Whats happening here :(

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Mar 17, 2012
Rhode Island
So I am sitting here at work, I have not had a vape in at least 2 hours. I don't feel the need to either.

The reason is this. Since recieveing my Smoov kit yesterday and having a bunch of different juices to play around with I did some serious vaping. I did post this yesterday in a thread about burning out my taste buds.

As I vape this caramel apple from FSUSA I am just not getting any taste at all really. I was able to taste my menthol cigotine prefilled carto and my cigotine refilled with naughty navel just fine. I was vaping that just about as frequently since the beginning leading up to yesterday when my tounge seemed to get fried.

I am wondering if it has something to do with freedom smoke juices? Could it possibly be the smoov cartomizer?

I am just getting a bit nervous because my vaping experience has been deteriorating in the last 24 hours.

Thanks, Pete


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Mar 17, 2012
Rhode Island
Thanks guys,

I was getting worried.. I was SO happy with my cigotine kit. After trying all the flavors from freedom smoke I have to say the menthol from cigotine blows them all away! Honestly its even better than my naughty navel IMHO of course. Just wanna get back to enjoying every vape!

Thanks guys, Pete


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Mar 17, 2012
Rhode Island
Well it has been 3 weeks no analogs today. My feet are no longer sore after work and scars on my face from recent breakouts that have been there for at least a year are gone!

I have quit smoking before, Cold turkey. I dont really remember a period of reduced taste (sinus repair) just that after a week or so everything was so much more delicious..

Well thanks for the info guys, It gives me hope. My Bobas bounty and menthol drops get here tomorrow. I would have been very discouraged for sure had I not posted here..

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