Dehydration: very serious, with serious and painful consequences

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Jan 24, 2014
Just thought I would chime in here... you should NEVER EVER drink Reverse Osmosis water or use it for cooking or watering pets. It contains NO minerals and will strip the body of minerals and other elements. Please let me know if you would like more info on this... I hope this help as that would be a major issue with your health!

It also removes impurities and micro-organisms, as well as bad taste and smell, which was the whole point in getting it. Along with wanting to a) stop spending a fortune on bottled distilled water, and b) not contributing to the mass of plastic garbage growing in the pacific ocean. I'll get the necessary minerals from my diet, but I want my water to be pure. I've tried the bottled water that contains "minerals" and it just tastes horrible to me; I drank only distilled water before we got the purification system.



Full Member
Jun 5, 2014
I would just be careful with reverse osmosis water as it's extremely powerful as a diluent. Too much RO water will cause health issues regardless of anything you are taking to counter it.

From the WHO

"Results of experiments in human volunteers evaluated by researchers for the WHO report
(3) are in agreement with those in animal experiments and suggest the basic mechanism of the
effects of water low in TDS (e.g. < 100 mg/L) on water and mineral homeostasis. Low-mineral
water markedly: 1.) increased diuresis (almost by 20%, on average), body water volume, and
serum sodium concentrations, 2.) decreased serum potassium concentration, and 3.) increased the
elimination of sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium ions from the body. It was
thought that low-mineral water acts on osmoreceptors of the gastrointestinal tract, causing an
increased flow of sodium ions into the intestinal lumen and slight reduction in osmotic pressure in
the portal venous system with subsequent enhanced release of sodium into the blood as an
adaptation response. This osmotic change in the blood plasma results in the redistribution of body
water; that is, there is an increase in the total extracellular fluid volume and the transfer of water
from erythrocytes and interstitial fluid into the plasma and between intracellular and interstitial
fluids. In response to the changed plasma volume, baroreceptors and volume receptors in the
bloodstream are activated, inducing a decrease in aldosterone release and thus an increase in
sodium elimination. Reactivity of the volume receptors in the vessels may result in a decrease in
ADH release and an enhanced diuresis. The German Society for Nutrition reached similar
conclusions about the effects of distilled water and warned the public against drinking it (7). The
warning was published in response to the German edition of The Shocking Truth About Water (8),
whose authors recommended drinking distilled water instead of "ordinary" drinking water. The
Society in its position paper (7) explains that water in the human body always contains "


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Jan 24, 2014
Well, I think that explains a bit about why I experienced the electrolyte imbalance so severely -- obviously not every vaper experiences that problem, hence all the *many* comments of "just drink more water," and perhaps it also explains a bit about why trying to take that advice actually made my problem worse. But, having added several plentiful sources of potassium to my diet, as well as slightly decreasing salt and significantly decreasing caffeine, the problem seems to have been corrected. I'm not willing to accept impurities, micro-organisms (some of which might be very dangerous), and bad taste and smell, just to get minerals. As I said, I'll be sure to get those from my diet, now that I understand more about the problem.


EDIT: That stuff also brings to mind the current very obvious cluelessness of the gov't and media -- and the fact that you can't necessarily depend on something being true, just because someone in gov't says it is, or the fact that it's published in some "scholarly" publication -- the people pushing for folks to not drink distilled water probably have an axe of their own to grind, such as a financial interest in public waterworks systems [or an environmental ideology of not contributing more plastic waste to the environment, and nevermind if you get some nasty disease from public water]. I mean, the *CDC* keeps saying that "e-cigarettes are as dangerous as cigarettes" which is patently false. I have no faith in the gov't to tell the truth at all, and very little anymore in these so-called "experts" -- they will literally say ANYTHING to further their own interests.
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Jan 24, 2014
It would appear that the Goya that I buy is one of the worst, but I can't say I really care; it does what I need it to do, it tastes ok, and it doesn't cost a fortune. Hits all the bases. Obviously I could find some that is more "organic" or whatever, but it would probably be prohibitively expensive, and might very well have that salty taste I can't abide -- I bought a different brand of some, when I was first trying it out, and it's very high in potassium (500mg per serving) but it also tastes like coconut-flavored gatorade. Uck, nasty. It was also a lot more costly than the Goya.



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Mar 19, 2014
Lansdowne, PA, USA
Foodbabe is really starting to shoot herself in the foot these days; she is really making herself look like just one more sensationalistic shrieking crazy person. I mean yeh, her intentions are good, and her first blog posts were substantive - but her recent blogs are more and more full of 'spin' and tabloid-style sensationalism. She is beginning to come across as The Babe That Cried Wolf, and is ruining her own credibility.

Although some coconut water does indeed have added sugars and flavoring, there is NOTHING WRONG with the REGULAR plain Vitacoco. It contains nothing BUT coconut water - no sugar added and no chemicals. (this is not the one marketed for kids Vani talks about, with the added sweeteners and flavorings and long list of label ingredients.)

It's easy to read labels and choose one that has no added sugars or chemical preservatives -
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Jun 29, 2013
you can't necessarily depend on something being true because someone in gov't says it is, or the fact that it's published in some "scholarly" publication -- the people pushing for folks to not drink distilled water probably have an axe of their own to grind, such as a financial interest in public waterworks systems [or an environmental ideology of not contributing more plastic waste to the environment, and nevermind if you get some nasty disease from public water]. I mean, the *CDC* keeps saying that "e-cigarettes are as dangerous as cigarettes" which is patently false. I have no faith in the gov't to tell the truth at all, and very little anymore in these so-called "experts" -- they will literally say ANYTHING to further their own interests.

I personally would not reject anything out of hand just because it comes from a "scholarly" publication OR from the government. Nor would I dismiss the notion that e-cigarettes might be hazardous. This thread alone is just one indication that it might be. Whether vaping is safer than smoking, we just don't know. I am not going to accept anything the vaping establishment's tells me since they have an ax of their own to grind as you put it. It is true that vaping eliminates the tar, but how about all the other chemicals we vape. A single strawberry flavor for example contains upwards of 300 chemicals. How do we know what those chemicals morph into when heated several degrees? The fact is we don't, and until we do, I am not ready to accept vaping as a safer alternative. You will have to prove it scientifically - not just by innuendo.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
Foodbabe is really starting to shoot herself in the foot these days; she is really making herself look like just one more sensationalistic shrieking crazy person. I mean yeh, her intentions are good, and her first blog posts were substantive - but her recent blogs are more and more full of 'spin' and tabloid-style sensationalism. She is beginning to come across as The Babe That Cried Wolf, and is ruining her own credibility.

Although some coconut water does indeed have added sugars and flavoring, there is NOTHING WRONG with the REGULAR plain Vitacoco. It contains nothing BUT coconut water - no sugar added and no chemicals. (this is not the one marketed for kids Vani talks about, with the added sweeteners and flavorings and long list of label ingredients.)

It's easy to read labels and choose one that has no added sugars or chemical preservatives -

What was said about vitococo was that it was pasterized which means many of the benifits of coconut water are lost in the heating process.

I found the blog to be informative. If one is going to drink coconut water for the benefits then certainly they would want to choose one that is of better quality.


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Jan 24, 2014
I definitely accept that vaping is far safer than smoking, but that doesn't mean it's entirely without hazards, you're right, as so many of us have learned to our own discomfort. But those discomforts can mostly be alleviated, once you know what the problem really is; there's no way to alleviate or ameliorate the cancer-causing potential of burning tobacco.

One thing about vaping that seems better, to me: the ill effects seem to show up in pretty short order, within a few weeks to months of starting to vape, whereas the worst effects of smoking don't generally show up for many, many years -- by which time it's too late to do anything about them, except maybe chemotherapy, which certainly provides no guarantee of surviving cancer -- unless you're fairly young and in excellent condition in all other ways, chemotherapy can kill you faster than cancer.

But frankly I can't imagine why anyone can't see that vaping is less hazardous than smoking; to be less hazardous than smoking is not really an exacting standard!

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Jan 24, 2014
What was said about vitococo was that it was pasterized which means many of the benifits of coconut water are lost in the heating process.

I found the blog to be informative. If one is going to drink coconut water for the benefits then certainly they would want to choose one that is of better quality.

Not if it costs so much that you can't buy any other groceries! To me, $1.29 for a 12oz can (what the Goya costs) is already more than I would spend for sports drinks or soda; I can justify that cost because it's so much better for me than sports drinks or soda. But at double or triple that cost? I couldn't buy it at all.

It's all very well to worry about "organic", etc, if you have unlimited means, but some of us live on planet Earth, with low incomes, and still need to eat, pay the mortgage, and all the other bills. So I really don't care what some ivory-tower granola-chomping foodie thinks of the Goya -- it works for me, I can afford it, and it tastes ok. That's all I need to know about it.



Vaping Master
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Jan 13, 2013
Don't forget that Organic Crops are generally grown without synthetic pesticides, artificial fertilizers, irradiation (a form of radiation used to kill bacteria), or biotechnology.
"Natural pesticides" and "natural fertilizers" can be just as damaging as synthetic.
After all, Arsenic is a natural product, but I wouldn't want to drink any for myself. The only true way to know what goes into your products is to grow them yourself. and not too many people have the patience or knowledge to do that.
Baring that option, you make the choices that work for you.

I'm definitely not gonna tell anyone to drink distilled water. It is flat and without any flavor or benefit. For me.
I'm not gonna tell a perfectly mature adult not to drink it if that is what they want to do. :)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
Not if it costs so much that you can't buy any other groceries! To me, $1.29 for a 12oz can (what the Goya costs) is already more than I would spend for sports drinks or soda; I can justify that cost because it's so much better for me than sports drinks or soda. But at double or triple that cost? I couldn't buy it at all.

It's all very well to worry about "organic", etc, if you have unlimited means, but some of us live on planet Earth, with low incomes, and still need to eat, pay the mortgage, and all the other bills. So I really don't care what some ivory-tower granola-chomping foodie thinks of the Goya -- it works for me, I can afford it, and it tastes ok. That's all I need to know about it.


No one was telling you what to consume. But since this thread was about the wonders of coconut water, it was nice that soemone provided a link indicating the differences.

Your comment about living on planet earth was not required. Just because someone can afford more than 1.29 for a drink hardly means they are wealthy and do not live on planet Earth.

There was no need to be rude as my post did not warrant that in any way.


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Jan 24, 2014
Don't forget that Organic Crops are generally grown without synthetic pesticides, artificial fertilizers, irradiation (a form of radiation used to kill bacteria), or biotechnology.
"Natural pesticides" and "natural fertilizers" can be just as damaging as synthetic.

Absolutely! I used to make my own bug spray from the dried tops of pyrethrum (painted) daisies; the directions for making it all include: "do not spray this on food crops!" For those you need something extremely water soluble (so it washes away easily) like sevin dust.

Baring that option, you make the choices that work for you.

I'm definitely not gonna tell anyone to drink distilled water. It is flat and without any flavor or benefit. For me.
I'm not gonna tell a perfectly mature adult not to drink it if that is what they want to do. :)

I've never really cared for just drinking water constantly; the only way I found I can actually get it down easily is if it's ICE cold, and has no mineral taste whatever. I bought distilled water in bottles for years and years and years, I really hate to think of all those plastic bottles I'm responsible for, but my husband and I always dreamed of having a whole-house filtration system; to do that of course, required that first we have a house, of our own. We finally got one in 2011 -- after 24 yrs of marriage and raising a son -- so within just a few months of that, we got the filtration system, for a really excellent price -- we told them what we could afford per month, and they worked it out so we got that. Once we qualify for home equity credit, we plan to pay that off, to get out from under the high interest, and the filtration system is part of the house, not something you can easily take with you when/if you move, so it actually increases the equity. The worse that public water becomes, the more valuable that system is.



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My intention is not to debate organics or income levels but to share information that some may find of value. I understand that the majority doesn't care or may have priorities that lay elsewhere. But it's all about informed decisions. I'm not about to discuss income but suffice it to say I'd be thrilled to bring mine up to poverty level. But I still prioritize what I put in or on my body and make the best informed decisions I can. Trust me, my feet are very well planted on the earth!
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Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
No one was telling you what to consume. But since this thread was about the wonders of coconut water, it was nice that soemone provided a link indicating the differences.

Your comment about living on planet earth was not required. Just because someone can afford more than 1.29 for a drink hardly means they are wealthy and do not live on planet Earth.

There was no need to be rude as my post did not warrant that in any way.

My comments weren't really addressed to you, but to whoever it was who published all that about the different coconut waters -- it seemed to me that the writer was one of those who believe if it's not organic, it's just no good at all, and maybe that writer can afford those products, but many, if not most of us, cannot. To me it's the same attitude as those around here who insist that if it's not a Provari, it's just worthless.

But, I can see that nothing I say here is correct, or appropriate, or of any value whatever to anyone, so y'all just have at it; I'm tired of being told how wrong I am about something I can see with my own eyes. I was also trying to post something that I thought might be helpful to others, because everyone talks about dehydration all the time (but no one seems to address the electrolyte issues), but my opinion seems to be worthless anyway, so I'm outta here. And I'm really starting to understand why so many leave the whole forum -- no good deed goes unpunished.



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No one is trying to make you a victim here, Andrea. But when you post such a strong negative name-calling opinion about something or someone there are bound to be repercussions. To each their own. This is all about sharing information. Take what you want and leave the rest. But to suggest that those of us that care about these issues are from another planet will ruffle some feathers. I don't take these things personally and understand that we all have different outlooks and priorities.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
I Think that you must have forgotten my initial post on this thread Andria.

No one here implied that you were incorrect or that your information was without value. I simply said that I felt your "living on planet Earth" comment was slightly rude.
I do not see how that de-values everything else that you posted?

As a side note ~ this is a discussion forum so people are going to discuss comments and posts and that does not always mean that they all must agree.
Just because we al do not agree 100% does not mean that a friendly discussion cannot be had.


Senior Member
Jun 2, 2014
My comments weren't really addressed to you, but to whoever it was who published all that about the different coconut waters -- it seemed to me that the writer was one of those who believe if it's not organic, it's just no good at all, and maybe that writer can afford those products, but many, if not most of us, cannot. To me it's the same attitude as those around here who insist that if it's not a Provari, it's just worthless.

But, I can see that nothing I say here is correct, or appropriate, or of any value whatever to anyone, so y'all just have at it; I'm tired of being told how wrong I am about something I can see with my own eyes. I was also trying to post something that I thought might be helpful to others, because everyone talks about dehydration all the time (but no one seems to address the electrolyte issues), but my opinion seems to be worthless anyway, so I'm outta here. And I'm really starting to understand why so many leave the whole forum -- no good deed goes unpunished.


I wish you wouldn't abandon this very helpful thread Andria. I think your point of view and this type of discussion is important. I believe there are quite a few of us having some form of issue with vaping and sharing info is why I'm here. Please rethink your decision to leave.


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Jun 16, 2009
How did ya'll manage to derail such an important thread/topic?? It's as simple as adding information without taking issue with each other. It can be done and in fact is done all over the world all the time - it's called helping each other out... not debating with each other. Andria did a great job of trying to field all of the input, but you finally managed to beat her down. Good job! now we can all sit around with our dry mouths and wonder what might help and hope someone else may try to share his/her information with us.

Now if this thread had been titled "WATER - Which is best?" well then ok. Personally, I would probably look for some bottled coconut water without too many additives, but THAT would have been my decision AFTER having the seed planted from reading shared information on this thread. I mean if you want to give information on which is the better coconut water then start a new thread/ topic.

The rest of us just want to read about other peoples experiences with dehydrating effects of vaping and what they may be doing to ameliorate it.
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