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What Do You Pray For?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    Anyway, I am thanking and praising God that my husband is willing to work on our marriage and praying that he will be restored to the church. Sorry for my long ramble, I really need to go to bed, I like to get a good night's sleep on Saturdays to be fresh for worship in the morning, but I wanted to give thanks and praise on the board tonight and ask for prayers, both for Danny and for our marriage.

    God bless everyone and enjoy your Lord's day!

    What a wonderful joyful post I've just read, filled with positive trust in the Lord, all I can say is my spirit feels nothing but happiness and peace. Great testimony!

    Your going for the dna, have fun and enjoy. I just ordered a sigelei 30 watt for myself mainly for the larger screen, got a great deal on it and couldn't say NO, it's getting harder to see those small letters and numbers.

    I'll keep you and Danny in my prayers.


    Super Member
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    What a wonderful joyful post I've just read, filled with positive trust in the Lord, all I can say is my spirit feels nothing but happiness and peace. Great testimony!

    Your going for the dna, have fun and enjoy. I just ordered a Sigelei 30 watt for myself mainly for the larger screen, got a great deal on it and couldn't say NO, it's getting harder to see those small letters and numbers.

    I'll keep you and Danny in my prayers.

    Thank you! Through all my health issues I have tried to keep a positive attitude. When I couldn't walk and was in physical therapy my therapist said I had one of the best attitudes of any patient she had ever worked with, especially considering how bad off I was. I always hope and pray for the best, but my Lord tells me to be content with whatever state I am in, and I have tried to do that.

    Thank you for praying with me and for me....the prayers of righteous men are powerful and effective!


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
  • Nov 22, 2012
    No you can't
    Thank you! Through all my health issues I have tried to keep a positive attitude. When I couldn't walk and was in physical therapy my therapist said I had one of the best attitudes of any patient she had ever worked with, especially considering how bad off I was. I always hope and pray for the best, but my Lord tells me to be content with whatever state I am in, and I have tried to do that.

    Thank you for praying with me and for me....the prayers of righteous men are powerful and effective!

    I think I'm going to learn a lot from you.


    Super Member
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    I think I'm going to learn a lot from you.

    Thank you so much, that is very sweet. I just try to do the best I can with the circumstances I have been given. I have learned a lot from my situation, and I believe I was given these challenges to learn some lessons that I really needed to learn.


    Vaping Master
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    Dec 29, 2009
    FL, USA
    Thank you! Through all my health issues I have tried to keep a positive attitude. When I couldn't walk and was in physical therapy my therapist said I had one of the best attitudes of any patient she had ever worked with, especially considering how bad off I was. I always hope and pray for the best, but my Lord tells me to be content with whatever state I am in, and I have tried to do that.

    Thank you for praying with me and for me....the prayers of righteous men are powerful and effective!

    I think I'm going to learn a LOT from you also..... :thumbs:


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 24, 2010
    MissyG, I have and will continue to pray for you and your husband. I know about disability and marriage. I don't know of two other people that love each other more than my husband and myself, but we killed our first marriage. We even divorced. It was both of our faults. Three years after we separated and divorced, we remarried. It was a miracle from God the Father! I had Christian counseling, then he had Christian counseling, then we got counseling together. It wasn't easy, and we both know what we did/didn't do and accept the blame. It's never one sided. It takes 2 to tango. Ole! There was no unfaithfulness within our marriage or during that 3 year period, and we knew that we were still married in the eyes of God the Father. That was probably some of the darkest days I have ever had in my life. I paced many nights in my parents kitchen, holding onto the Hand of Jesus. Even though we feel stupid over our first marriage being left in ruin, their was only a 3 month period that we weren't speaking. And even though we still consider that 3 year period as a growing experience, we also consider it as part of our marriage. We've been together 27 years. 'Trust in the Lord will all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.' Proverbs 3:5 :)


    Super Member
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    MissyG, I have and will continue to pray for you and your husband. I know about disability and marriage. I don't know of two other people that love each other more than my husband and myself, but we killed our first marriage. We even divorced. It was both of our faults. Three years after we separated and divorced, we remarried. It was a miracle from God the Father! I had Christian counseling, then he had Christian counseling, then we got counseling together. It wasn't easy, and we both know what we did/didn't do and accept the blame. It's never one sided. It takes 2 to tango. Ole! There was no unfaithfulness within our marriage or during that 3 year period, and we knew that we were still married in the eyes of God the Father. That was probably some of the darkest days I have ever had in my life. I paced many nights in my parents kitchen, holding onto the Hand of Jesus. Even though we feel stupid over our first marriage being left in ruin, their was only a 3 month period that we weren't speaking. And even though we still consider that 3 year period as a growing experience, we also consider it as part of our marriage. We've been together 27 years. 'Trust in the Lord will all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.' Proverbs 3:5 :)

    Thank you so much for sharing this. This gives me so much hope. Yes it is never one sided. We had some problems before my disability and then my health crisis just blew things up. I am working so hard right now on changing the things I know I need to change, but my husband is still wanting to hang onto blaming me for things and even though he agreed he also needed to make some changes, he is having trouble doing so. I am just trying to be patient, pray, and continue to work on being the wife God commands me to be. Ultimately I can only change myself and pray for his heart to change, and that is what I am doing.
    Last edited:


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Nov 16, 2013
    Colorado, USA
    My heart goes out to you MissyG. I pray that things quickly get better for you and your husband. I know I don't post here often but I do visit on an almost daily basis. I love the folks here on the CV forum and that includes you dear sister.
    @saintscruiser: Being willing to share that on a public forum speaks highly of your sincere concern for MissyG and speaks highly of your confidence in what God has done in your marriage. I just wanted to say that I love and appreciate you.


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    I just want to say that mightymen sent me a great blessing in the mail today. Today I am thanking and praising God for wonderful people like mightymen that is willing to help a stranger so generously. I serve an AWESOME God that uses his children to bless others and I am humbled to have been a recipient.


    Ultra Member
    ECF Veteran
    Jul 24, 2010
    I just want to say that mightymen sent me a great blessing in the mail today. Today I am thanking and praising God for wonderful people like mightymen that is willing to help a stranger so generously. I serve an AWESOME God that uses his children to bless others and I am humbled to have been a recipient.

    MissyG, you are welcomed and loved here. We also greatly appreciate your generously kind words. We stand and support each other. If there is anything any of us can do to help you in any way, feel free to contact any of us in a pm. There are some great folks here, as you are finding out! :banana:
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