Ended up in the hospital and

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May 23, 2011
Northern California Kaiser Permanente

I was rushed to the hospital for acute appendicitis. Well, actually my dr. admitted me and told me to got directly to the ER from his office. I stopped at home and grabbed a bottle of liquid and an extra battery. I already had my e-cig with me.

So I'm in the er being punped full of antibiotics and morphine for pre surgury while they do some cat scans and other test and I ask the ER nurse is it okay to vape there. She looks at me and says,"I don't know. Nobody's ever asked me that." Haha. So I continued to vape for the 4 hours I was in the ER before surgery.

In pre op room(about 1 1/2 hours) I asked again if it was ok to vape and all three of the nurses said I can't think of a reason why not but I don't think you can. I continued to vape and they didn't care.

I get to my room and the bargain basement nurse that you get once you get in a room (I think they might be nurse assistants) says that you can't use that here because it's bad. I said,"What's bad? It's just water vapor." and she replied,"It contains bad stuff." So in her broken English I tried to get what was bad out of her but she couldn't come up with anything so I decided to continue vaping in my room even though every time she came in she told me I had to stop. I didn't push my luck and ask the head nurse if it was okay I just ignored my nurse.

My advice. Bring your e-cig to the hospital if you are going to be admitted. The worst they can do is tell you to stop.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
Northern California Kaiser Permanente

I was rushed to the hospital for acute appendicitis. Well, actually my dr. admitted me and told me to got directly to the ER from his office. I stopped at home and grabbed a bottle of liquid and an extra battery. I already had my e-cig with me.

So I'm in the er being punped full of antibiotics and morphine for pre surgury while they do some cat scans and other test and I ask the ER nurse is it okay to vape there. She looks at me and says,"I don't know. Nobody's ever asked me that." Haha. So I continued to vape for the 4 hours I was in the ER before surgery.

In pre op room(about 1 1/2 hours) I asked again if it was ok to vape and all three of the nurses said I can't think of a reason why not but I don't think you can. I continued to vape and they didn't care.

I get to my room and the bargain basement nurse that you get once you get in a room (I think they might be nurse assistants) says that you can't use that here because it's bad. I said,"What's bad? It's just water vapor." and she replied,"It contains bad stuff." So in her broken English I tried to get what was bad out of her but she couldn't come up with anything so I decided to continue vaping in my room even though every time she came in she told me I had to stop. I didn't push my luck and ask the head nurse if it was okay I just ignored my nurse.

My advice. Bring your e-cig to the hospital if you are going to be admitted. The worst they can do is tell you to stop.

Hey, welcome to the vapers' appendicitis club! I got to experience that FUN back in June! I stealth vaped while in the e-room; I never said a word to them about vaping, just that I had been smoke-free for 110 days (at that time). I also talked them into letting me out the same day, since I had laparoscopic surgery, and zero complications of any kind, including breathing, which amazed and delighted the hell out of this asthmatic!

So that day, no problems at all. However the next 4 days were the nausea/vomiting hell that kept me from eating, vaping, or drinking much of anything, and by the time that was over, I hadn't vaped in 4 days, vapor tasted like CRAP, and cravings were beating me senseless, so I went back to smoking for a month. I don't recommend that! :D



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2011
Hey, welcome to the vapers' appendicitis club! I got to experience that FUN back in June! I stealth vaped while in the e-room; I never said a word to them about vaping, just that I had been smoke-free for 110 days (at that time). I also talked them into letting me out the same day, since I had laparoscopic surgery, and zero complications of any kind, including breathing, which amazed and delighted the hell out of this asthmatic!

So that day, no problems at all. However the next 4 days were the nausea/vomiting hell that kept me from eating, vaping, or drinking much of anything, and by the time that was over, I hadn't vaped in 4 days, vapor tasted like CRAP, and cravings were beating me senseless, so I went back to smoking for a month. I don't recommend that! :D


Glad you're back to vaping and recovered ok.

I was told that for a few weeks my bowel system may have some issues but I didn't have too many issues. Still not back to normal but no nausea, throwing up, ect

They were able to do the laproscopic on me too but I had to spend the night. They wanted me to spend one more night but I was able to convince them to let me go.

I guess I was lucky. I had no complications or pain after. They gave me some vicodin to take home but I didn't need it. All the dilaudid before and after and the pre op fentynal + midazolam(the best pre op mix ever. I told the anesthesiologist he should get a patent on his mix...omg) was enough for a week..lol
For some reason the kept giving me dilaudid after surgery every 4 hours. All I had to do was say my pain was a 7 out of 10..lol..1-2 is nothing,3-6 is oral vicodin,7-10 is a shot of dilaudid.

Well, i did have one complication. They called a week later and said pathology found a small cancer tumor inside my appendix(probably what caused it to be blocked off as I think I've had chronic appendicitis for awhile) and would I like to COME IN TODAY to see the oncologist. I said NO, how about in a couple days. I freaked out. They should never say that over the phone. It turns out it's a common type of cancer and it very slow growing and basically It's like I HAD cancer and it's now in remission. I just need to get tested(blood\urine) every 3 months.

I just did my first blood\urine test and they came out good.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 23, 2011
But hey like u said whats the worse that can happen lol

It's probably the same here but they didn't seem to know for certain. I vape all the time inside when I'm going for Dr. visits and only one time did a Dr coming out of an elevator stop and stare at me as I blew out a huge vape while sitting in a chair near the elevator..He didn't say anything to me though.

I know he thought it was a cigarette so I twirled my e-cig in my hand hoping he'd realize it and just go on his way. He did go on his way but he stood there for a good 10 seconds.

If I had to do it all over again I wouldn't have let the nurse in my regular room know I was vaping but I probably would do the same in the er room


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Well I'm sorry your in hospital as I am also in hospital myself right now Neath/Port talbot but I've been very lucky I've been told it's ok to vape in my bed as long as I don't kick the .... out of it i.e. No cloud chasing which if I fancy a heavy VG there's a small court yard that I've been allowed to go to and sit there and vape away I've even sat here and been allowed to take out all my tools and re-wick a couple of atties and I had a small audience of nurses around me asking questions about what I was doing and asking advice regarding certain types of mods and toppers. It's been great I'm being allowed home for the weekend where I can do some clothes washing and wait for delivery of my IPV3 I've been quite happy using my sig 100w whilst here but I just want to give this new mod a go plus I told one of the nurses that I had a few spare bottles of juice at home that I'd not use and that she was welcome to have them so again I'm sorry @Burn3d that your having this anti vape trouble and for the fact your in hospital but I've been personally very lucky now if only they would also deliver the God 180 I'm waiting on too. [emoji6]

Sent from the depths and the darkest part of the Internet.


Ultra Member
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Jul 2, 2014
Pearland, TX
we've a friend in the hospital since 9/6, motorcycle and from ICU to rehab..vaping away and only once did someone tell Ed "you can't do that in here" ok no biggie..

and it's fine around oxygen, it's those already open flames that are a problem when oxygen fed. Oxygen it's self is not a flammable, it'll feed an existing fire though.

I'm in and out of hospitals a lot, and so far so good, I'm not sitting chain vaping/blatantly blowing clouds though, a few stealth vapes here and there as needed no one's said a word to me about it , or they're afraid to, *lol* either way, I try to be a courteous vaper.

It irks my daughter, the Hipster, we went to supper night before last, and Ed and I took ours out for a few after supper, "can't you wait until we leave, I am" she works at an artsy grocery store and gets the hipster moms with kids complaining a lot when another customer vapes around them so I "get it".

Here's to a speedy recovery..and vape on!!!:toast::vapor:


ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
Last time I was in the hospital I smoked a couple packs of reds a day for the whole ~2 weeks. They tried to stop me. I disconnected what I had to and took my I.V. to the parking lot. Gown wide open, didn't matter. Security tried to stop me. I jabbed and swung the I.V. pole at their heads. They threatened to take my marlboros. I gathered my stuff, confiscated one of their carts, loaded it up and made it down the elevator and half way to the door.

We came to a compromise. I would smoke my cigarettes in the bathroom and they'd look the other way. It was tough, but I did my best and made it through.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 18, 2014
Dallas TX
One of the hospitals in our town is a "Total smoke free zone" This means no smoking even in the parking lot. Pffft ya right. Security will come by and knock on peoples doors if they are in the car smoking and ask them to leave the area if they want to smoke. I was told of one patient that was fined the cost of an air filter when he was found to be smoking in his bathroom.
I do use my twist when I visit, I had a head nurse give me the "eeeeevil eye" when she came in and saw a slight haze over me. But as it smelled like Jolly Ranchers she didn't say much.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Verified Member
Jan 24, 2014
Glad you're back to vaping and recovered ok.

I was told that for a few weeks my bowel system may have some issues but I didn't have too many issues. Still not back to normal but no nausea, throwing up, ect

They were able to do the laproscopic on me too but I had to spend the night. They wanted me to spend one more night but I was able to convince them to let me go.

I guess I was lucky. I had no complications or pain after. They gave me some vicodin to take home but I didn't need it. All the dilaudid before and after and the pre op fentynal + midazolam(the best pre op mix ever. I told the anesthesiologist he should get a patent on his mix...omg) was enough for a week..lol
For some reason the kept giving me dilaudid after surgery every 4 hours. All I had to do was say my pain was a 7 out of 10..lol..1-2 is nothing,3-6 is oral vicodin,7-10 is a shot of dilaudid.

Well, i did have one complication. They called a week later and said pathology found a small cancer tumor inside my appendix(probably what caused it to be blocked off as I think I've had chronic appendicitis for awhile) and would I like to COME IN TODAY to see the oncologist. I said NO, how about in a couple days. I freaked out. They should never say that over the phone. It turns out it's a common type of cancer and it very slow growing and basically It's like I HAD cancer and it's now in remission. I just need to get tested(blood\urine) every 3 months.

I just did my first blood\urine test and they came out good.

I think one of the other major reasons, other than zero-complications, that they let me out the same day, was that I pointed out that I have no insurance, so it was already going to cost a hell of a lot of money that I DON'T have, and even one night's stay could easily add $10,000 to that amount. When I told them that, they were still all 'well, we'll see' about it, but I woke up rarin' to go, in my right mind, able to walk within 30 mins of the surgery, so they really had no reason to hold me, especially considering how clear my lungs were.

My surgeon said that my horrible 4 day aftermath was due to my IBS; any little thing that even nudges my colon, and it makes me sick as a goat -- cutting a chunk of it out was apparently just more than my poor irritable colon could deal with, and it let me know in technicolor! The nausea/vomiting was just 4 days, the ........ went on for 2 wks, and if I hadn't gone back to smoking almost a week after the surgery, it might have gone on longer -- I think those horrible cravings I had were more than just lack of vaping for 4 days, I think it was my gut telling me that there were some alkaloids it really needed, and those are available in real cigarette smoke -- because even after that month of smoking, when I finally got back to vape-only, 10 days later the cravings started up again -- but instead of going back AGAIN to smoking, I added WTA -- and the cravings went completely away.

I didn't have much pain after surgery at all, but the gas, from having my abdomen opened even a little bit, was just ungodly -- I think that also contributed to the nausea. All they gave me at discharge was a prescription for some very mild hydrocodone, but I didn't take even half of them; they gave me night-sweats, so I went to ibuprofen within 2 or 3 days. I had to call the surgeon 2 days after the surgery to get a prescription for phenergan, though, the nausea was so awful -- and the phenergan really didn't even seem to touch it. That nausea wasn't going away until my colon calmed down!

I'm just SOOOOOOO glad that human bodies have only ONE appendix! :D

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