Ended up in the hospital and

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Aug 23, 2014
Sydney & Puerto Plata

It amazes me how disrespectful some vapers have become over the years. Very disappointing!

It's not disrespectful if you ask first. It's also not disrespectful if you vape when no one is around (as the vapor dissipates very quickly). Most of the laws with regard to smoking in these areas (like hospitals) haven't been adjusted to include vaping so the worse thing that can happen is you will be asked not to. Fortunately I didn't have to ask, the Doctor and Nurse saw my vaping setup sitting on the bed beside me and said "you know it's OK if you use that in here". Of course I have no doubt that a policy will be made someday soon that will disallow hospital vaping at this hospital and then they won't be able to give me unsolicited permission.


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 24, 2014
It's not disrespectful if you ask first. It's also not disrespectful if you vape when no one is around (as the vapor dissipates very quickly). Most of the laws with regard to smoking in these areas (like hospitals) haven't been adjusted to include vaping so the worse thing that can happen is you will be asked not to. Fortunately I didn't have to ask, the Doctor and Nurse saw my vaping setup sitting on the bed beside me and said "you know it's OK if you use that in here". Of course I have no doubt that a policy will be made someday soon that will disallow hospital vaping at this hospital and then they won't be able to give me unsolicited permission.

And what about how disrespectful they are to US? Calling us ANECDOTES! I mean, what total unmitigated gall, to tell people, "you don't count, we don't care about your experience, you're just an anecdote."

I'm way past tired of being treated as somehow sub-human, just because my body is addicted to nicotine. I have rights too.



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Mar 2, 2013
Miami, FL
It's not disrespectful if you ask first. It's also not disrespectful if you vape when no one is around (as the vapor dissipates very quickly). Most of the laws with regard to smoking in these areas (like hospitals) haven't been adjusted to include vaping so the worse thing that can happen is you will be asked not to. Fortunately I didn't have to ask, the Doctor and Nurse saw my vaping setup sitting on the bed beside me and said "you know it's OK if you use that in here". Of course I have no doubt that a policy will be made someday soon that will disallow hospital vaping at this hospital and then they won't be able to give me unsolicited permission.

Asking and then receiving permission is wonderful and I applaud those that follow that. However, it appears as though a rising majority are taking a holier than art thou stance when it comes to vaping. Which is to me disappointing, that they feel the need to defy the rules/regulations set forth even after being told to stop and take it somewhere else.

A person doesn't have to agree with an establishments rules/regulations but you are expected to respect them or take your business elsewhere. Though I imagine eventually a person will run out of places to go as they over extend their welcome by being disrespectful. Which in the end will paint vapers in general in a bad light.

Vapers should also remember that just because are addiction is safer than tobacco smoking does not mean it's without harm. No one can know for certain without long-term studies. Which aren't possible as the industry hasn't been around long enough to complete such studies.



Vaping Master
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May 31, 2014
Austin, Texas
It's not disrespectful if you ask first. It's also not disrespectful if you vape when no one is around (as the vapor dissipates very quickly). Most of the laws with regard to smoking in these areas (like hospitals) haven't been adjusted to include vaping so the worse thing that can happen is you will be asked not to. Fortunately I didn't have to ask, the Doctor and Nurse saw my vaping setup sitting on the bed beside me and said "you know it's OK if you use that in here". Of course I have no doubt that a policy will be made someday soon that will disallow hospital vaping at this hospital and then they won't be able to give me unsolicited permission.

This won't work in the United States. You would be thrown out of the hospital.


Ultra Member
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Sep 3, 2014
I spent 15 days in ICU while I was a 2PAD smoker... I just didn't smoke, at all... I'll tell you what though, they didn't make it easy to be nicotine free... they were worse than any drug pusher I have ever met. Twice a day I was offered the patch, sometimes more often, which I always turned down. It's like they wrote down to offer me the patch over and over. Not sure why, I couldn't have went anywhere if I wanted to until about day 13, so they knew I wasn't smoking 'secretly'. I don't think I was being grumpy or snippy with them... I am never rude to a few groups of people... a couple of which are those [still] making my food and those that are healing me.

I will say that I had great nurses, and I mean it... in every other respect except for their insistence on asking me if I wanted a patch, it's mind boggling, really. They were awesome!

Anyway,... currently, the local hospitals are "tobacco free" campuses, but most of them will tell you not to vape in public areas, while turning a blind eye to it when they can.

I know some places though, do "drug" tests for nicotine (related to health insurance)... so that may cause some of the nurses to protect themselves and others from testing 'dirty'... but I imagine that would take a fair amount of vape getting inhaled by them and a test being administered soon enough... but, if it's your job or the difference of a few hundred bucks a month in premiums... I could see them trying to protect themselves.
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