Why are all the threads on artificial sweetners in the new members forum closed?

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Robert Cromwell

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2015
Just curious because I am having issues with artificial sweeteners in the ejuices I bought. I am one of the very few that artificial sweeteners leaves a horrible aftertaste in my mouth and gives me a headache if I ingest much in the juice. Several companies make statements about no artificial flavors, etc but I found none that clearly stated no artificial sweeteners? I like the fruity juices but with the artificial sweetener issue the only one I can really tolerate is just pure tobacco flavor.


Resting in Peace
ECF Veteran
Sep 7, 2012
Treasure Coast, Florida
Hi Robert! Welcome to the Forum. :)

Threads automatically get closed by the software, that the forum runs on, after 3 months of no activity. If you have a question, just ask (like you have just done :))

Natural sugars would totally gunk up the coil way to fast. Sugar tends to crystallize at higher temps and then sticks on the coil. This makes the coil less efficient very quickly.

If I am wrong, someone will come along and correct me ;) Which is totally fine, I don't think this has actually been totally addressed. Or if it has, I probably don't remember :D

Robert Cromwell

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Feb 16, 2015
Hi Robert! Welcome to the Forum. :)

Threads automatically get closed by the software, that the forum runs on, after 3 months of no activity. If you have a question, just ask (like you have just done :))

Natural sugars would totally gunk up the coil way to fast. Sugar tends to crystallize at higher temps and then sticks on the coil. This makes the coil less efficient very quickly.

If I am wrong, someone will come along and correct me ;) Which is totally fine, I don't think this has actually been totally addressed. Or if it has, I probably don't remember :D

thanks for answering about the auto close feature. I was concerned that artificial sweeteners was a taboo subject.

I have been trying liquid Stevia (400 MG/ML) as a sweetner, It does not cause me issues. And my little throw away T4 clearomizers have lasted 4 weeks. so far. I have been smoke free for aout 8 weeks after 30+ years of a1 pack + habit a day. I like vaping but I must solve this artificial sweetner issue. I have ordered no additive flavors and VG, nic, etc to make my own and see how that works out.

I will be happy to sacrifice some atomizer life to get rid of the taste burn and headache of artificial sweetners.
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Sep 4, 2014
Silver Spring, MD, USA
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Hi Robert and welcome to ECF!

Sorry to hear about the issues you're having. Sounds like DIY is the way to go for you.

For all things DIY head on over to the DIY ELiquid Forum .

You will not be able to post there until you get in your first 5 posts and the servers update at :25 past the hour. Make sure to read all the "stickies". Also check out the blogs by ECF members Hoosier, dannyv45 & Bill .

dannyv45 posted this thread a while ago. Recommended Reading For People New to DYI.

For a juice mixing calculator consider using eJuiceMeUp

Here are some threads you may like to read through for different flavoring companies. Many of the posts include recipes and comments about a specific flavor.

1. Flavor Arts (FA) - Pure Vapes has 3ml FlavourArt flavorings
2. The Flavor Apprentice (TFA) - The Flavor Apprentice Flavoring Thread
3. Inawera (IW) - Inawera - a few reviews
4. Hangsen - The Hangsen Thread
5. VapingZone (VZ) - New Super Concentrated Flavors & New Super Concentrated Flavors - Part 2

The DIY Vendor list can be found here: DIY Vendor Supply List

DIY Recipe Sites

* ECF E-Liquid Recipes <= Place to post your recipes here on ECF
* EcigExpress Archive Cookbook
* E-Liquid Recipes UK
* kritikalmass - E-Liquid Recipes
* One Stop DIY Shop - Recipes

Hope it helps and Happy Vaping!
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