Diacetyl in e-liquid-please lets find out suppliers who do not use this!

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 18, 2010
SW Iowa
Last post...leave these suppliers alone and if worried go back to analogs (safer). We can not bash suppliers with all this unknown

I'm not sure what you're qualifying as unknown.

FACT: Diacetyl causes bronchiolitis obliterans, a disease that essentially petrifies the small oxygen-carrying components in the lungs.
FACT: Some of the flavoring agents contain diacetyl.
FACT: There are alternatives to diacetyl.
FACT: Some vendors are using diacetyl.

What part is unknown? Frankly, it seems like somebody who is okay with taking in the toxins is the one better able to go back to cigarettes. Most people are vaping to get away from the chemicals.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Aug 31, 2010
Last post...leave these suppliers alone and if worried go back to analogs (safer). We can not bash suppliers with all this unknown
Why should I smoke a cigarette! It is so easy for a supplier to disclose their ingredients. Its so simple. They are selling a product. The cdc and ohsa have some great facts related to this subject. Just google. No one is trying to bash anyone. the true intent of the post is to find out who (supplier) is willing to be open on their ingredient list such as diacetyl. If a supplier does not want to disclose this information=okay...I will move on. However, people do need the outlet to find, gather and research for themselves. BTW this subject will not go away until the suppliers self regulate and supply information related to the e-liquid.


Moved On
Nov 17, 2010
I agree and I am so glad that there are vendors that don't use this. I will be shopping from them from now on.

Like I stated in another thread that is talking about this that I grew up having bronchitis and asthma, and yeah I smoked for 28 years. I have other health issues that daily like to cause issues. I got away from analogs to help myself feel better. Lately I had been feeling like I had expando lungs and started looking into this. Finding this out will be switching vendors. It doesn't take much to just say "Hey these are my brands that currently have Diacetyl in them." A vendor might keep their customer base because they were honest. Not stepping up and them mucking around the whole subject just made me go to another supplier.

Some suppliers may not care about that they are putting it into their systems. It doesn't mean that I don't try to know and take care of mine. We have the right to know what is in anything that we purchase, e-juice is not excluded from this list. Vendors that step up and get their juices tested are going to be the ones that grow in customer base as well as will be around for the long run. Just sayin.


Super Member
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Jan 18, 2011
So far FlavourArt is the only company we know of that uses diacetyl. Capella, LorAnn and Bickford say they do not use it. I was told by the owner of one of these companies that diacetyl is not used in FDA food flavorings and that there is no reason for companies to use it. I guess it's different in the UK but not positive.

It's not about not using e-cigs, it's about not using vendors that use flavorings that contain diacetyl. It's not that difficult and there are many other flavors available. There's no reason it should raise the price of eLiquid, just that some may have to reformulate some of their recipes which they do all the time anyway it seems.

I agree. Just as if we were diagnosed with let's say, diabetes or high cholestrol-we wouldn't stop eating. We'd find a way to enjoy foods with none (or less) of ingredients that would exacerbate our disease.

So too with vendors who knowingly (or unknowingly) use diacetyl-find another way to make a flavor that will not be harmful to its users.

It's not asking too much. Vaping is fun, it's a novelty, etc. etc., but we surely don't want to trade one poison (analogs) with another.


Moved On
Nov 17, 2010
I agree with both of you! :)

Ok guys I have been researching and talking to some suppliers. Here is a list that I have compiled from threads, etc...

No Diacetyl suppliers:

Vapor Renu
Backwoods Brew
Vapor Station

Perfumers apprentice

If you guys talk to more suppliers please let us know in here the ones you KNOW don't contain Diacetyl. I find that doing this research will not only help us, but help our new people when they ask.

Now I'm off to set up a perty order with Vapor Station. They have the sampler kit and is something that every vendor needs to have available. Then in the future BWB and down the line. :)


Am I Chip or am I Dale?
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jan 12, 2011
North Carolina, USA
Not to throw a wrench into this whole discussion, but I am sure all of you are aware that the substitutes for Diacetyl are often just derivatives thereof. Many of the substitutes and/or derivatives are being demonstrated to be as bad if not worse. Also, just because a product says "all natural" does not mean there is no Diacetyl present: it is a naturally occurring substance.

I have no dog in this hunt, just throwing the information out there.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
I didn't read the whole thread but in July 2010 Flavourart flavorings said they were removing diacetyl from all flavorings. FreedomSmokeUSA and at least 2 other juice mixers use Flavourart

BTW - it is my understanding there is diacetyl in cigarettes as well as beer and some popcorn and anything you've eaten your whole life with flavorings that contained diacetyl


Ultra Member
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ECF Veteran
Oct 28, 2010
I didn't read the whole thread but in July 2010 Flavourart flavorings said they were removing diacetyl from all flavorings. FreedomSmokeUSA and at least 2 other juice mixers use Flavourart

BTW - it is my understanding there is diacetyl in cigarettes as well as beer and some popcorn and anything you've eaten your whole life with flavorings that contained diacetyl

Diacetyl is a butter flavoring found in butter. Don't vape your butter. It used to be used extensively in popcorn. It was in popcorn factories where workers were breathing large amounts that it killed people. Eating it is harmless but it will destroy you lung if you breathe enough of it. As far as I know there is one recorded case of anyone getting it from making popcorn at home in a microwave.

The trace amounts in flavoring that are used now are unlikely to do any harm but why take the chance. It isn't a necessary ingredient.

I'm sure this has already been said.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Yes - your are right.
Here are the Flavourart flavorings that contain diacetyl. The % listed is of 100% strength flavoring. (so if 10% of a flavoring in using in an ejuice then 1/10 of the listed percent would be in the ejuice. etc)

Beer 0,001

Butter 1,5

Beef boiled 0,00005

Bell pepper 0,01

Chestnut 0,03

Champagne 0,0016

Croissant 0,074

Cheese Erdammer 0,09

Cheese Emmenthal 0,018

Cheese Parmigiano 0,29

Coconut 0,5

Corn 0,2

Cream whipped 0,01

Custard 0,06

Egg yolk 0,015

Fried 0,01

Milk condensed 0,5

Malt 0,01

Melon 0,01

Olive 0,01

Pandoro 2

Panettone 2

Potato 0,00012

Pistacchio 0,0015

Royal 0.02

Rum 0,022

Soy sauce 0,35

Salmon 0,02

Truffle black 0,1

Vanilla Madagascar 0,04

Yogurt 1,6


I will still buy from FreedomSmokeUSA and other well-liked juice mixers who use Flavourart flavorings. For the most part those are not flavors I buy anyway. I think I have one flavor with coconut in it as part of its flavoring.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 10, 2010
Birmingham AL
I agree with both of you! :)

Ok guys I have been researching and talking to some suppliers. Here is a list that I have compiled from threads, etc...

No Diacetyl suppliers:

Vapor Renu
Backwoods Brew
Vapor Station

Perfumers apprentice

If you guys talk to more suppliers please let us know in here the ones you KNOW don't contain Diacetyl. I find that doing this research will not only help us, but help our new people when they ask.

Now I'm off to set up a perty order with Vapor Station. They have the sampler kit and is something that every vendor needs to have available. Then in the future BWB and down the line. :)

Halo E-Liquids

Prime Vaping
These contain no diacetyl and never have..
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