Tired of the Hassle!

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I am using, MT3's, eVods and Protanks with no modding whatsoever and I haven't had any problems other than when I tightened them too much and twisted a coil or two. I also found the atty's that came with the Protanks were not as good as the replacements.

I am going to be building my own atty's from now on and expect even better results.

About the "airy" draw and "muted" flavors, I have found the vapor to be much cooler which can seem like muted flavor, but all in all, now that I have given it a chance I notice the juice flavor has a fuller spectrum, there are now more "notes" to the juice than before that were hidden by other VP's.

I have also noted that so-so juice is not for these devices, badly mixed and off flavors are more noticeable and more pronounced in them.

I certainly respect your decision and opinion, I like my CE4's for some of my favorite vape juices that don't taste the same at all in the Kangers, but for me variety in devices and variety in juices is what I like and the Kangers are great for that as well as the CE4's.


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Apr 24, 2013
Sandston, Virginia, United States
I curious, because of your Apollo signature. I don't see many Apollo users here at ECF, but I'm very new to the forum. Have you tried the Phoenix Bottom Coil on your Apollo? I am using the eGo and I am seriously considering purchasing the Phoenix and would love to know your opinion of them with Apollo products! Thanks and hang in there! I had a bad vape day today, I can relate!


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Sep 4, 2012
columbus, oh
Agreed, T-3 and bottom feeders, too much gurgling. Vivi's not enough flavor. I ended up going back to carto tanks and could not be happier. I also use the T-2 to replace the Vivi (better flavor and vape production). Don't know if I am ready to take on RBA;s just yet, looked at the videos and it seems challenging. Hope you find something that works well for you. Don't give up. Start to see some Protank 'hate' threads, new and improved often is not.


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Mar 23, 2013
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
I hear ya. I have one Nova that leaks out all the juice I put in it no matter what I try and another one that keeps randomly quitting on me. I'm sticking with my K-Pros because they work so well for me. I'm glad your ce4s do the same for you.

It's nice to have one thing that's reliable in our collections :D.


Moved On
Apr 10, 2013
I'd say 90% of my vaping is now using RBAs. Some months back I too was disgusted with clearos, shoddy cartos, leaking tanks, and promises of newer versions coming out that weren't an improvement at all. After getting over the intimidation factor of trying to prepare and roll a wick, build a coil, adjust it and make it work properly, I haven't returned to the typical devices. Using RBAs has been, for me, the most rewarding and satisfying vaping experience yet. Jump in! You might meet with some frustration in the beginning, but the end results will have you looking at vaping in a different light.


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Mar 23, 2013
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
I'd say 90% of my vaping is now using RBAs. Some months back I too was disgusted with clearos, shoddy cartos, leaking tanks, and promises of newer versions coming out that weren't an improvement at all. After getting over the intimidation factor of trying to prepare and roll a wick, build a coil, adjust it and make it work properly, I haven't returned to the typical devices. Using RBAs has been, for me, the most rewarding and satisfying vaping experience yet. Jump in! You might meet with some frustration in the beginning, but the end results will have you looking at vaping in a different light.

Yeah. Im stock piling up some of my choice delivery devices and then I will tackle some RBAs. That way when I make a bad one (and I will make several) I have a fall back till I can correct the problem and learn what I did wrong.


Vaping Master
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Aug 3, 2012
Yeah. Im stock piling up some of my choice delivery devices and then I will tackle some RBAs. That way when I make a bad one (and I will make several) I have a fall back till I can correct the problem and learn what I did wrong.

Don't sell yourself short (pun intended). My first one was fine, I used the hybrid mesh/cotton. I was lulled into a false sense of accomplishment, and it wasn't until my 2nd one I ran into problems, and it was the top leg :lol: But seriously, for the first few I would recommend the hybrid until you get the process figured out. Now I can make a new coil with no problems in the ohms I like in no time at all, and no longer need the cotton.
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