Stress= Analog Cigs :(

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Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I agree 100% -- I just know that how I am is - smoking one would be like being an alcoholic having that one drink - there is nothing more I would want right now that a long drag on real cig. If you have to do it - do it - as long as you can cut way down - that's way better than the alternative in my opinion. Good luck !
That's what we all think, having tried to quit so many times using other methods.
But this is different for many/most/some/a lot of people.

I used to quit smoking and then see someone smoking and want one.
Now I just want to tell them about electronic cigarettes.

I have a smoke every now and then, for fun.
Yes, for fun.

Cigarettes suck to me now, and they hold no power over me at all.
I smoke them, laugh at them, and spit in their tiny cigarette faces.

Here's the thing..........

Some people are scared of having a smoke due to their past experiences.
Other smoking cessation products do not satisfy at all for most people.
The fear is reasonable given past experience.

On the other hand, many have had a smoke after vaping for awhile.
And it only confirms that this solution is different from all others.

I am NOT going to suggest you have a cigarette.
But if I were you I would.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 11, 2009
That's what we all think, having tried to quit so many times using other methods.
But this is different for many/most/some/a lot of people.

I used to quit smoking and then see someone smoking and want one.
Now I just want to tell them about electronic cigarettes.

I have a smoke every now and then, for fun.
Yes, for fun.

Cigarettes suck to me now, and they hold no power over me at all.
I smoke them, laugh at them, and spit in their tiny cigarette faces.

Here's the thing..........

Some people are scared of having a smoke due to their past experiences.
Other smoking cessation products do not satisfy at all for most people.
The fear is reasonable given past experience.

On the other hand, many have had a smoke after vaping for awhile.
And it only confirms that this solution is different from all others.

I am NOT going to suggest you have a cigarette.
But if I were you I would.

Cigarettes suck to me now, and they hold no power over me at all.
I smoke them, laugh at them, and spit in their tiny cigarette faces.

And this is exactly where I hope to get at some point - but I don't mind admitting that I'm not there yet.


Senior Member
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Aug 9, 2009
Northern CA
I was exactly that way, then at one point I realized that I had reached for my PV when the brown stuff came in contact with the air mover. Not even sure when that change over happened, but it happened.

I understand it might not work for everyone, but my thing has been to put no pressure on myself. I never intended quitting, I just did because I found I actually preferred vaping.

I have been a grown up for a depressingly long time, so if I wanted a cigarette I would have one. Truth is I prefer to vape, and I expect that you will get there too when you are good and ready, and in the meantime just be kind to yourself.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 22, 2009
Madison, WI USA
Nicotine alone is not relaxing to me. I use snus on occasion when I need that relaxed feeling. There are other psychoactive alkaloids in tobacco (including MAOIs) that have a stress relieving, antidepressant effect that many people miss, especially in times of stress.

Check out the Smokeless Tobacco subforum for ideas on how to get more than just nic. (It's not talking about dip or chewing tobacco, but cleaner and less carcinogenic alternatives like snus, snuff, and dissolvables.)

Beating yourself up about it just makes it harder, I think, to stop (that self-destructive disappointment with yourself makes it so easy to keep going). Hope your stress abates soon.

I agree Madame. Also check out Dvap's blog to begin to get a handle on the missing alkaloids/MOAI's

E-Cigarette Forum - DVap

As to the original question, yes, stress can definitely lead back to smoking. And there are good reasons for it.

Nicotine tends to have the stimulating effect but the missing part in e-liquid appears to have the calming/relaxing effect. Together they make a potent mix.

Some time back I read a post about someone who had quit smoking for six months with a PV, hit a crises and immediately went back to smoking full time. Not surprising, when your under stress you're going to crave the calming effect and the stimulation. You're going to want the one-two punch of a cigarette that a PV just doesn't have.

Some of us need the whole thing more then others. The choices are not just PV's or cigarettes. Fortunately there are whole tobacco products that give a complete spectrum of alkaloids that are orders of magnitude less harmful then smoking.
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Col. Gaunt

Vaping Master
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Aug 6, 2009
Chicago, IL
One I smoked my last analog, I swore that I would never smoke one or buy one again. I have come very close to breaking that promise on a few occasions but never have. I get stressed out a lot too at work and when I drive but I just make sure that I have an E-cig with me.

What you need to do is make a promise to yourself that you will never smoke again no matter what happens. When I make promises to people and I use the phrase "I give you my word" that means to me that I will never break it. I have never broken a promise like that in all my life, because if I did I would cease being a man. I believe that a man is only as good as his word, people that make promises that they never intend to keep are worthless.

You can do it! For yourself, your loved ones and your family!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 13, 2009
Hey everyone, i have been under a lot of stress running my business and women issues :(. Every time something big happens i run straight back to regular smokes and totally forget about my e-cig. Its because i alwayyys chain smoked when i was ...... off or mad at something. Can someone help me figure out a way to totally drop that terrible habit? I mean when everything is all happy go lucky i only smoke my e-cig, but when something drastic happens its straight back to smoking again :mad:

I have a friend who keeps going back to tobacco. I explain to him, you've got to ween yourself off tobacco. He nods his head, but doesn't seem to get it. "I'm back on the e-cig" he tells me. "What, you quit cold turkey?". "Yes!"...:(

So he'll avoid tobacco for a week, hit a stress point or maybe just be having some beers with some friends... have a cigarette, or two, or three, or fifteen. All that urge for tobacco comming out at once. And if you were to draw his tobacco consumption on a graph, it would look like some scary ... rollercoaster.

Now, I can't tell from the post whether any of this is going on, but slowly weening my body off tobacco has made all the difference. No ammount of stress would cause me to smoke tobacco, and yet I used to run for tobacco at the slightest hint of stress, like a baby -w- a pacifyer.

I was smoking Pall Mall ultra-lights 5tar/.5nic. Cut my consumption to 5-6 a day. Did that for several weeks. Switched to Virginia Slim Blue 3tar/.3nic, smoked 5-6 a day for a couple weeks. Switched to Virginia Slim White 1tar/.1nic, smoked 5 a day for a week. Smoked 4 a day for a week. Smoked 3 a day for a week. Smoked 2 a day for a week. Smoked 1 a day for a week. Smoked 1 every other day for a week!

And during all that time I was vapeing 48 or 36. There were many nights when I would FORCE myself to smoke my daily allotment of cigarettes. Sounds silly, but it worked.
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