First Adventure in Vaping

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ECF Veteran
Nov 19, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
I just started vaping 1 week ago. My girlfriend advised me she was going to quit smoking. We live in Phoenix and it can get up to 118 degrees or more so we smoked in the house all summer rather than swelter outside for the sake of getting what little, if any pleasure from consuming analogs.The weather just started to get nice a few weeks ago so, in anticipation of her quitting cold turkey I decided to try vaping after speaking about it with some people at work who do it.
We washed the walls, the blinds and shampooed the carpet and decided that for the remaining time before she quits we would commit to smoking outside.
My better half, whom smokes maybe 10 analogs a day decided to go cold turkey. I on the other hand, have been smoking between 1-2 packs a day for 40+ years and the thought of going cold turkey did not appeal to me.
On one of my trips to our local Quick Trip to pick up a carton of my weekly cheap low quality analogs, I saw a sign saying "We now sell E-Cigarettes". Thinking this would be a good start, I purchased the Jasper & Jasper Xplorer starter kit for $19.95 and eagerly returned home
conjuring images in my mind of what it would be like to join the ranks of those that smoke E-Cigarettes. No more ashtrays, Bic lighters and room deodorizers. No more stinky clothes and breath, heck, maybe my teeth would even return to a shade of white instead of the ugly brownish color they are and have been for decades, It was exciting.
Upon arrival at the homestead I opened the box and read the instructions, it even came with a USB charger. "This" I said to myself "is the pinnacle of smoking technology".
After charging the battery for the required time, I screwed the atomizer on to the battery and inserted it in to one of the cartridges.
I took my first drag the same way one would smoke an analog not knowing any better. The hot vapor entered my mouth and went in to my lungs while burning the back of my throat. It was terrible. I was extremely disappointed but I knew that there must be more to this "E-Cig" thing so decided to do some research on the Internet.
I found the Halo G6 starter kit and it was recommended as a good starting point for noobs, I ordered the kit and while waiting for it to arrive switched between the horrible J&J's and my cheap analogs. I even tried the menthols but they were just as horrid as the non-menthols.
On Friday evening the Halo G6 arrived. The packaging was impressive as were the components themselves. I plugged the charger in to the wall socket and the battery in the charger and went to bed, maybe tomorrow a whole new world of vaping pleasure would open up.
I got up in the morning, grabbed a cup of coffee and proceeded to sit at my computer and read the news like I always did with my analogs but today was different, today I was going to try my Halo G6.
I took a cartomizer pre-filled with Prime 15 and screwed it in to the battery, took a few more sips of coffee and then a long drag off of my first KR808D1 E-Cig. The sky seemed to open up before me, what taste, what pleasure as the vapor entered my mouth. I held it for 2 seconds and inhaled. The throat hit was nice and cool compared to the J&J. I exhaled slowly through my nose. "This" I said "THIS is what vaping is all about" :thumb:
I have not as much as touched an analog since.
Today I took a trip to my local vaping emporium and purchased a bottle of Bella Valente, primed a blank carto and partook of it's earthly delight. My life is never going to be the same. Vaping is a pleasure as opposed to smoking which was just a necessary evil.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 19, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Congrats and welcome...I too had a significant other quit cold turkey...I tried that and failed miserably. After receiving my first e-cig I only smoked analogs one more time, while waiting for more cartos. I quickly learned you can never have too many of those.

Yes, I learned that quickly as well. Over the past week, since I sincerely plan on dumping analogs altogether ( I actually already have) I spent the equivalent on supplies, mostly juice and blank cartos, to what I would spend on analogs in one month. I really think it should hold me over for 2-3 months. A substantial amount of money in savings.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 19, 2011
Phoenix, AZ
Its expensive at first trying different juices, ecigs eventualy mods but well worth all the time and money spent i would have loved to find this years ago. Congrats on the first steps.

I thought of that, like anything else, you can really get in to it a drain your wallet. In anticipation of that I decided I am going to stick with what I have and just invest in cartos and juice as needed. No fancy cases or anything like that. No mods or anything, just going to keep it simple. So far mission accomplished, I'm off the analogs and should save some money as well as improve my overall health. Not that I have any health issues due to consuming 2 packs a day for 40 years but I am getting older and needed to either cut down on analogs or cut it out all together. For me, the benefits of vaping as opposed to smoking are tremendous. If anything I might look in to making my own juices like my friend at work to save even more money but I really like the juices that are available so far.
This all started because my significant other advised me they were going to quit analogs, as it turned out, she set a date last week but continues to smoke. I tried to espouse to her the benefits of vaping but she refuses to hear it, she won't even take a taste. I had originally planned on cutting the nicotine strength down gradually 'till I get to 6mg/ml and then quit and I still plan on doing that.
I had smoked menthols mostly before vaping and I have found that in vaping, I prefer the non menthol.
I like Prime 15 and Bella Valente and am waiting on a bottle of Torque 56. I had always switched brands when smoking analogs and now, changing the flavor is as easy as screwing on another carto.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 6, 2011
Wake Forest North Carolina
Congratulations on entering the world of vaping. I started vaping on 15 Jan 2011. I started with an eGo kit. I still have it and still use it. So the cost of devices has been limited to atomizers, cartridges and juice. I must confess though that I did buy a Buzz Pro mod in October. I did I actually added up what I had actually spent total on Ecigs this year a two weeks ago. Both my wife and I quit at the same time so combined for both of us we have bought a 510 Kit and 2 eGo kits, the rest of this was just juice, atomizers and cartridges. The total was $872.50 spent total for everything and that includes the $150.00 for the Buzz Pro kit. I used one of those signature calculators to see what both of us would have spent on Analogs. That total was $3,415.00. So while vaping is not free I am still on track to take the wife on a cruise after the first of the year with the money I've save. Vaping is really about the health benefits to me than the money. After 42 years of smoking and having tried all the stop smoking aids and failed, Vaping is the only thing that saved me from dyeing of a smoking related illness. For saving me from this fate I can put no price on that type of benefit. So for me if I go a little crazy once in awhile and buy some carto's, a new mod or some other gadget as long a I never smoke another analog it is money well spent in my book.
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