Vaping not to quit cigarettes?

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Living sarcasm
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Oct 12, 2012
My understanding is that there are also people that vape instead of eating sweets all day, in other words people struggling to control their weight.

I'd never thought of that since i was just a regular cigarette quitter. It's also what makes a nonsense of the 'the flavours are aimed at enticing kids', because i vape primarily for the flavours and my builds are designed to get as much of it as i am able.



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 11, 2009
Baltimore MD USA
I think it's a mistake that so much emphasis has been placed on vaping as the cure for smoking.

When I started vaping 7 years ago electronic cigarettes were promoted as "smoking alternatives", devices to use to mimic smoking cigarettes. Very little was said about using them to quit.

I started vaping when the price of cigarettes increased by nearly a dollar overnight. I wasn't trying to quit...I was tired of being gouged. The fact that I DID quit cigarettes turned out to be an unexpected consequence.

I think the fact that many other vapers experiencing the same results, and the general public becoming aware of it has shifted focus away from how e-cigs were originally promoted. It many ways this shift has hurt those who benefit from vaping because it's attracted the attention of people who's intent is to abolish anything that remotely looks like smoking.

I just hope the success of people who HAVE quit smoking as a result of vaping doesn't come back to bite us all in the .....

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Full Member
Jul 8, 2014
The first time I started vaping I did so to quit smoking. I weaned my self off of e-cigs and stayed 100% nicotine and vape free for well over a year. Then a couple months ago I started vaping again because I was awful. I had turned into a total witch. I was snapping at my husband and kids about anything and everything. I am finally myself again. So this second time vaping, I started to save my marriage. I'm glad I did and I don't think I'll be quitting anytime soon, if ever :D


Ultra Member
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Jul 15, 2014
Fontana, CA
I started basically to cut down on money, since Im broke as all hell nowadays.. Already saved like $50 over the last 10 days heh..
I will eventually ramp down the nic level to nothing, but I still like taking my 'smoke breaks' so I never got into it as an intent to quit my habit..
After two weeks of vaping though, I will say I like how my body is bouncing back from all the crap Ive been inhaling into it for the last 21 years..


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 8, 2014
I starts to vape cause cigarettes price is killing me, i vape so i can saves more money rather than smoking(which is proven very very wrong lol and i love my nicotine).
But since i think that vaping is more healthy alternative for nicotine intake and i loved vaping more than smoking now, i would say that vaping successfully made me stop smoking cigarettes.


Tootie Puffer
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
The first time I started vaping I did so to quit smoking. I weaned my self off of e-cigs and stayed 100% nicotine and vape free for well over a year. Then a couple months ago I started vaping again because I was awful. I had turned into a total witch. I was snapping at my husband and kids about anything and everything. I am finally myself again. So this second time vaping, I started to save my marriage. I'm glad I did and I don't think I'll be quitting anytime soon, if ever :D
I'm curious... did you start again with or without nicotine?


Full Member
Jul 8, 2014
I'm curious... did you start again with or without nicotine?
With. I actually picked up a couple disposables (which is what I used when I quit smoking) at 18mg. Went out and got an e-go model a couple days later and got some 12mg for it and am pretty happy there. I did get some unflavored higher stuff to add a few drops to a tank when I'm having an especially bad day.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2013
chattanooga, tn, usa
Uh, nope! Was going on a trip to stay with non-smoking relatives, and looked into the Blu ecigs as a way to "smoke" inside rather than out in the very cold Alaska night. The research into the Blu lead me to the Ego type ecig and then mods. All research done at kitchen table on computer. Finally found a B&M about 15 miles away to take a gander, hold device and make sense of all equipment available. Walked out with 6 15 ml bottles of 9 mg juice and no ecig.

Two weeks later local store 10 min. away opened and I bought the MVP 1. Aug. 5th, noon, I started to vape. I'm slow and figured out three days later that I hadn't had a "smoke", and maybe I'm trying to quit?! I thought I was practicing! Six days after first vape go to first "vape meet" and win ProVari as the grand prize.

That did it! After 53 yrs of smoking and having no intentions of quitting, someone was trying to "tell" me something. Slow, but aint THAT slow. It's been quite a yr. of discovery, of fascination, of great physical improvement. I didn't plan it.....I just didn't want to smoke in the cold. :p
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