Yet Another Newbie

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Full Member
Oct 20, 2011
Hi Everyone, been lurking around the forums for sometime now and have found a lot of good information as well as a few laughs. Still in the early stages and haven't totally switched over yet. Need to find the right flavours etc. to make the full switch over. I did have a question though......I have purchased a few e-liquids that have very little to almost no flavour to them ( spearmint and orange ) My question is can I purchase the flavouring and add that to the already made e-liquid.....Thanks


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Apr 13, 2012
Richmond, VA USA
Hi, I'm new and still lurk most of the time. Near the top of the page on the right is a box that says "Search ECF with Google". Type flavorings in there and you will get a lot of hits. You can also look under ecig technical, tips and tricks and there are a couple of places where they have recipes. I am going to have to cut my liquid with VG so I will want to add flavoring back in.


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Jan 18, 2012
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Ultra Member
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Mar 24, 2012
Onatrio, Can.
Hey ladyice, welcome to the forum.

Don't worry about how long it takes to switch over to vaping only, any analog you don't smoke is very good.

When you order flavor drops to perk up your flat juice I'd also order a few empty bottle and just mix a bit of juice at a time, about 5mls, that way if you don't like what you've created you haven't ruined all your juice. Steeping may help the juice that you have right now too. You can put the bottles of juice in hot water for an hour, it speeds up the steeping process.

After you have 5 post come check out the Canadian section, there's a great bunch of helpful fun peeps there.

Good luck & have fun

Just add one drop of flavor at a time to 5 mls of juice.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 11, 2011
Hi Ladyice! You can certainly try that but it may just be your tastebuds are still dead from smoking. They will go through a lot of changes over the next few months so don't go to crazy buying things like I did! I have been a mint fanatic for my ten months of vaping. Fave the last six months are so is Velvet Vapors Peppermint if you want to give it a try.
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