Vaping at Bingo

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Dec 4, 2012
Stockton, CA
Ok my sincere apologies upfront if this has been asked a million times already in various ways. My wife and I are going in March to Reno for a getaway. We are staying at the Sands Regency and always play bingo at least once. Last time we were there I was a smoker and they have a smoking section in the back and my wife would kill me if I asked her to sit in the smoking section with me. Now that I'm a vaper I vape in the house with her blessings. As well I now cant stand being in a smoking section. Question is has anybody vaped in the non smoking section of a bingo hall and not had any complaints ?


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Ok my sincere apologies upfront if this has been asked a million times already in various ways. My wife and I are going in March to Reno for a getaway. We are staying at the Sands Regency and always play bingo at least once. Last time we were there I was a smoker and they have a smoking section in the back and my wife would kill me if I asked her to sit in the smoking section with me. Now that I'm a vaper I vape in the house with her blessings. As well I now cant stand being in a smoking section. Question is has anybody vaped in the non smoking section of a bingo hall and not had any complaints ?
I'd say call them and ask before you go so you'll know ahead of time.


Moved On
Aug 20, 2012
Michigan and Iowa
It is not illegal. I don't bother to ask permission unless it is a place I frequent more than occasionally. I vaped on a plane from the midwest all the way to Hawaii and back. If anyone asks, let them know it's just steam, like from a cup of coffee. I've tired of asking for permission to exercise my civil liberties. Be courteous and willing to share what you know. If asked to refrain, try a little logic and diplomacy. If that fails, find a new bingo hall. Business owners from bars to bingo halls are mostly welcome to the idea of a legal alternative that will bring back the throngs they once enjoyed before the ban on public smoking.


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Dec 4, 2012
Stockton, CA
Thanks DC2 and Mouiex. Mouiex I agree wholeheartedly with your point of view. Not only because we need to get vaping away from being associated with cigarettes but I feel if you ask you open yourself up for the answer. You may be right that may just be the route to go about it especially if we go for a session that has fewer people and sit at a table that is not completely full.


Moved On
Aug 20, 2012
Michigan and Iowa
Thanks DC2 and Mouiex. Mouiex I agree wholeheartedly with your point of view. Not only because we need to get vaping away from being associated with cigarettes but I feel if you ask you open yourself up for the answer. You may be right that may just be the route to go about it especially if we go for a session that has fewer people and sit at a table that is not completely full.

I should explain that as a smoker, I was the most courteous of smokers. I did not light a cigarette in a car without asking, even if it were mine. I did not smoke in a restaurant, even when it was legal. I never smoked in my home, I always went outside out of respect for my kids health, and my belongings. It was a foul, nasty habit that DID affect the health of those in my proximity, and I respected that. This is different. If someone is uneducated, I politely try to offer a little education. If they're stubborn about it, I take my money elsewhere and I won't be back, even if I ever quit vaping.

I should add that I also find it an advantage to use a device that DOES NOT look like a cigarette. Some proprietors are understandably concerned that a smoker might mistake your device, and think it is OK to smoke. A tube mod certainly makes it obvious that the thing you are using is NOT a cigarette.
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Moved On
Aug 20, 2012
Michigan and Iowa
I thought the airlines had banned e-cigs/vaping on all flights?!?

Officially, no airline permits vaping. It is NOT however, illegal. Only against company policy. MUCH difference between the two. Company policy is enforced by the stews. Keeping a very low profile so that it isn't apparent or cause any concern or consternation to fellow passengers is the secret to success. I was in the front row, right across from the jump seats on one leg. And I held my mod most of the time, even during service. They were certainly aware of what I was doing, and also aware that I was keeping it to myself. Nobody said a word, and I was treated respectfully.

In 2011 the Department of Transportation attempted to include wording in Chapter 14 CFR part 252 of the FAA regulations to explicitly include E-cigarettes in the smoking ban, but it was never implemented. I believe it was ruled that since it is a cessation device that does not produce smoke or require flame, it is outside of their jurisdiction. I saw it once, but I cannot find the ruling online again. Officially, the DOT claims that since nicotine is a "tobacco product", it is included. I am a private pilot, and I have read all of 14 CFR 252 and have serious doubts they could ever enforce it. Nobody has ever been arrested for vaping an ecigarette on a plane. One youth WAS arrested when he was asked to stop and became aggressive, posing a hazard to the flight. An entirely different category of offense.

Common sense, courtesy and discretion will go a LONG way if you attempt it. I was on 5 different flight legs round trip, and did not have a problem on any, and I vaped pretty much during the whole flight. Do NOT let your vapor rise above your seat. You could create panic, and you WILL go to jail for that.

Here is 14 CFR 252 (it starts about a paragraph down on the first page) : 14 CFR part 252

Here is a pretty accurate assesment, and comments, of the whole situation: Link


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Dec 4, 2012
Stockton, CA
Thanks Mouiex I learn something new each day. I thought the DOT regulations had passed. It is good to know it didn't. I personally can see some issue with an airplane given as cramped as todays airplanes are. It's not so much the risk factor as in my opinion their is none with second hand vapor but just the factor of something anything blowing in your face. I think it would be great if airlines would meet us halfway and establish a vaping section where smoking sections used to exist. The non smoking public needs to understand that vaping is not smoking it can co-exist indoors without affecting anyone else but the vaper themselves.

LV SuzyQ

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Jan 10, 2013
Las Vegas
Ok my sincere apologies upfront if this has been asked a million times already in various ways. My wife and I are going in March to Reno for a getaway. We are staying at the Sands Regency and always play bingo at least once. Last time we were there I was a smoker and they have a smoking section in the back and my wife would kill me if I asked her to sit in the smoking section with me. Now that I'm a vaper I vape in the house with her blessings. As well I now cant stand being in a smoking section. Question is has anybody vaped in the non smoking section of a bingo hall and not had any complaints ?

I live in Las Vegas and am a frequent bingo goer. My husband and best friend also are vapers. We sit in the smoking section ( we both use Provaris and aren't very stealth about it plus we produce tons and tons of vapour ...


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Dec 4, 2012
Stockton, CA
Well everyone as I sit here in Reno on the last day of my vacation I never did make it over to the Sands for bingo but I did ask them about vaping in the non smoking section. They were really nice about it. They said I was not the first vaper to ask that. They were fine with it but asked if I would kindly sit in the middle row, as I was not quite a non smoker but they were sure I would not want to sit in the smoking section and breathe in all the fumes. They also appreciated me asking first. So I have to say hats off to Sands Regency for being vapor friendly and not lumping us in with the analog smokers.


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Dec 4, 2012
Stockton, CA
Ahhh your never too young to play bingo. I love the slots but I got hooked on Bingo when I drove charter bus. 12 bucks buys ya an hour and a half of fun. It's great if you go with a group. I used to join my regular passengers. we would have a great time socializing while hoping we would win the jackpot.
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