Throat Hit

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Full Member
Jun 20, 2009
I smoked for 25 years, 2 packs a day for many, and had no idea about "throat hit" until I started reading this forum. I have always drawn the smoke in my mouth, then inhaled. MY guess is, some inhale directly from the cigy/device and want the feeling of the smoke hitting the back of their throat. I used to "hit" other things like that in my youth, but never cigarettes.


Full Member
Mar 5, 2009
Throat Hit=The feeling of smoke passing through your throat.
If someone says there is No Throat Hit they mean that they dont feel the smoke going into there lungs.
If they say it has a great Throat hit they mean that you really feel it in your throat when you take a drag.

The analog Cig companies add things like fiberglass to give a better throat hit. Ewwww


Senior Member
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Jun 27, 2009
Tulsa, OK
I smoked for 25 years, 2 packs a day for many, and had no idea about "throat hit" until I started reading this forum. I have always drawn the smoke in my mouth, then inhaled. MY guess is, some inhale directly from the cigy/device and want the feeling of the smoke hitting the back of their throat. I used to "hit" other things like that in my youth, but never cigarettes.

i guess i am like you. i smoked for 20+ years. I get the same feeling, with out all the garbage, as I do from a analog. What ever the case, L love to vape. :D


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 16, 2009
USA, TampaBay, FL
For me, it's the feeling on my throat after I take a draw into my mouth and then pull it into my lungs. It hits my throat on the way down. Some devices and liquids don't produce much throat hit, if any. I had a low battery one day and couldn't get a good throat hit, so I inhaled directly into my lungs. I got a different type of throat hit. I kinda burned. I didn't care for that, but some people vape that way all the time.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Some devices and liquids don't produce much throat hit, if any. I had a low battery one day and couldn't get a good throat hit, so I inhaled directly into my lungs. I got a different type of throat hit. I kinda burned. I didn't care for that, but some people vape that way all the time.
That's how I always smoked, and so that is how I vape as well.
I didn't even know there was another way to do it.

I don't like the throat hit, because yeah, it does kinda burn.

For me, it's the feeling on my throat after I take a draw into my mouth and then pull it into my lungs. It hits my throat on the way down.
I may have to try this, although it sounds really weird to me.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 27, 2009
Mentor, OH
Throat Hit=The feeling of smoke passing through your throat.
If someone says there is No Throat Hit they mean that they dont feel the smoke going into there lungs.
If they say it has a great Throat hit they mean that you really feel it in your throat when you take a drag.

The analog Cig companies add things like fiberglass to give a better throat hit. Ewwww

There is no fiberglass in cigarettes.
It could never pass through the filter, and your cigarette would melt instead of burn.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 29, 2009
I find (at least right now as a new vaper trying to get off analogs) that if I draw the first one or two hits directly into my lungs like I did when smoking it helps satisfy that urge for an analog because I get a huge throat hit. It does kinda burn if I keep doing it like that though, so I only do it first the first couple draws, after that it's only take it into my mouth and then inhale into my lungs. It does take some used to (and a little bit of figuring out) to do it like that but so worth it, no throat burn and much more taste... mmm banana flavored.
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