Best e-cig device irrespective of cost

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Full Member
Jul 30, 2013
Costa Rica
Hi guys,

On and off smoker for 17 years. I have finally decided to take the plunge and go with e-cigs after seeing the rave reviews. I looked around and didn't find a "what's the best..." sticky that I sorta expected I'd see. My main concern is to get the most durable (and least hassle) device with the most features irrespective of cost that delivers the best nicotine consuming experience. Would be great if it is small enough to fit inside my pocket as well to smoke on the go of course but that's not a deal breaker since I spend most of my time at either my home or at my office. So what do the experts recommend for me? :)


Vaping Master
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Jun 13, 2013
Nashville, TN
Hi. And welcome to ECF. Congratulations on your decision to find out more about vaping. I am new here also. In order for the more experienced people to give you advice that will fit your situation you will need to tell us more about what you are looking for. Answers to these questions will help narrow down the choices. There are many, many choices in a huge price range from around $30 to several hundred dollars. So you may want to think about that too.

The first thing is how much do you smoke a day? What do you smoke, lights, camels, cigars? Do you want something simple and small or are you willing/want to fiddle with settings and things.

For me, I read through the introduction and information sections on this forum and read a lot of posts to get an idea of what I thought I wanted. What I thought I wanted the first day here, I figured out was not what I wanted after reading and asking question a week or two later.

There is a lot to learn here and some great people to get you started on a good setup.


Super Member
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Aug 8, 2012
Hi. And welcome to ECF. Congratulations on your decision to find out more about vaping. I am new here also. In order for the more experienced people to give you advice that will fit your situation you will need to tell us more about what you are looking for. Answers to these questions will help narrow down the choices. There are many, many choices in a huge price range from around $30 to several hundred dollars. So you may want to think about that too.

The first thing is how much do you smoke a day? What do you smoke, lights, camels, cigars? Do you want something simple and small or are you willing/want to fiddle with settings and things.

For me, I read through the introduction and information sections on this forum and read a lot of posts to get an idea of what I thought I wanted. What I thought I wanted the first day here, I figured out was not what I wanted after reading and asking question a week or two later.

There is a lot to learn here and some great people to get you started on a good setup.

Several hundred dollers ?? What mod is that


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2013
There's no perfect answer, what's good for me isn't good for the next guy. For example take batteries. Do you want something small and light (a bit like a cigarette)? It won't last long then, but it will be small and light. Or do you want middle of the road but still light? Go for a bigger/heavier version then. How about variable voltage so you can play about with your personal sweet spot of vape? They're a bit bigger again. How about some sort of battery holder that's quite big so the battery lasts ages and so it stands up good on a table? No problem. Want the battery built in? Want it to be able to take different sizes of batteries so you can use it in different situations? Want big capacity batteries or small? Want it square or round? Fat or thin? Quality or cheap? Elegant or don't care?

Heads are worse...throwaway or rebuildable? Cheap or quality? Airy draw, tight, or in between? Top or bottom coil? single or dual coil? Big or small capacity? Atomiser, clearomiser, carto or dripper? Stainless steel or brushed aluminium finish? Glass tank?

There's loads more. I'm not trying to poo-poo your question but realistically the above sums it up. If you want to vape cheap or expensive, easy or difficult, good or bad, thery're all there. It's what suits you. Enjoy your journey, I know I'm enjoying mine :)


Vaping Master
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Feb 5, 2013
Sacramento, California
Hi, welcome to ECF, you're going to get a lot of varied responses here and that's because there are a lot of different devices that perform different functions which are "best" for different individuals.

First off, there are two parts to an e-cig that you have to consider: the power source(battery/pv/mod) and the juice delivery device(carto/tank/RBA/clearo) and no one can tell you which combination is best for you, except you. But we can offer some suggestions ;)

Power source:
There are a few different categories here:
cig-a-like - looks kind of like a cigarette, takes cartomizers or small clearos, shorter battery life, less available power. Most, but not all, users move past these.

"eGo"/stick batteries: larger than a cig, think cigar sized, come in a range of battery capacities and some are even variable voltage, many users are perfectly happy with these. These can accept anything 510 or ego threaded, many options.

tube mods: these are battery compartments, they hold rechargeable batteries, these can be mechanical meaning no wires or circuitry or regulated meaning they have a processor that regulates the voltage and can provide variable voltage or variable wattage. There is a large range of these as far as price and features and size. These are larger than ego batteries, think larger than a roll of quarters, and some can be quite long.

box mods: box shaped, like a deck of cards, usually mechanical though some are variable voltage, some offer bottom feed for atomizers, or a built in cartomizer feed(REO/Billet Box).

Juice delivery devices:
There are way too many to list here so look up these: cartomizer, clearomizer, carto tank, protank, dripping atomizer, rebuildable atomizer, rebuildable dripping atomizer, genesis style atomizer, kayfun.

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
ECF Veteran
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Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
By the time you get a full Provari, a proper set of good, high quality batteries, a high quality battery charger, a decent collection of atomizers and enough juice to hit your vaping sweet spot, you could easily go through $400.

Some of the handmade signature series created by artist modders can set you back twice that.

Conversely, you could log into and get a decent Evod starter kit for under $50, and there are deals out there even cheaper.


Full Member
Jul 30, 2013
Costa Rica
WOW this is a really active forum! :)

Let me try and answer some of the questions :

> The first thing is how much do you smoke a day?

If I could I would smoke 3 packs a day LOL. Smoking is beautiful except for the disease and death :) The reality is if I could smoke without too many ill effects I would probably be a pack a day.

> What do you smoke

Marlboro Lights

> Do you want something simple and small or are you willing/want to fiddle with settings and things.

I like settings but I also don't want to fiddle with something for 2 minutes everytime I wanna light up. I want as much options as possible but once I hit the sweet spot I wanna be able to flip it on and smoke all I want.

> Variable voltage

> How about some sort of battery holder that's quite big so the battery lasts ages and so it stands up good on a table?
Would be good as long as I can detach and take it with me whenever I go out (not that often but obviously want the option).

> Want the battery built in? Want it to be able to take different sizes of batteries so you can use it in different situations?
Yes and yes.

> Want big capacity batteries or small?
Big capacity is always better no? :)

> Quality or cheap? Elegant or don't care?

Quality and elegant if possible.

> throwaway or rebuildable? Cheap or quality?
Quality. Not sure about the first part. The least work possible is always good. So throwaway I'm guessing.

> Airy draw, tight, or in between?
> Top or bottom coil? single or dual coil? Big or small capacity? Atomiser, clearomiser, carto or dripper?
> Stainless steel or brushed aluminium finish? Glass tank?
Don't know the answer to these questions. Please recommend :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 24, 2012
New Jersey
As a starter, I would recommend an ego twist kit or just a standard ego kit.

These devices have plenty of tutorials and are cheap and easy to use with minimal hassle.
My first electric cigarette and lead me into a whole world of vaping and the ecig community after a year!

Good luck, Happy vaping.

If any questions arise feel free to message me!


Ultra Member
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Jan 9, 2013
Poole UK
If only it worked like that.......
There are too many battery tubes and delivery systems to answer the question 'what's the best'.
Whatever you buy you will always wonder what the other one you didn't buy is like.
My advice (assuming money is available) would be to buy a Vamo or SVD kit and as many different Cartomisers and clearomisers as you can afford. Then as many sample juices as you can afford in a range of strengths and compositions.
Vape your heart out for a day or two and experiment to get some idea of what you prefer in terms of delivery system and juice.
Then come back and ask 'which is the best.....'
Vaping is too subjective for anyone to say that one thing is better than another unless the person asking the question has some idea of what suits them.
A lame answer i know but that's the truth ! :)


Full Member
Jul 30, 2013
Costa Rica
Based on what you say your needs and wants are I woukd reccomend a provari mini with extension cap and a carto tank or protank 2

OK this has been recommended several times already. It appears to be the "iPhone" of e-cigs (sleek, relatively pricey, works well, has a strong fan following, not for everyone). If someone buying a smartphone for the first time asked me what smartphone to buy I would probably recommend an iPhone even though I personally use a rooted Samsung Galaxy Note 2 with a custom rom ;) (I hope people follow the tech lingo). Am I close with that description of the provari? If yes, I should probably stick with it. Do I start with this?

ProVari Variable Voltage Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit V2

What else besides all that will I need to light up for the first time and keep going for a couple weeks at least (going at a "pack a day" pace) before needing refills?


Vaping Master
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Feb 5, 2013
Sacramento, California
OK this has been recommended several times already. It appears to be the "iPhone" of e-cigs (sleek, relatively pricey, works well, has a strong fan following, not for everyone). If someone buying a smartphone for the first time asked me what smartphone to buy I would probably recommend an iPhone even though I personally use a rooted Samsung Galaxy Note 2 with a custom rom ;) (I hope people follow the tech lingo). Am I close with that description of the provari? If yes, I should probably stick with it. Do I start with this?

ProVari Variable Voltage Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit V2

What else besides all that will I need to light up for the first time and keep going for a couple weeks at least (going at a "pack a day" pace) before needing refills?

That's a good kit, only comes with the one Protank though so you may want to look into more/other juice delivery devices or at the very least some replacement heads for the protank. And you'll need juice. Not sure what the vaping scene is like where you are, if you have any stores nearby that specialize in vaping/e-liquid I'd suggest going there; you can usually sample various juices to see what kind of flavors you like, and they probably have clearos/cartos/whatever for sale as well. If you don't have any stores near you, order sample packs of juice from different vendors so you can narrow down to ones you like.

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
ECF Veteran
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Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
If possible, find a place that sells a sample pack of juices. You'll get several very small bottles of juice that allow you to try different flavors and find one or two that you really like.

Also, if there's a brick and mortar vape joint in your area, call ahead and see if they'll let you try before you buy.

The setup you buy is an important part of the equation. But if the juice ain't right, it's all just expensive junk.

If cost is really no object to you, check out the B&M's selection of starter kits, get one and use that while you wait for Provape to process and ship your ProVari. When your big one gets home, use the starter kit as a back up.
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