Vivid Dreaming since vaping

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Some good, some bad.. I am not someone who remembers my dreams 99% of the time. Since I started vaping Jan 1st i've been having a lot of long dream nights.. I don't know if it's an effect of vaping or not smoking analogs, nic levels etc, but it is definitely related to something in that realm.
I had one last night that just freaked me out, I got home from work yesterday and had vapemail. I opened up a bottle of Blue Honey and loaded a clearo. It had very faint flavor and was soapy/plasticky tasting. I kept vaping it thru the evening to try to see if it would improve and I would eventually taste some blueberry. It didn't change, no blueberry.
I went to bed and dreamt that I was chewing and swallowing chunks of crumbly old blue memory foam. It tasted terrible and oh so revolting to be eating it, but I couldn't stop taking more bites. For some odd reason it still had some tantalizing appeal, in all its grossness. I actually woke up and began dry heaving, seriously dry heaving. That bottle went straight into the garbage this morning, along with the other bottle I got from the same company. 30 ml down the shute. No way I could ever bring myself to try either again. Shivers. Traumatizing dream.:ohmy:


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 30, 2013
Portland, OR
Wow. I wanted to like that because it reads like it's funny, but maybe to you it was not? I'm sure that these are due to some kind of detox and/or your brain is restarting some of its connections due to not having some of the chemicals and enzymes that smoke/tobacco has.

Hopefully you'll start having more pleasant ones. I had a dream a few months ago that I was standing in a valley with mountains of cigarrette packs surrounding me. Any brand, any flavor, all I had to do was take one. I didnt but the temptation was there. It was both exciting, and disturbing for me.


Senior Member
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Oct 6, 2012
Wow. I wanted to like that because it reads like it's funny, but maybe to you it was not? I'm sure that these are due to some kind of detox and/or your brain is restarting some of its connections due to not having some of the chemicals and enzymes that smoke/tobacco has.

Hopefully you'll start having more pleasant ones. I had a dream a few months ago that I was standing in a valley with mountains of cigarrette packs surrounding me. Any brand, any flavor, all I had to do was take one. I didnt but the temptation was there. It was both exciting, and disturbing for me.

I've had so many dreams where I'll light up a cigarette and smoke it only to be revolted because I successfully quit smoking and that ruined the success. In reality I have no desire to smoke whatsoever and can't stand the smell of smoke, especially thirdhand smoke. But yeah, way more vivid dreams since quitting. I don't pretend to know why that is, but I guess it's probably normal to have vivid and weird/creepy dreams.


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I have been using 18 mg nic and of course am a vaping ape when I get home from work in the evening since I don't really vape at work. (a few stealth drags in the bathroom a few times a day). So my nic levels plummet during the day, but that was the same on analogs since I didn't smoke at all for 11 hours a day, i'd still manage to go thru a pack a day around those hours. Maybe I should cut my nic level down and see if it helps. It was a traumatizing dream to wake up from dry heaving at 3 am, but I am OK now.. ;) Disturbing, but kind of funny all in all.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
I have been using 18 mg nic and of course am a vaping ape when I get home from work in the evening since I don't really vape at work. (a few stealth drags in the bathroom a few times a day). So my nic levels plummet during the day, but that was the same on analogs since I didn't smoke at all for 11 hours a day, i'd still manage to go thru a pack a day around those hours. Maybe I should cut my nic level down and see if it helps. It was a traumatizing dream to wake up from dry heaving at 3 am, but I am OK now.. ;) Disturbing, but kind of funny all in all.

Get some zero nic for vaping before bed.

Vivid dreams can happen if you wear a patch to bed too. I did that once. Once.


Moved On
Nov 5, 2013
Justice, IL
Get some zero nic for vaping before bed.

Vivid dreams can happen if you wear a patch to bed too. I did that once. Once.

I was going to say the exact same thing.

The nicotine is being absorbed differently in vaping vs smoking. Vaping, we are moreso freebasing nicotine, where as smoking, well, we were smoking it. By freebasing, you're getting a purer form over smoking. They say the half-life of nic in our system is about 2 hours, but I think we, (I), vape more than I smoked, so I know I'm getting much more nic than before. Plus, I'm vaping right up until the time I go to bed, so...


Ultra Member
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Oct 3, 2013
topeka, ks, USA
Get some zero nic for vaping before bed.

Vivid dreams can happen if you wear a patch to bed too. I did that once. Once.

that is the reason I could not use patches. The dreams were hard to tell from reality. I had a dream about my wife cheating with a plumber that was working on our house and I woke up so mad I had to go sit outside for two hours. I was absolutely furious. Then about a week later I had a dream about my brother who passed away 20 years ago and in the dream he was alive but had a terminal disease and I had to shoot him in the head. I woke up hysterical and my wife was REALLY concerned about me. That was the end of the patch.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 22, 2014
I'm no doctor but here is a theory, I have more vivid dreams when I eat cabbage and some other veggies. I found out that one of the B vitamins does that and certain foods are high in that one. Could it be that smoking depletes that vitamin and vaping does not?

Otherwise I'd vote for the withdrawal theory.

When I tried the patch years ago, I would put a fresh one on in the morning after my shower and by bedtime it was pretty well done. Don't remember having any dream problems.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
I wonder if going to the patch and vaping 0 nic would better regulate my levels so I could wean down easier.. my nic intake is pretty erratic d/t my schedule. Maybe I would be OK if I put one on in the am and then be ok by bedtime, like PaulBHC mentioned. I think I will try 12 mg and 0-6 nearer to bedtime first and see if it solves the night dramas.
When I tried the patch I had a lot of weird dreams. I have weird dreams anyway but they were different on the patch. I hardly ever remember my dreams at all. I will wake up and think, "hmm, that was weird." Then after 5 minutes I can't even remember what was weird. On the patch I would wake up kind of shaken but not knowing why. Not the same with vaping. Weird but the same wierd as usual.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 21, 2014
Fond du Lac, WI, USA
Sounds like nicotine withdrawal. I try to vape 6, and 0 hours before bed. Otherwise, I won't be able to sleep. Heart racing, nervousness, etc.
Definitely try to reduce the nic. It makes things more pleasant all the way around. :)

Right on. I dropped my standard from 18mg down to 12mg for this very reason. I was having some wild dreams and I also vape the most later at night before I go to bed (Bad I know). At any rate, seems like it's not as much of an issue since I reduced nic level.
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