~The Billet BoX~

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Mar 11, 2011
Haha, that is crazy. How in the world did they let that one get out of the shop? No it isn't supposed to be that way. Call them tomorrow and I am sure they will arrange to get you a new one.

I spoke with Anna from BBV today and she was extremely apologetic. I know crap happens and told her it was no big deal. My Piebald is on the way back to have the carbon fiber installed and she even offered to give me an extra tank for my troubles. Customer service at its best. I'll be a long time customer. :)

I have 4 BB's the I scarfed up from the classies and this was my first purchase directly from BBV. Is there still a mandatory wait in between purchases? I'd like to try and score a colored one at some point in time. :)

I'm having mixed results with Aspire bdc heads and the billet bridge, even with punching extra holes in the heads. For now, I'm a big fan of slotted cartos. :)

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Jan 6, 2014
South Florida
I spoke with Anna from BBV today and she was extremely apologetic. I know crap happens and told her it was no big deal. My Piebald is on the way back to have the carbon fiber installed and she even offered to give me an extra tank for my troubles. Customer service at its best. I'll be a long time customer. :)

I have 4 BB's the I scarfed up from the classies and this was my first purchase directly from BBV. Is there still a mandatory wait in between purchases? I'd like to try and score a colored one at some point in time. :)

I'm having mixed results with Aspire bdc heads and the billet bridge, even with punching extra holes in the heads. For now, I'm a big fan of slotted cartos. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

Good job by BBV.
The 8-week rule is still in effect last I checked.
I am also very mixed with the Bridge. Agree, slotted cartos appear to work best, turned on to them by DBL. Tried one and two extra holes of slightly different diameters with the Aspire heads, and when I finally get the performance I like, it starts gurgling if it sits. And if you feel like getting daring with the Diver,... don't. In my experiences so far, I've been disappointed.


"Vert De Ferk"
ECF Veteran
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Dec 17, 2011
Good job by BBV.
The 8-week rule is still in effect last I checked.
I am also very mixed with the Bridge. Agree, slotted cartos appear to work best, turned on to them by DBL. Tried one and two extra holes of slightly different diameters with the Aspire heads, and when I finally get the performance I like, it starts gurgling if it sits. And if you feel like getting daring with the Diver,... don't. In my experiences so far, I've been disappointed.

I wonder if the carto punch matters. I'm using a cheap imitation of the Kir Fanis, and no gurgles so far. But I might have to drop for the good one, because this sucker won't survive me for very long. That's evident already.


"Vert De Ferk"
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Dec 17, 2011
And as the girls have probably gone out shopping (at least based on Kat & Kids early reactions), all the boys wait on the edge of their seats.

If I was in the market, I'd not be MOVING until they were up.

Any other females care to share their sentiments? I, for one, am curious. I think the color is H-O-T!!!


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Jun 15, 2013
Indiana, USA
And as the girls have probably gone out shopping (at least based on Kat & Kids early reactions), all the boys wait on the edge of their seats.

If I was in the market, I'd not be MOVING until they were up.

Any other females care to share their sentiments? I, for one, am curious. I think the color is H-O-T!!!

I want one!

WooHoo I just got mine ordered, I went for the RPG, I also ordered 2 of the care kits. :)

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"Vert De Ferk"
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 17, 2011
Just throwing this out there. I picked up the Piebald RPG today, but if anyone picked up a piebald black and would prefer this one send me a pm.

Congrats, Rise. And I'm envious. Good luck with the trade but this week's color is WAY up on MY list. Enjoy it (if you keep it)!


Vaping Master
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Aug 8, 2012
Columbia, SC
And I've GOT to stop watching the Saturday sales. ;-)

Waiting for green, waiting for red... For other "interested parties". But if I wasn't, THIS one would be added to my repertoire.

Nice job, DD!

Ah, go ahead, you know you want one. Might as well get one of every color. :p


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Nov 5, 2012
Rockton, IL
Congrats, Rise. And I'm envious. Good luck with the trade but this week's color is WAY up on MY list. Enjoy it (if you keep it)!

Yeah I am either keeping it or trading for a black. Just depends on how it looks to me when it gets here. Thank you this is my fourth Billet Box I upgrade it more than my computer haha.
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