Vapin' the RY4

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 17, 2010
SE Michigan
Just got some new cartos of RY4 (24mg) today. It's got an interesting flavor, and I do like it. It's very smooth, with hints of tobacco and caramel. Slightly sweet, but not too much. Just right, in fact :)

Tried a couple of new flavors (and an auto battery) last night; my friend at work got her new stuff from V4L yesterday and brought it in. Tried the cappucino, which was very good, and the white choco strawberry, which I found to be very "light" - I could just taste a hint of strawberry in it. I liked it, but it was too delicate for me. I seem to prefer a richer/stronger flavor. As for the auto batteries, I'm glad that I went w/the manuals for myself, because they seem to give a better/stronger vape.

Yesterday, I vaped the French Vanilla Ice Cream all day, and I love it. Again, a smooth, rich flavor, and not overly-sweet.

Just my thoughts... :)


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Dec 21, 2009
Herein, VA
I like the RY4, too. First ordered the 20ml of juice and ordered a second bottle and a pack of cartos were thrown in. They taste different, but I like them both. The cartos taste a little to me kind of like red meat marinated in a worcestshire/sweet soy sauce. Which is really funny.

I was trying to figure out what RY4 stood for and finally gave up and just call it ....... :p


Ultra Member
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Mar 22, 2009
Campbell River, BC
RY4 and 555 (must have a thing for numbers!) ... I couldn't live without 'em! Well, okay, maybe I could but sure wouldn't want to. But both these flavors seem to be a pretty well instant 'love or hate' kind of thing. But, hey, that's why Steve and the gang have SOOO many choices. There's something for everyone to fall in love with.
I was thinking of trying the RY4, but was wondering about something. I just got my first VK about a week ago, I got a few extra carts and some liquid for refilling. The French Vanilla Ice Cream was awesome, and the cola was good too. My problem came with the liquid. I can't seem to taste it, I followed all refill directions to the best of my ability, don't think I messed up but once :oops:

So far, I can't taste the caramel, butterscotch, coffee or peanut butter cup. I'm sure it's my taste buds. I was wondering if anyone could rec a few strong flavors that I could possibly taste. I know everyone's taste buds are different, just looking for opinions. Sadly I'm not a fan of menthol, though that is probably one of the strong flavors. Thanks for any help.


Full Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 8, 2009
Oak Ridge, TN
RY4 was one of the first flavors I ordered (along with Mint). I got it in 18mg and I hated it. Way too harsh for me, and the flavor was like burnt sugar...charred burnt sugar, no hit of tobacco, not a smooth caramel flavor, just charred sugar.

I'd be willing to revisit it in a much lower nic level, but I remain wary of it. A friend of mine I gave my passthrough to, along with several cartos, really likes it, so it all evens out.

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
I was thinking of trying the RY4, but was wondering about something. I just got my first VK about a week ago, I got a few extra carts and some liquid for refilling. The French Vanilla Ice Cream was awesome, and the cola was good too. My problem came with the liquid. I can't seem to taste it, I followed all refill directions to the best of my ability, don't think I messed up but once :oops:

So far, I can't taste the caramel, butterscotch, coffee or peanut butter cup. I'm sure it's my taste buds. I was wondering if anyone could rec a few strong flavors that I could possibly taste. I know everyone's taste buds are different, just looking for opinions. Sadly I'm not a fan of menthol, though that is probably one of the strong flavors. Thanks for any help.

Sue, if it's help at all, the same thing happened to me when I first started. I couldn't taste the fruit flavors..I wanted to like them but they were all too weak for me. I started adding Lorann's flavoring to them so I could get some taste (I was still using a 3 piece 901 then, not cartomizers) About 2 weeks later..the taste was too strong. I stopped adding the flavoring and found I could now taste the liquids! Fruits remain among my favorites.

hang in there, you will get some tastes back soon!
Thanks Mary. That's pretty much what I figured based on my reading, but it's nice to have hope. It's only a minor frustration, cause it feels like I can just almost taste them but not quite. The pluses of vaping far outweigh that con. I think I'm going to try a couple of the stronger flavors for an intern measure, and in a few weeks go back and try the others again.

Mary Kay

ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 3, 2009
West Tampa Fl.
@MaryKay - Thanks! I mostly lurk, having been reading the forums since late November, but I've been trying to start a "Flavor Reviews" thread without much success. Guess I don't have enough postings yet. Ah well. When I can post my reviews up, I'll have a ton under my belt.

Well keep posting! You only have 5 posts to go!:D
Tell me how long you have been vaping.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2009
I got a pack of RY4s with my first order due to all of the positive comments about them, but I can't honestly say I enjoy them all that much. I prefer the coffee carts far more.

I felt that way too at first. Put them down for a few weeks. Then tried them again and really enjoyed them after reading someone's description on here that they taste like caramel cotton candy. It's all about perception! :D
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