Vape at work?

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ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2010
Pennsylvania, USA
My boss allows me to vape in at work. I work in a music store and it's usually in the showroom that I vape. (I'm writing this at work and vaping away) I don't vape in front of customers as that may cause a few to get their dander up and that's not what I really want to do. There are a few "regulars" that I'll vape around if it's just them. My boss is thrilled that I'm quitting smoking!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 20, 2009
Northern VA
I second this Quote!!

I vape at my desk. I learned an old adage a long time ago, "It's easier to ask forgiveness than to get permission". I never asked if I could, just started. I have my own office, but the door stays open. No one has said a word. Well, they have asked what it was I was using. Most have said, "Good for you".


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 8, 2009
Newnan, GA
I work at the world headquarters of a large corporation, and I openly vape at my cube....My coworkers love it, because now I am always at my desk instead of outside smoking. Even converted several others here. As others have stated, I never asked for permission, I just started doing it. Figured I would continue until they ask me to stop.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Oct 3, 2009
Trainer PA
That's pretty lame...does that mean that the smokers can't bring their cigarettes in the building also?

I vape at work, but never asked and pretty much just stealth vape.


I was just advised that I can't even bring it on the floor! Which means, I cannot have it at my desk. So when I go on break, I must go to my car. Guess I'll just stay in my car, vape, and get weird looks and probably weekly drug tests. lol

I'm jealous of your guys. :p I have noticed if you hold it in long enough you can't even SEE the vape!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2010
South Bend, IN
I keep my PV hidden until my GM and/or Area Manager leave, they thankfully only work mornings to late afternoon and I work evenings. Not sure what they would think of it, but my Managers support it..except for the one who used to use me for cigs, he can't do that anymore, lol

Co-Workers are tired of me talking about it, and it's only been a few days.

One Co-Worker tried to quit and failed recently with the patch, I'm gonna push the PV on her a bit because I know she wants to quit, she just needs a better approach to doing so.

I'm also pushing it a bit on another Co-Worker who is barely 18, so he can get started quitting before his smoking really takes off. Good kid, needs some guidance.


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Verified Member
Jan 30, 2010
I've introduced three coworkers to vaping so far. The first guy saw it and thought it was so cool he ordered a KR8 kit the next day. The other two had no clue what to get so they had me order them a few kits as well. One of them being my boss :D

Other than that I vape indoors at work. I don't know what management would say if they saw all of us puffing away at work, but I figure no harm no foul.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
Well due to the fact that I work in retail (Fred Meyer) I cannot openly vape on the sales floor,although I can back in our breakroom. can you imagine being a customer that is shopping for their groceries and you have never seen a PV in your life but came across an employee using one? I don't think it would get much positive attention.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 17, 2009
I've introduced three coworkers to vaping so far. The first guy saw it and thought it was so cool he ordered a KR8 kit the next day. The other two had no clue what to get so they had me order them a few kits as well. One of them being my boss :D

Other than that I vape indoors at work. I don't know what management would say if they saw all of us puffing away at work, but I figure no harm no foul.

Way to suck up to the boss! MAJOR props to ya!
I vape at my desk all day in full sight, and walking around the shop floor with a 510. No problems. Two others at work now doing it. I keep it a little more discreet if there are clients around, but not that much, If they were to ask about it I'd show them.
One thing though - three hour long teleconference calls are a breeze now that I can suck on my passthrough the whole time!


Full Member
Apr 29, 2010
My boss, an ex-smoker and lung cancer survivor, is totally cool with me vaping at my desk. In fact he even bought a kit for his wife. I've even vaped in his office when stuck in a long conversation with him.

I do try to be mindful not to vape when there are customers in the office. I don't want it to become a distraction to business. I've turned several of my co-worker onto vaping, and always caution them to do the same so that they don't ruin the privilege for all of us.

It's so nice not to have to go outside in the rain, or cold, or soon the sweltering summer heat anymore. On nice days I do still sometimes take a "smoke" break to get some sunshine and fresh air and be social with the smokers circle.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 13, 2010
I vape all the time at work. I'm an owner, so I guess I can get away with pretty much anything.. Although my clients tend to appreciate that I don't smell like an ashtray, and if my employees want to vape, great. Healthy alternatives are awesome in my book.

The world needs more boss' like you! :D I work at a liquor store and my manager doesn't really care what I do as long as the place isn't burning. I've also converted the other two guys I work with, they both have kits now!
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