Throat tightness?

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Full Member
Aug 7, 2015
I've been vaping on and off for at least a year now. 2 weeks ago I started experiencing chest pain, a cough, wheezing, & tightness in my lungs for the first time ever. I started doing a nebulizer (and stopped vaping) and it was getting better so my doctor said to just continue doing that. Once it was better (but still there) I started to vape again but still did the nebulizer. Recently I felt 100% normal & started to vape but stopped using the nebulizer. Now I'm beginning to feel a tightness/flemmy feeling in the back of my throat but nothing else as of now at least. I don't think I'm allergic to PG or VG because I've used both for months on end and haven't experienced this before, Any idea what's going on? It kinda has me worried.


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Jan 24, 2014
It sounds like too much VG. I vape 85PG/15VG just because with any more VG than that, I get an awful lot of mucus, starting at throat/vocal cords (with 80/20); with even more VG, it goes down into my lungs, to the point that I just can't breathe, it feels like a hairball in my chest that I just can't cough up.



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Aug 5, 2013
Antelope, CA, USA
Have you changed your equipment recently? How about your pg/vg ratio or your nicotine level? Are you using a new flavor from a trusted vendor, or trying different flavors from a new vendor? Are you having a problem with every flavor that you use, or just one particular eliquid?

My daughter told me last night that she was having a slight issue breathing while vaping a pumpkin pie flavor from a vendor we have not tried before. Once she changed flavors, she started feeling better. She has had similar problems with 2 other flavors, from 2 different vendors. That makes 3 flavors from 3 different vendors in the almost 4 years that we have been vaping that have given her problems. All 3 flavors were more cinnamon-forward than other flavors that we use - snickerdoodle, and 2 variations on pumpkin pie. She has not had any problems with any other flavors from the same vendors. We are very careful about what we get, and if she starts feeling the least bit off she changes flavors to something she knows does not bother her.

I hope you find out the cause of your problems, and that you can start enjoying your vape again.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 29, 2012
Oregon, IL
That is a symptom of nic od. Possible higher nic that you think. Any other nic od symptoms?

Flavoring allergy is possible.

Allergies can also developed over time. Your pg/vg sensitivity can also change. Sounds like you need to try going up in pg till you find the right balance that doesn't wiegh you down and doesn't dry you out.
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