Wasting juice, I'm useless ...

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Altaire Versailles

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Mar 17, 2013
Detroit MI
With evods I just screw the base on the tank as tight as I can and just make sure you dont screw it onto the battery as hard as you screwed the base on. I just tighten it until it isnt loose but not to where it wont turn anymore, because then its a matter of which is screwed on tighter as to which part is gonna get unscrewed when youre taking it off. I also unscrew it from the battery upside down in case it does come off somehow. :)


Vaping Master
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Apr 15, 2013
Rockford, IL
I just want to say that you ARE NOT USELESS.
You are making a positive change in your life.
I am proud of you.
I am rooting for you and if you think you are the only one to have missteps in the process you are wrong.
Here is what I did to ensure less mistakes:
set up an area for fiddling w/ your vape bits.
have a some vaper towels, some q-tips, some wet wipes.
take your time
fill a couple of evods or clearos before work so you can just switch them out
don't get overwhelmed by what others do building coils etc.
Vape at your own pace
Get extra batteries and toppers so you can always take your time.
Enjoy the process.
I am 66 and turns out you CAN teach an old dog new tricks...............just not all at once.


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Been vaping for a fortnight, using clearomisers, but bought a couple of EVOD heads because I heard they were better.

Well, I might as well stand in the middle of a room, squeezing juice all over myself. For the THIRD time, in two days, I've managed to unscrew the head, leaving the coil on top of the battery. Ive had juice all over my coffee table, my bedside table and just now my desk at work! :mad:

Someone give me a kick and sort me out!
(It's RY4 too ... so it's not even as if I'm making everywhere smell like a rose garden!)

I did this a couple times too. It took me a few days when I first got the EVOD tanks to adjust to it.


Full Member
Oct 30, 2013
Cheers guys ... great advice about not screwing the tank on too tight. I vaguely remember reading that I shouldn't do that anyway. And I'll try to remember to unscrew it upside down (but I'm not promising anything!)

Last night after another mishap, my daughter asked what flavour I was vaping, because the room smelt like sweaty feet ... it was the RY4 I'd flung all over the lounge earlier on!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Mar 31, 2013
United States
I'd have to say the pop-off top of the 30ml bottle has to take the cake. What a mess and everything goes into the laundry, everything has to be cleaned, ugh. OP as it has be stated over and over, you are NOT alone and you are NOT going to be the last to do this. It will get better with time. Even the Vets have spills from time to time for what ever reason. I'm into DIY and trust me I get spills nearly everytime. Just sit back with your freshly filled clearo/carto/atty/tank and vape long and deep, sigh :vapor: so worth it
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