being the biggest. Boy am I a happy camper. I've had to buy 3 of the Vision Spinner batteries.....I kept dropping one and it died, but 2 working ones, with smaller backups, I'm a REALLY big happy camper. Just make some calls, if you can, and keep at it until you get a professional answer. Just a suggestion. :)

Slow down there slick. He asked about the vw devices and that he heard they were for subohms not higher ohms. I did give him some info about that question. They can be used for subohms or what ever you like.


Ultra Member
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Oct 3, 2014
Sacramento, CA
Even with no plans of rebuilding you would be good with the sigelei 30 watt or a dna 30 clone. The benefit of these two is that you can change batteries when they start to not hold a charge as well. Or swap in a freshly charged battery when you can't plug in or don't want to be tethered while the device charges. Although many many people report getting lots of life out of the mvp2's. Finally the DNA is a bit more versatile in that it can fire a lower ohm at .3. This could be important if you bought a new sub ohm tank like the Atlantis and coil variance is on the low side.

And there is always something bigger\better coming out. Based on this theory you would wait forever.


Ultra Member
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Jun 6, 2014
I'm probably not the best one to chime in because I am a diehard fan of the mvp2. I have many devices now, but still find use for my mvp2 regularly if for nothing more than measuring coil resistance. Because of the fact that it does eventually wear out, it may not be a bad idea to get a device that has batteries you can change out instead of having to buy more mvps, but for the kind of vaping you are doing, I think the mvp2 is capable of giving you all you are looking for


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 8, 2014
Mooresville, NC, USA
If you're going to be using clearos I'd go with the MVP3 or a DNA 30 like the Vaporshark. 30 watts is a good amount to have for clearos. I don't think you will ever go that high but the devices are nice. The 50w and 100w devices are definitely WAY too much for clearomizers. Just hitting the button at 50 watts would probably pop the coil.

On second thought there are guys here going 20 to 30 watts on 1 - 1.5 ohms coil build on kayfun and the like. I say go for it.

You can do that with a Kayfun because most of the time it's built with thicker wire than in clearomizer coil heads. The coils you build yourself will usually last longer and take more wattage than the ones that come China. :2c:
Looking for some help. Vaping for 5 months and loving it, but getting caught up in the "wanting something even better yet" crowd.

I am currently using an MVP2 with 2 Kanger Aerotank Megas. I normally have the MVP2 set at P9.5 and have used coils ranging from 1.2 to 2.0 ohms, but usually stay with 1.5. Backups are a Kanger vv 1000 mah and some Kanger T3D's. I tried the iClear 30 that came with the MVP2, but prefer the Mega. While this is working well for me, I hear the MVP2 isn't going to last forever and who wouldn't be interested in trying other tanks in search of that ever evasive great tasting perfect vape.

I was looking at the Sigelei 30W and I understand there is a soon to be released MVP3 also at 30W. But things I read talked about these higher wattage devices are more designed for those building coils at lower ohms or sub ohming. Unfortunately, due to a case of essential tremors, I do not attempt nor do I foresee ever attempting to build my own coils. I've also heard that the higher wattage tends to burn out higher ohm coils faster.

So that is my question. Are these higher wattage devices overkill for my current usage, would I merely keep the setting down in the 10 - 15 watt level, are they even safe with the tanks and coils I currently use, or might there be other tank/coil choices that would work great with either of these choices and enhance my vaping experience?

Or would another MVP2 be my best option as backup should my current one go south on me?

Thanks for any input or suggestions.

man sounds like you need a mech mod

mech mods will last you forever because there no circuit board that can crack and solder to be broke

but most vape shops will build coils for you for cheap honestly i think the mvps are nice my buddy had one

if your wanting to stick with regulated devices then the IPV2 50 watt is a great one i almost bought but i decided i wanted to save up for a mech mod set up

but ive only been using EGO stuff for the past few years and im just now scrapping my knuckles into RDAs and stuff of the sort


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2014
WOW! Thanks for all the responses, although some left me still a little confused since I am a bit old and new to all this.

Since I am very rural, going to a vape shop is not a good option, at least on a regular basis. A 4 hour round trip is not happening on any regular basis. There are a couple closer, but seem to be more of a juice outlet then getting into the "higher end" equipment.

Reading through all this, I take it I would be fine with either the Sigelei 30W or the new MVP3 using the Aerotank mega and coils at 1.2 - 1.8 ohms even though I may never choose to go above the 20 - 25 watt range. Just start at a lower setting and adjust up until any problems arise? Although I really like the MVP2 I have, I am leaning towards the Sigelei 30W for the added "advantage" of being able to change back and forth between box and cylinder.

So, if I go with the Sigelei 30W and use my aerotank mega, are there any recommendations on ohms for the coils or another tank/clearo that would match up well and possibly provide a better tasting vape and/or more vapor?

Thanks again for the responses. Gave me a nice read with my morning coffee and vape.

Edit: I am going to check out what these mech mods are.

The Ocelot

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Aug 12, 2012
The Clock Barrens, Fillory
I always start out by asking people if they are satisfied with what they are vaping now. If they aren't, I ask them what they don't like about it. Strip away all the bells and whistles and you will come down to the same components: a battery, an atomizer (heating element), something that holds the juice and the juice itself. All of the devices you are posting about are The New Hot Toys. There will be different ones in a couple of weeks. :)


Senior Member
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Jul 10, 2014
San Antonio, TX
WOW! Thanks for all the responses, although some left me still a little confused since I am a bit old and new to all this.

Since I am very rural, going to a vape shop is not a good option, at least on a regular basis. A 4 hour round trip is not happening on any regular basis. There are a couple closer, but seem to be more of a juice outlet then getting into the "higher end" equipment.

Reading through all this, I take it I would be fine with either the Sigelei 30W or the new MVP3 using the Aerotank mega and coils at 1.2 - 1.8 ohms even though I may never choose to go above the 20 - 25 watt range. Just start at a lower setting and adjust up until any problems arise? Although I really like the MVP2 I have, I am leaning towards the Sigelei 30W for the added "advantage" of being able to change back and forth between box and cylinder.

So, if I go with the Sigelei 30W and use my aerotank mega, are there any recommendations on ohms for the coils or another tank/clearo that would match up well and possibly provide a better tasting vape and/or more vapor?

Thanks again for the responses. Gave me a nice read with my morning coffee and vape.

Edit: I am going to check out what these mech mods are.

Yes using the areotank and mega tanks you have will be fine on a 30 watt box mod. Just start at low watts and go up till you find what you like. Just be aware that going too high on the stock kangertech coils can burn them out fairly quick. Hence why some of guys said to rebuild. I know you cant do that but maybe the newer kangertech coils are better than the first ones for the protank.


Vaping Master
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Jan 12, 2014
I am interested in the MVP3. My MVP2s are running good and I suspect they will, but the MVP3 will have more power, etc.

Early on someone told me to keep my primary and secondary systems inter-changeable. It helped. Really my priority was not smoking. I have learned and branched out. For toppers, yours are pretty good. If you are interested in rebuilding, I would get and RDA or RTA and learn on it, but stay close to the Megas.

Take it easy, have fun.


Ultra Member
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Oct 2, 2013
Sharon, ND, USA
As someone else who is older, rural, and has hand problems I would say to wait and see what the MVP3 looks like. The Innokin products are noted for being good at what they do and having a long (1+ years) lifespan. Changing out batteries can be an issue for people with hand problems. As you said, rebuilding is not practical either.

One other clearo you might look at is the Aspire Nautilus. The full sized one is super easy to refill and the BVC coil gives good vaper and flavor. But, if you are happy with what you have you can always stick to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" position.
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