Why did you quit smoking?

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Oct 3, 2012
CloudWiz.. that's the kind of testimonial that needs to be in front of Congress/ the FDA hearings, along with the doctor speaking!!!

There are several call to action sort of posts in here with links for comments because there are actions going on in our government aiming at either over regulating or making e cigs illegal.
*avoids soap box about government regulations at this time*

thanks for your input and if you get a chance.. check out those threads.


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Sep 18, 2012
Why did I quit? Because I finally found something that is better :laugh:
I think with the cigarettes or any addictive substance there comes a point to where you don't do the substance, the substance does you.
I felt like that for the last 11 years. You take the patch, gum, whatever and before you know it you are back at the store asking for a pack of whatever. At that point you knew you were hooked and you had given up on giving up, it just wasn't going to happen, you were gonna smoke until you died. And it really really sucked.
You are spending you hard earned $$$ on something that is killing you one puff at a time and you can't stop. And you are fully aware of that every single day.
Every now and again I feel a twinge of a crave for a smoke , but now I won't give tobacco companies another dime EVER !!! I had not idea of WTA, never even heard that term. I think it's a vicious cycle and I am off the merry go round. No money to tobacco and no money to pharmacy either.

I don't feel like my new hobby owns me. I can take a 3 hour car trip and not turn into a screaming shewitch and hour into the ride to to lack of smokes. I can control every aspect of this hobby. Flavors, nicotine levels, equipment of choice, my choice, not someone else making my decisions for me.
On a kinda related note, apparently my uncle is now using an ecig part time, so that is really cool HAHA influencing my elders, lol.


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Jan 5, 2013
I quit for all the common reasons, health, money, tired of going outside and freezing in the winter. I had tried to quit numerous times using the patch, gum, chantix, etc. I failed each time. I think the longest I went was about 3-4 months and the entire time all I could think about was smoking. I was a miserable SOB during this time, the slightest, stupidest things would set me off. Eventually I went back to smoking, feeling like a failure when asking for the pack of cigs.

My brother-in-law had been vaping for a while and suggested I give it a try. Naturally I was skeptical due to my numerous failed attempts to quit, but I decided to give it a try. Now, I've only been vaping for about a week and smoke free for 4 days, but this feels different. I'm not obsessed with smoking this time. Sure lighting up an old fashioned cig crosses my mind from time to time, but I'm able to quickly move past it with the help of ecigs. For once I actually feel like I have a legitimate shot at kicking the smoking habit for good, and its a great feeling.


Vaping Master
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Aug 3, 2012
I got sick of waking up in the middle of the night to hack up a lung. And then hacking up the other one in the morning when I got up for the day. But I am addicted to nicotine, so no matter what I tried I just couldn't give it up. DH joked that I would be "that one" who was walking around with an oxygen tank and a cigarette. When I spotted a friend with a Blu, I asked about it and immediately ordered it thinking that every cigarette I didn't smoke was a victory. Little did I know I would quit smoking! I just found that the urge to smoke just wasn't there any more after I started vaping.

And occasionally I do have a cigarette, about once a month at most. Again, every one I DON'T smoke is a victory, and never meant to quit! I swear, quitting was an accident. The best accident I have ever had.
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