Vaping sweet spot...found

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 21, 2013
AGA-T+ with 2ohm coil around 7.5 watts for me. The flavor is amazing and using MBV's 20/80 pg/vg Cinnamon Roll the vapor plumes are quite impressive. Just for giggles I cranked it to 8w and was impressed. Think my next purchase will be a mech mod and another AGA-T+ and give the sub-ohm a try to see what all the fuss is about lol.

Just thought I'd share, after nearly 2 weeks of trying to get this rba working it's awesome to have it going and to have hit my target resistance for the coil. I thought the flavor with the Protank was quite impressive but this has to be twice as good.

Happy vaping :vapor::vapor::vapor:


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 21, 2013
No need to oxidize the wicks, find the Petar K method on here and follow that. All I did was ran a Bic lighter all over both sides of the mesh before rolling wick and again after rolling the wick to get rid of any finger grease/weirdness. Once you have the coil wrapped and install the wick you pulse the coil until all coils glow evenly and then work out hot-spots while at the same time oxidizing the wick that way.

The pre-rolled pre-oxidized wicks would be good if you don't feel like you want to tackle doing it on your own yet. The vaping experience is totally worth the fuss and the gratification of knowing I rolled the wick and wrapped the coil is great, makes it even better.

Happy vaping all, time for bed!


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Dec 21, 2011
Panama City, FL
No need to oxidize the wicks, find the Petar K method on here and follow that. All I did was ran a Bic lighter all over both sides of the mesh before rolling wick and again after rolling the wick to get rid of any finger grease/weirdness. Once you have the coil wrapped and install the wick you pulse the coil until all coils glow evenly and then work out hot-spots while at the same time oxidizing the wick that way.

The pre-rolled pre-oxidized wicks would be good if you don't feel like you want to tackle doing it on your own yet. The vaping experience is totally worth the fuss and the gratification of knowing I rolled the wick and wrapped the coil is great, makes it even better.

Happy vaping all, time for bed!

Would it have to be an unprotected/mechanical mod to use that method? Those things scare me too. I don't think anyone with my (lack of) knowledge base should be messing with unprotected things. That's how we end up in the news with our faces blown off. :D But if it will work on my protected mod, I may try it.

At any rate, you just may have me convinced to order one, with some prewrapped coils to start, and maybe start messing with the mesh to see if I can wrap my own. :D Thanks for the info.


Full Member
May 5, 2013
There is also an in oxidized method I plan on trying once I get over my genesis fear lol. You pulse it I believe.

The un-oxidized method? if so i did my first last night and it was a great success, i had to use my 5v mechanical ghetto pass through to oxidize the coil area as i have no other means at moment battery wise but it is a cleaner taste than i was getting form my conventionally oxidized wicks, definitely my preferred method from now on and no nasty brown stuff seeping from the wick into the tank so that's a bonus :D
Wx30mm x Hx42mm #200 ss rolled around a screw driver to keep a uniform shape with the tailing edge folded for a clean connection with the coil, trim the tank end at a angle and oxidized in the aga on a 5v mechanical pass through starting with short fast pulses and as the coils heat moves down getting slightly longer and longer. Once happy with coil placement and fully insulated i cut a piece of Wx10mm X H35mm #200 mesh but rolled this at a 45 degree angle (corner to corner, once rolled tight enough i gently twisted like a screw down the center of the first straw wick. Test the coil once more and then burn of a few drops of juice a couple of times.

I am running .28 Kanthal at 4/4 turns pretty much, the picture explains what i mean, this is how i connect to the terminals(I know i need to clean my deck its scruffy at the moment).

I am unable to test my resistance at the moment as i FUBAR'D my multimeter but I'm figuring it will be pretty low, the wick keeps up well to a point but there is only so much it can do at such a low ohm with 5v running through it, vapor is outstanding with the 4 second burst i can get it to wick and when i hook t to 3.3v source it never runs dry, as you can imagine 3.3v is a bit lack luster for me though having got used to 5.
My vam arrives end of the month and I'm confident 3.7-4v will be ideal though i may have to add a turn as i hear these pv's don't like low oh coils, have to buy a multi soon.

My advice, go for it as this is my method of choice from now on following the instant success i found with it.
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 26, 2013
Norman, Oklahoma
I've found out that with my vamo v2 that I like flavors and devices that I didn't like previously, and that volts I thought I would vape at changes quite a bit, especially from flavor to flavor...and sometimes device to device...ex: I loved dual coil cartos on my ego and ego twist but after vaping single coil on my vamo I prefer around 2-2.4 ohm single coil cartos and can't stand dual coil.... Funny how things change!
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