chills, shakes trouble sleeping

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ECF Guru
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Sep 17, 2010
Other Places
Sounds like withdraws from smoking if it subsides when you have a cigarette. There's a lot in cigarettes besides just nicotine.

swedishfish is correct in stating this. I have withdraw symptoms the first week but then they slowly started to subside. Being jittery was one of them. Not sleeping as much was the other. I still don't sleep for more than 6 hours where I used to sleep 8-10. However, the loss in sleep never bothered me...I didn't feel tired at all. I still had plenty of energy.

Try not vaping and just smoking for a day and see if it goes away. Then you'll know for sure if it is cigarette related or not. If it doesn't, please see your doctor and tell him/her what is going on.

Edit: I should have kept reading more into the post before posting this. I'm glad to hear that your symptoms went away.:laugh:

Critter Man

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 7, 2010
Bit of a late hit for me to comment on this thread, but I doubt your symptoms were due to nicotine overdose. Nicotine leaves your body FAST. That's why smokers tend to smoke a pack of 20 in 16 hours of being awake. If you were waking up a few hours after going to sleep, your nicotine level in your blood was a lot lower than when you fell asleep. Cigarette withdrawl is possible, I suppose. Chills are a new one to me, but apparently not unheard of. You do hear about chills for folks detoxing from alcohol or narcotics, so I can see it happening with smokes.

Glad to hear the symptoms got better for you! :thumbs:
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