where to go from here?

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Jun 11, 2011
Panama City Florida
I am around two months into the world of vaping.I enjoy being able to vape and know that cigarettes are hopefully part of the past for me.No matter what I still plan on vaping but I am getting to a point where I feel like I need something different.....let me explain.

I am the owner of four manual bloog batteries,bloog cartomizers aplenty,and fluxomizers.I spend my whole day charging and changing out batteries,topping off and refilling cartomizers or fluxomizers.I have a whole area dedicated to this.Paper towels,cotton napkins,syringes,liquid out,liquid put away,plastic bags....and that is not even close to the amount of time if I'm leaving the house.I feel like it's taking a baby somewhere.Get the batteries,have a back-up,fill up or top off cartomizers,heck throw in some juice,and towels....oh boy.I mean I don't want to be dramatic,but is there something simpler.

I seem to be topping off the cartomizers more often because I just like the taste better when they are full or wet....I've never dripped before.I've never used an atomizer by itself.Is it time for a mod?I've looked on the threads here and found many mods and I'm thinking maybe a bottom feeder type mod.Would it give me some freedom back?Would it taste just as good?Are there models that take both cartomizers and atomizers?

Can't wait to hear from you guys-been there done that and decided this.Thanks in advance.


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Jun 11, 2011
Panama City Florida
I saw that one too.Not much interchangeable stuff for it,so would you get left out in the cold if parts weren't available.I wish I was better equipped or had some time to mod stuff myself.I'm lucky to put things back together right,heck I might be modding and don't even know it!!!I'm just so busy to begin with,raising three girls,maintaing husband,getting an adult child back home,rescue cats(16) dogs,chickens,rabbit-I just need it to be a little simpler,but still enjoyable.....


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Jun 11, 2011
Panama City Florida
Yes those seem to be the most beloved little devices.They look awesome and well made.Are they interchangeable with cartomizers and atomizers.Both will work on them?I only ask that because my taste changes so frequently,even during the day I switch from my cartomizers to the fluxomizers-just makes the juice taste different.


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Jan 25, 2011
Missoula Montana
You can use both cartos and attys. If you want to try different flavors pop an Atty on and you can just drip into the fill cup or DD. Its so versatile and easy. No more cutting paper towels to catch my spills and dribbles, no more dry burning hits EVER, no popping off my DT 5000 times a day to top off my Carto. No charging and packing around XXX batts and juice that always seems to leak in my baggies. I can't get enough. The Grand is really great too. I can use it at 3-5 and 6V. Now how can it get better than that?


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Jun 11, 2011
Panama City Florida
I think it's sounding pretty sweet.I think the one thing that drives me nuts is I get into a bit of a hurry topping off my carto's and have the juice dripping out the bottom and wasting so much juice all around.I haven't really even had a chance to find my juicing nirvana yet as being so new to the vaping experience.I really didn't want to have to find something new so early in the game,but I'm looking at having to invest in new batteries(manual) to dry burn these fluxomizers to get some new life into them and if I order batteries then I end up ordering cartomizers etc...so I just thought why not look into something simpler.I did look into the tank idea,and they look cool,but really I'm still needing the simpler path.

I guess I need to start saving some money for a reo.I kinda wish I had researched at first and put all the money into one at first if they are as wonderful as everyone says they are.But at least I'm not smoking the analogs.

Anyone start out with a cheaper bottom feeder..ie old goat and move quickly to a reo?Any dedicated kr 808 users who went to bottom feeder who went back exclusively to kr 808's.It would be a big investment for me,keeping chow on the table for five and not to mention the 16 kitties,well needless to say every penney is accounted for.Even though I've been saving on the money not spent on analogs,the husband still smokes so no substantial savings as of yet.But I didn't really start vaping to save anything but my life!


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Jan 25, 2011
Missoula Montana
I think it's sounding pretty sweet.I think the one thing that drives me nuts is I get into a bit of a hurry topping off my carto's and have the juice dripping out the bottom and wasting so much juice all around.I haven't really even had a chance to find my juicing nirvana yet as being so new to the vaping experience.I really didn't want to have to find something new so early in the game,but I'm looking at having to invest in new batteries(manual) to dry burn these fluxomizers to get some new life into them and if I order batteries then I end up ordering cartomizers etc...so I just thought why not look into something simpler.I did look into the tank idea,and they look cool,but really I'm still needing the simpler path.

I guess I need to start saving some money for a reo.I kinda wish I had researched at first and put all the money into one at first if they are as wonderful as everyone says they are.But at least I'm not smoking the analogs.

Anyone start out with a cheaper bottom feeder..ie old goat and move quickly to a reo?Any dedicated kr 808 users who went to bottom feeder who went back exclusively to kr 808's.It would be a big investment for me,keeping chow on the table for five and not to mention the 16 kitties,well needless to say every penney is accounted for.Even though I've been saving on the money not spent on analogs,the husband still smokes so no substantial savings as of yet.But I didn't really start vaping to save anything but my life!

I get it, I have spent so much stinking money to get to where I am today. $2600+ I get sick thinking about it lol. But now I know and other than my Reo, I haven't had to buy anything for quite awhile. I've even gotten 4 others off cigs with all my back up eGos. But I would never go back. I'm not killing myself any more. And that is worth every penny! Now save some $$$$ and get yourself something that will last.:) REO :) and keep all those kitties fed. :)


Vaping Master
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Nov 4, 2009
Apple Valley, MN
I started with a KR8, and after several months got tired of topping off and refilling cartos all the time. I bought a WetBox when they first became available, intrigued by the idea of a bottom-feeder. It wasn't a particularly robust device, but I got about 3 months of good use out of it, and was sold on the concept. When I saw talk about the REO Mini last fall, I had to have one, since it would provide the durability the WetBox lacked. I got my first Mini back in September, and haven't been without it since. I've subsequently bought another Mini, a Grand and a Woodvil. They are terrific devices made by someone who really cares about what he does.


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Jun 8, 2011
Port Richey Florida
Good post - i'm at the same crossroads as you - luckily, I started with an ego, and have been happy with that, altho i'm having a few issues with cartos, and i get so frustrated, that I turn right to an analog . .. grrrrrr - altho im proud to say i've cut down from 3 packs a day, to just one pack a day, usually hitting an analog out of sheer frustration.
I will also look in to the mini's . . .



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Jun 8, 2011
I use a roughstack maxi, with a 18650 2400mah battery and an XL carto. 1 battery lasts me all day and I refill my smoktek XL cargo once or twice from a 10ml bottle. These cartos do not require a syrenge and take 30sec to refill from a dropper bottle. I only leave the house with my mod and a 10ml bottle for the whole day.

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk


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Jun 11, 2011
Panama City Florida
Believe me the cats eat before we do.Crap I wish people would get their animals fixed!We got two more this spring-one passed and I incurred a three analog backslide at the end of June.I think the reo mini might beI the fix.I haven't seen anything posted that would be a game stopper for me and the whole"not looking back" is encouraging also.
I would like that option of trying out juices before filling a whole cart with the juice and then knowing I'll have to clean it the best I can if I don't like the juice-which happens fairly often.I have a whole bag of try the juice out cartos waiting to be cleaned!
I am sick to death of topping off.Drip,drip,drip,spin it as I'm dripping,wipe,wipe well,blow gently,wipe,screw it on,do it again in 10 or 15 minutes.I smoked alot,pack and a half,so I guess I vape fairly heavy also.
So getting a reo means no regrets?


What would Freud say?
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Feb 10, 2010
Wilmington, DE / Ithaca, NY
That was me when I started too...

I have a couple mods that I drip with - Love the flavor and convenience... and I have a Reo and MonkeyBoxx - love 'em -

In any case, I think dripping is much less of a hassle than refilling cartos...

I'd say that you should try a Reo and you could get a nice 18650/17670 MOD in the classies for around $40-$50+/- and try dripping with it... with a LR 510 or 306...

I prefer the Reo Grand to the Reo Mini... longer batt life and seemingly more punch. A 6ml bottle instead of a 3ml bottle and a grand doesn't seem so big to me anymore...

I don't think you can go wrong with a REO... even if you don't like it, someone will snatch it up in the classies quickly.


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Jun 8, 2011
Port Richey Florida
LOL...boy do i feel your pain . .. we really are close to the same "vaping" point in our lives . . . I have 2 rescued dogs - one brought home by my 18 yr old lazy daughter, she calls it HER dog, but I had to train him, I feed him, and prefers to sleep with me . . . I do drip occasionally, to try out a new flavor, but i'm still somewhat of a dripping "newbie", and I just don't get it right all the time, which means MORE frustration, and another analog . . . sigh . . .
Money is an issue for me as well, and just don't know if I can justify the cost right now, with my lazy daughter moving back home, and all her lazy friends trying to sponge off of me constantly - i'm lucky i'm keepin the lights and a/c on right now!!!
And i'm like you, the dogs ALWAYS eat before us . . lol . ..
I just want things to be easier on the vaping side, with a whole lot less mess, and paraphanelia involved. I'm sure a mod is the way to go, just need to figure out which one. I went to the reomods website, but it is so SLOWWWWW to load -lol . . . more frustration ....



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Jun 11, 2011
Panama City Florida
I guess I was a little worried I would relapse to analogs,but,you know I just don't get the satisfaction I used to get from them.So I almost feel like I am going to be a dedicated vapor gal whether I want to or not.
I want something simpler to also be able to concentrate on different juice experiences so I can maybe find an all day vape,instead of the hassle of getting my equipment going or keep it going,wet,not dry,trying not to kill another battery etc....
Money will always be an issue as my husband is a licensed therapist and the economy,well,it can be relative but I'm not opposed to quality over quantity,I actually prefer it.I don't run out for the newest thing,don't see the newest movie,I just like things that work,work well,and get the job done. Of course,I don't want to look like I'm playing a flute or smoking crack!!
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