American Lung Association

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Mar 18, 2011
I don't understand why agencies like American Lung Association, Canadian Lung Association, and other so called health advocates would be against e-cigs. Do pharma companies really give ALL these people THAT much money to pander their patches and chantix?? Obviously people know these things do not work. How much money could they really be making off of them? Also, if they are making that much money off of these products, especially patches and gum, why not just sell that nicotene to juice vendors instead of putting it in gum?


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Mar 18, 2011
It's just hard to imagine these associations not realizing the benefits of less harmful alternatives. I assume it must be money, but how much do pharma companies actually give them? Do they really make enough off Chantix to make it worth it? Does anybody even still use Chantix? Clearly it's success rate is dismal.


Unresolved Status
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Jan 14, 2013
I don't understand why agencies like American Lung Association, Canadian Lung Association, and other so called health advocates would be against e-cigs. Do pharma companies really give ALL these people THAT much money to pander their patches and chantix?? Obviously people know these things do not work. How much money could they really be making off of them? Also, if they are making that much money off of these products, especially patches and gum, why not just sell that nicotene to juice vendors instead of putting it in gum?

At this time, both the ALA and CLA are currently tobacco prohibitionists only, that only support cessation (quitting) programs . They do not want to recognize the relapse rates for smoking tobacco. For the ALA, I could not see where they receive funding, other than from private individuals (see link below). They currently do not support the "harm reduction" strategy which CASSA is advocating.

In any corporate or government structure that has an agenda, it takes time and effort for those structures to accept new strategies that meet their goals, even though the "harm reduction" strategy in using smokeless tobacco (and ecigs) has up to a 99% less mortality rate than smoking (combusting) tobacco. There is always a natural resistance to change in these organizations. Today, they are perceived as our enemies, tomorrow they will be our supporters with the same end goal. The only difference between us is the strategy to reach those end goals. With enough research and public reaction in favor of ecigarettes, things should begin to change in our favor.

I believe the argument of "quit or die" tobacco cessation is losing credibility in the public's perception. It's almost laughable at this point. The harm reduction strategy is logical, and an argument in favor of benefiting public health CAN be made at this time. Thank God for CASSA, and for Bill Godshall and others like him that are fighting the good fight.

http:// www.lung. org/lung-disease/lung-cancer/advocacy/reports/funding-for-lung-cancer.html

[rebuild broken link above]

Lung cancer is the most deadly cause of cancer death and the second most common form of cancer in both men and women. Yet despite this, the federal response to lung cancer research funding has not yet matched the urgent need presented by the disease.

Funding for lung cancer research is of paramount importance, not only because of the number of Americans it affects, but also because it is still difficult to detect in its early stages. Presently, only 15 percent of lung cancers are diagnosed in an early stage. By the time symptoms are recognized, the cancer has often progressed. For that and for other reasons, the lung cancer five-year survival rate (15.6 percent) is lower than many other leading cancers.

In February of 2010, the American Lung Association and 16 of our partner organizations sent a letter to the chairmen and ranking members of the appropriations committees in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, asking for a "significant increase in funding for lung cancer research, treatment, prevention and patient services." The letter goes on to state that "research for this deadly disease must be expanded so that surviving lung cancer becomes the norm instead of the exception." A copy of the letter sent to can be found here.
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Bullette the Cowdog

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Mar 5, 2012
Treasure Coast, FL
I used to be employed as an accountant/bookkeeper at a 501(c)3 organization. (AKA charitable organization). Most of their funding came from grants. Grants come from taxes generated by governmental agencies. So...bottom line...our tax dollars are supporting these so-called "charities".

The federal government taxes cigarettes & doles out that money to the American Lung Association.

I don't give to charities. I donate straight to people in need by employing them or feeding them.

PS. Charities don't pay income taxes. In many municipalities, they don't pay property taxes either.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 4, 2013
It's just hard to imagine these associations not realizing the benefits of less harmful alternatives. I assume it must be money, but how much do pharma companies actually give them? Do they really make enough off Chantix to make it worth it? Does anybody even still use Chantix? Clearly it's success rate is dismal.

I still see the commercials advertising it so doctors must be writing subscriptions. I don't get how they can recommend a drug with so many known side effects, but talk about banning ecigs??


ECF Guru
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Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
much of the real reason is they will not approve something you put into your lungs without proof it is not dangerous to your overall health or lung function.

what happens to that oath if say doctors start endorsing it now, and then 15 years from now they find that the vapor actuallycrystalized the lung surface or some other bizzare side effect. with prescription drugs, while there are side effects, they are KNOWN side effects and the danger is presented to and confirmed by the patient and doctor before treatment begins, sometimes we take the wrong view on how they do things and the doctors have to do the best they can with the devil they know instead of the cure they dont.
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oxygen thief

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Jun 26, 2012
I can tell you as a 30 year pill-popper for bipolar that vaping is safer than an innefective pill. Go read the side effects. Wellbutrin was the first wonder not smoking drug. I took it on two occasions and was so strug out I was to shoot drivers if they ...... me off.
Look at Chantix side effects...there are more. Do ecigs make you suicidal? Please! Do you want to committ suicide trying to quit smoking? This stuff is poison.

Some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions while using CHANTIX to help them quit smoking. Some people had these symptoms when they began taking CHANTIX, and others developed them after several weeks of treatment or after stopping CHANTIX. If you, your family, or caregiver notice agitation, hostility, depression, or changes in behavior, thinking, or mood that are not typical for you, or you develop suicidal thoughts or actions, anxiety, panic, aggression, anger, mania, abnormal sensations, hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion, stop taking CHANTIX and call your doctor right away. Also tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems before taking CHANTIX, as these symptoms may worsen while taking CHANTIX.


Unresolved Status
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Jan 14, 2013
I can tell you as a 30 year pill-popper for bipolar that vaping is safer than an innefective pill. Go read the side effects. Wellbutrin was the first wonder not smoking drug. I took it on two occasions and was so strug out I was to shoot drivers if they ...... me off.
Look at Chantix side effects...there are more. Do ecigs make you suicidal? Please! Do you want to committ suicide trying to quit smoking? This stuff is poison.

Some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions while using CHANTIX to help them quit smoking. Some people had these symptoms when they began taking CHANTIX, and others developed them after several weeks of treatment or after stopping CHANTIX. If you, your family, or caregiver notice agitation, hostility, depression, or changes in behavior, thinking, or mood that are not typical for you, or you develop suicidal thoughts or actions, anxiety, panic, aggression, anger, mania, abnormal sensations, hallucinations, paranoia, or confusion, stop taking CHANTIX and call your doctor right away. Also tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems before taking CHANTIX, as these symptoms may worsen while taking CHANTIX.

OH!! And did you mention Chantix is FDA APPROVED ??? A Chantix user might commit suicide, but at least they stopped smoking! The corruption of money from Big Pharma in the FDA stinks!


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 7, 2012
Northern Nevada, astride the "49er trail
I think the saddest part of all those horrible drugs like Chantix and WEllbutrin is that people are being hurt when smoking, while not good for you in some ways, actually won't kill you for years and years and years. You might even die of something else first. But it is okay to hand out pills that can cause incredible harm and say that you are doing people a favor. So, if you commit suicide or ruin your life because of a pill when you could have had a longer happier life smoking, how is that helping?

Cigarettes help many people function in this dysfunctional world. Vaping, I hope, is a going to be a great long term alternative for people.

I believe that nicotine consumption has helped me and that cigs let me regulate it to what I needed. I think vaping has been a great substitute.
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Vaping Master
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Aug 3, 2012
much of the real reason is they will not approve something you put into your lungs without proof it is not dangerous to your overall health or lung function.

what happens to that oath if say doctors start endorsing it now, and then 15 years from now they find that the vapor actuallycrystalized the lung surface or some other bizzare side effect. with prescription drugs, while there are side effects, they are KNOWN side effects and the danger is presented to and confirmed by the patient and doctor before treatment begins, sometimes we take the wrong view on how they do things and the doctors have to do the best they can with the devil they know instead of the cure they dont.

It is because everyone is so litigious. Why on earth would a doctor put themselves out there if the "victims" family will sue them for killing their loved one with an unproven product?

Sa Da Tay

Moved On
ECF Veteran
Nov 4, 2011
Austin, Texas
Going off of Beretta and Thrasher's well-stated points, the fact remains that there is sadly a lack of major studies (especially long-term) assessing the safety and effectiveness of e-cigs. Until there are, it is very hard for any health organization or provider to endorse them. Now you could viably ask why ALA itself isn't funding research, but short of that I'd like the OP to present some actual evidence that ALA receives money from pharmaceutical manufacturers. I'm not saying it isn't within the realm of possibility (and that entities like the FDA aren't driven by financial motivations rather than public health interest), but until some actual supporting evidence is presented, it remains to be like the many other spurious (and often times paranoid and irrational) claims posted on this forum.

I know little about ALA but I do work for a major cancer-fighting non-profit. We get people claiming that we are intentionally hiding the cure for cancer due to financial and self-preservation reasons. This belief is ridiculous and highly unfounded. Are there issues with how the org allocates its donor money to most effectively run the organization? Sure- and I have my own list of complaints. But every time some alternative medicine publication or story on 20/20 about a miracle cure comes on, you can expect a flood of calls asking why we aren't immediately endorsing the cure. There's this thing called Science and research to prove the effectiveness of a treatment while also discovering the potential side effects. It takes awhile because it involves sound, rational, methodological research and clinical trials. What works on a chimp, the majority of times, doesn't translate to humans. Just because your mother happened to have a remission coinciding with some alternative treatment she took doesn't mean that starting tomorrow all cancer patients should begin injecting hydrogen peroxide into their veins (this is an actual alternative "treatment", btw).

I'm certainly not equating e-cigs with crazy alternative treatments for cancer, but I'm just trying to provide some context for this complicated issue.


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Mar 18, 2011
I do not know that ALA receives money from pharma. That was what I was asking. Considering their reluctance to support less harmful alternatives I simply assume that there must be some reason. Money just seemed like the most logical reason I could think of.

People have been using ECigs since 2006 I think. That's 7 years. At what point do they fear these deadly unknown side affects would kick in??

Everyone knows what ECigs contain and all of their ingredients are independently FDA approved.

Quit or die prohibition has never ever worked. Alcohol, drugs, sex, and yes tobacco. The ALA is not made up of ....... They know the ideas they promote do not work, but yet they continue the charade. There has to be a reason is all I'm saying. If not money then what? Could it be political pressure? Maybe pressure from tobacco companies who also know it doesn't work?
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