VK liquid vs. Totally Wicked?

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Oct 23, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
Hey everyone, before I purchase a Vapor King, I was wondering what the e-liquid flavor is like, compared to TW's liquid. I'm mainly asking because so far TW's liquid does not react well with me. I have similar symptoms to those expressed in the e-liquid health forum. Dizzyness, clouded mind, headaches, tougher to focus and overall bad reactions to TW's liquid.

Some background on my limited vaping history....
I started vaping with Smoking Everywhere, 2 weeks ago - which has extremely mild flavors. I had no bad reactions to their cartridges at all, granted they have far less taste than TW's liquid.

Anyway, has anyone had similar reactions with VK's liquid, and moreso, does every flavor have a distinct base? Tough to explain, but to me TW's liquid has a base taste that I'm not a fan of.

Also, if it helps to explain context - I just received my Titan 510 yesterday and as soon as I started vaping the tobacco flavor, the above symptoms started and continued throughout the day. Now, I've never really tasted that "primer" on the atomizer, everyone refers to - might that be what I'm tasting? I've tried TW's Apple, Orange and Tobacco so far, and they all have a kind of sickening base flavor.

I really just want to figure out (somehow) if VK's (nobacco?) is at all like TW's. I may have to order a 10ml bottle or two prior to ordering a starter kit just to find out for myself.

Any advice, comments, wisdom, would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping that my reaction is to something specific to TW's recipe, and not a testament to e-liquid in general - because that would suck.

As an aside, staying with Smoking Everywhere isn't really a financially reasonable option. That and the product is pretty awful.

Apologies, in advance, if this is horrible newbish question/issue.

Thanks everyone!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2009
Prescott, Arizona, USA
Are you experiencing anything like a choking sensation? A closing of the throat, and a general scratchiness and soreness thereof, along with the headaches? You may be having an allergic reaction to propylene glycol if so. If it's only the headaches and dizziness and suchlike, then you may be taking in more nicotine than you're accustomed to. Edit to add: Please forgive my overlooking of a key point in your question-- you had no trouble with other vendor's liquids, but have trouble with what you're using now. This may indeed be a problem with a flavoring agent in itself. I can't use RY4 without having allergic symptoms, but can happily use anything else. It may not be as simple as a PG allergy. But then again it might.
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ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
Hey Andy, thanks for the reply!

No, no choking or anything remotely allergy-like. I read through the health forum today, going through typical side effects and found that several other people had the same reactions I am.
I originally thought it was simply due to increased nicotine that I'm not use to. But I kind of think it's more related to what's in the liquid.

When I smoked analogs, I was a pack-a-day Camel Light guy, if that helps for any reference, nicotine-wise.

It's bizarre. With Smoking Everywhere, I only bought the high carts, which are 16mg. Now, these carts don't carry near the punch as TW's.

With TW's liquid, I started with a "high" cart, immediately got a nic headache - figure, OK, this is too much for me. So I switched to a medium, then a low.

I hardly vaped at all today as a result.

So, it's kind of strange. I know it's not a weaning off analogs issue - because I haven't had one in a week or so. I got very use to Smoking Everywhere.

Either Smoking Everywhere severely diminished my nocotine intake and now my systems in shock, or I just can't use TW's liquid. I don't know...it sucks though.

Can someone explain the primer flavor though, from atomizers?

Maybe I need to get 8mg liquid? Man, that sounds lame...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2009
Prescott, Arizona, USA
Hmmmm. I don't know TW liquids, so can't comment on them. Others here do, and can, and most likely will. The Vapor King system we're all used to in this subforum doesn't have the atomizer-flavor problem, as the cartridge is also the atomizer, so the flavor is clean from the first hit. I do know what is meant by it, though, from my experience with my beginner's 801. My experience was that the atomizer burn-off happened pretty quickly, and didn't result in any lasting flavor issues.

I'm beginning to think that you might need to start a little lower on the nicotine content, but a pack a day of Camel Lights should be right in line with 12-18mg, I'm thinking. How are you vaping, exactly? One drag every minute? Several drags in a row and then wait a few? Knowing that might help me to understand what the problem is. I started with 18mg, went immediately to 24mg, and then discovered 36mg, and I'm happy there-- but I tend to take a hit, maybe two, and then put the thing down for 5-10 minutes (unless under stress). With 24 and 18, I dragged on the thing constantly for 5 or 10 and then put it down for 5. I found the latter less satisfying.


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ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
hmmm, well maybe it is a nicotine issue.

When I used the Smoking Everywhere ecig I hit it like crazy and never even got a buzz. It was fulfilling my craving but not fully satisfying.

With the 510, I'm taking decent hits but maybe 2-3 drags every 1-2 hours. Today was really rough because I felt awful, still do and haven't been vaping anymore.

I'm going to get a good nights sleep and see if it's better tomorrow. It sucks though...man.

I might have to order the lowest mg liquid and see if it's a PG issue or nicotine. Also, might have to look into Smoking Everywhere's ejuice and see what's in it.

Thanks again for the comments!


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 6, 2009
Norcross, GA
I think you should consider the NIC level. I'm not certain myself, but there has been some discussion on some other forums that the actual level will vary by vendor. The only way to find out is to try a lower level.

The great thing about V4L is the choice they have, not just in flavors but in NIC level. Personally I have found that something between 8 and 11 gives me the best throat hit and NIC level so I try to mix it up a little, somewhere around 9.5.

I'm not bashing Smoking Everywhere, (this time), but I'm not certain you can count on their liquid being exactly what it seems to be. Note that this same statement may apply to other vendors as well.


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ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
Thanks again, both of you, I appreciate the advice.

I think I will try taking very short drags tomorrow and see if it effects me.

I'll have to wait until next week to order from V4L, but I do think my issues are all Nicotine-related and not PG.

It's crazy that the higher Nic levels can affect you all day though? I don't understand that part at all.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 15, 2009
I had a nicotine reaction and my symtpoms where more like what you are describing then a particular flavor or PG reaction ( which is what I thought I had at first as well) Also just lowering the nic content after you have the reaction does not seem to work that day or sometimes even the next. Your body needs to have a chance to get rid of it if it doesn't even the slightest amount of nicotine seems to bring it back on full course ( or that is how it was with me) I suggest at least a full nights sleep without any maybe a whole day or so. Personally I went back to analogs as I had no VG but I am not suggesting you do that maybe try the 6 or 8 mg until this subsides or even lower. eventually you cna probably work your way up to what works for you. Im up to 11 mg now :) I know it sounds like less but anything to get or stay off the cigerettes:)


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Aug 6, 2009
Norcross, GA
Thanks again, both of you, I appreciate the advice.

I think I will try taking very short drags tomorrow and see if it effects me.

I'll have to wait until next week to order from V4L, but I do think my issues are all Nicotine-related and not PG.

It's crazy that the higher Nic levels can affect you all day though? I don't understand that part at all.

I saw a very technical explanation not long ago. People simply metabolize nicotine differently. Generally -- health, age, blood pressure and other factors can have one person react very differently than another. That includes how long the effects last.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 3, 2009
Prescott, Arizona, USA
It's crazy that the higher Nic levels can affect you all day though? I don't understand that part at all.

I don't get that either. Nicotine is cast out of your bloodstream pretty quickly, and a person quickly learns subconsciously how to maintain a comfortable level. For some, it's one smoke an hour, for others, it's three or four. When smoking tobacco, the peak level of nicotine comes on pretty fast (like in the second puff or so) but drops off to near-nothing levels within 15-20 minutes. Oral and nasal tobacco use behaves differently because of a different rate of absorption. My completely subjective observation with PG-based e-cig liquids is that they're somewhat slower absorption-wise than burning tobacco, and that it's easy to overdo it without meaning to. There seems to be an immediate bump in nicotine level, much as in smoking, and then another, more steady, underlying gradual increase as one would find in oral tobaccos. Perhaps the PG provides a slow-release medium in the lungs, almost as the tar does in burned tobacco. That's my guess, anyway.

How about this: when you feel like you need some nicotine, take two nice drags, and set the thing down until you feel that need again. But wait until you actually feel nicotine-starved, don't pick it up just to puff on it. You may wind up with a more regular dosage regimen that works for you.

Doesn't solve the gacky flavor thing, though. Still thinking about that.


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ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
I had a nicotine reaction and my symtpoms where more like what you are describing then a particular flavor or PG reaction ( which is what I thought I had at first as well) Also just lowering the nic content after you have the reaction does not seem to work that day or sometimes even the next. Your body needs to have a chance to get rid of it if it doesn't even the slightest amount of nicotine seems to bring it back on full course ( or that is how it was with me) I suggest at least a full nights sleep without any maybe a whole day or so. Personally I went back to analogs as I had no VG but I am not suggesting you do that maybe try the 6 or 8 mg until this subsides or even lower. eventually you cna probably work your way up to what works for you. Im up to 11 mg now :) I know it sounds like less but anything to get or stay off the cigerettes:)

Thank you!!!
That makes sense and I'm glad you had a similar issue, well, not glad, cause it sucks - but happy to not be alone!!


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ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
I don't get that either. Nicotine is cast out of your bloodstream pretty quickly, and a person quickly learns subconsciously how to maintain a comfortable level. For some, it's one smoke an hour, for others, it's three or four. When smoking tobacco, the peak level of nicotine comes on pretty fast (like in the second puff or so) but drops off to near-nothing levels within 15-20 minutes. Oral and nasal tobacco use behaves differently because of a different rate of absorption. My completely subjective observation with PG-based e-cig liquids is that they're somewhat slower absorption-wise than burning tobacco, and that it's easy to overdo it without meaning to. There seems to be an immediate bump in nicotine level, much as in smoking, and then another, more steady, underlying gradual increase as one would find in oral tobaccos. Perhaps the PG provides a slow-release medium in the lungs, almost as the tar does in burned tobacco. That's my guess, anyway.

That is so true!
I definitely think you're on to something there, with the differing release-levels.

All I know is that this is a horrible feeling and I'd rather suffer nicotine cravings than go through this again.

How about this: when you feel like you need some nicotine, take two nice drags, and set the thing down until you feel that need again. But wait until you actually feel nicotine-starved, don't pick it up just to puff on it. You may wind up with a more regular dosage regimen that works for you.

You're absolutely right too, I need to keep in mind that this new-found nicotine escape is completely different from any cigarette routine. It is far more powerful and I need to learn my limits accordingly.

I took some ibprofen and my headache is subsiding a bit.

I think I'll keep my nicotine intake very slowly until I can order the VK with 8mg cartomizers. Maybe I'll order a few 11mg, but take things very slow and work out my comfort level.

Doesn't solve the gacky flavor thing, though. Still thinking about that

You know, I think the flavor I'm referring to might be the nicotine? I might be tasting it, since it's a higher mg than I'm use to - or had before, with Smoking Everywhere. The higher the mg nicotine, the more you'd taste it, right? The actual flavoring goes down when the nicotine goes up? Or at least, that is what I've been seeing as the general consensus around here. Makes sense.

I also agree that different vendors probably have varying levels of actual nicotine content.

I know all too well that Smoking Everywhere is probably one of the worst ecig companies on the market - both as a company and product.

I seriously think VK will be the best ecig for me and I look forward to trying it. The idea of cartomizers sounds so great.

Seriously, thank you everyone!
I really appreciate all your input and it is truly invaluable to be able to post here. Glad I found this forum - I've learned so much in the last week, it's crazy.

I look forward to sharing more vaping adventures and someday offering advice of my own.

Thanks again!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 15, 2009
Glad to help goergehower! You definately are not alone! I hated that feeling it was one of the most awful I had ever had! And yes it did last all day for me as well! I felt very strange, it hurt, and it was kind of scarey as well!
To be honest with you I keep arround a bunch of 0 mg cartos so I can puff like crazy even when I hit my nic level:p This helps alot! I can vape my 8 or 11 mg carto till I feel I don't need it if I over vape by a few puffs I don't get a reaction so it helps with the learnign process. You can switch them arround too like a few puffs from one then a few from the other and this lets you body have the time nesecary to process the nicotine) it really is only a minute or 2 at most. Another thing I was doing wrong was juice in my mouth and direct inhailing straight to the lungs! this adds to the nic level your getting like crazy! you should try inhailing slower and letting it sit in your mouth a second or 2 this really helps. I think some people are just a bit more sensitive to this form of nicotine
Personally I can smoke like 3 packs of camels a day and not have this kind of reaction even though I normally only smoke 1 pack a day now, so yeah it is kinda crazy! Especially when you hear people on here talking about how they can vape 36 mg like crazy all day long and empty more then 1 carto a day! It makes you feel like somethings wrong with you or that your allergic or something! Im glad Im not alone in this either so if you ever need help shoot me a message! Because trust me I did everything wrong a person could have when I first started especially with our kind of reaction! Maybe it is just a fluke but there are ways arround this, I been struggling on my own with tons of suggestions from helpful people here on the V4L forums, so your definately in the right place!


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ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
Thanks again Cimyss!

Yesterday was kind of scary, don't really want to experience overdoing the nicotine again...eesh! Today I'm feeling better, haven't really vaped at all - still feel nicotine in my system. Hoping tomorrow will be back to normal and I can resume vaping when I feel the urge. Most of my symptoms has subsided, still feel off and occasionally foggy.

I'm ordering V4L tonight!!! I can't wait to get everything and try vaping at a reasonable level.

Hey, on a related note - I guess Smoking Everywhere's cartridges were tested by the FDA. It's in the news I guess.. anyway, they found that out of a pack of cartridges the nicotine level fluctuated drastically between each cart, from some nicotine to barely any - which confirms my original suspicion. So their quality control is awful - this really pisses me off because it drastically distorted my perceived nicotine regimen.

So that pretty much explains why I had so many issues with TW's liquid nicotine mgs.

Anyway, thanks again everyone and happy vaping!


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ECF Veteran
Oct 23, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
So, just a follow-up on the issues I was having...

It seems like my system has issues with Totally Wicked's e-liquid and the overdose of nicotine invaded me for 48+ hours.

I am happy to say that so far, nobacco at 8mg has not had the same affect on me, thankfully. So really, I was someone who should have started out slower.

VK's flavor is amazing and I am now a committed cartomizer fiend! I can't put this thing down!!!

Thanks again everyone and V4L!

customer for life!
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