gandalf and dragons fire

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Free at last
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Jul 28, 2011
Tennessee, USA
There may not be any added flavor in HHV nets. They are, for the most part, pipe tobaccos, which can be flavored long before they get to Georgia.

Indeed. Spitting hairs maybe, but extracting flavored tobaccos and adding flavors to extracted tobaccos are different. :)


The Philosopher Who Rides
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Jun 13, 2012
Richmond, Va
I don't get any spiciness to Gandalf, but Pirate Booty is very spicy to me.

BTW, nice Username, but by Westerosi law, you may not use a Lannister sigil and words while also claiming Ned's name. Seven save you, the old gods will not. :p

My name references the death of Eddard. The sigil is an original creation of mine, only the words are Lannister. Even as a Lannister at heart, I use this name as a sign of respect for old Ned. He was my favorite character of the first book. What he lacked in political insight, savvy, and tact is all forgiven in my book due to his other redeeming qualities. But he is without a doubt dead at the hands of House Lannister.

And what trouble will the old gods make for me, safe in Casterly Rock? Even a god has his price...


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Dec 16, 2012
In the Ocean
I just filled a tank with Gandalf, it arrived a cpl of days ago. The minute it arrived I shook it up and removed the cap for 2 days

within those 2 days every few hours I shook it up and I don't taste ANY Perfume taste at all period.. Maybe it's just me. and my tastebuds.

Provari w/ vivi nova 2.4ohm @ 4.1v

what I do taste is:

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Vaping Master
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Mar 10, 2012
so hey i jumped on the band wagon and got some gandalf and dragons fire from HHV.

though I did let them sit for almost 3 days now caps off, then "speed steeped" them in hot water. The hot water thing made an enormous difference in flavor. I cannot even begin to describe the awesomeness of chocolate in dragons fire.

Though gandalf is still a bit perfume flavored and maybe it needs more steeping.

but i am wondering, what would happen if i simply mixed both bottles together?

i mean the world wont end or Chuck Norris wont roundhouse kick me or anything right ?
WRONG! j/k you gave me quite a chuckle, heehee, with that one :D
Good thread BTW

no one has tried tried this? i am just wondering, since the flavors are so very close in taste would they end up decent or would i be wasting such precious juice.
omg don't mix both bottles!!! :shock: just transfer a tiny bit from each into a little bottle, and be sure to do 1/3 + 2/3 and another bottle with 2/3 +1/3 for the sake of experimentation :p
You will be amazed in a few weeks, seriously!

They don't taste much alike to me.
I know! right! go figure, sheesh :facepalm:

Nor I. But I gave each a good 3 weeks steep before using.
Believe it or not, I felt like the flavors improved each and every day up until about 3 weeks where there were at their peak. Don't ignore them... test them every day so you can taste the differfences as they evolve ;) right GT ?

There are so many smart people with good advice on here I'm in awe almost every chance I get to read hundreds of threads on here:)

Try it, just mix a mL or two of each rather than risking the whole bottle.
Yes, because you'll hate yourself if you didn't re-test each one separately in a week or so :p

I mixed Dark Horse and Gandalf. It tastes like Gandalf and Dark Horse mixed together :)
When I mixed those two I thought they tasted like Huntsman, or was it Pirate's Booty... no wait, Dragon's Fire! :p

A buttered mildly fruity (many describe it as light cherry, to me it is more like a light blueberry, but even that is not quite the right description) light tobacco. It has a complex flavor with spicy undertones as well.

This juice should not taste or smell perfumy when it is finished steeping. When you try it the first time, do yourself a favor and give it the 21 days. Shake it, take the cap off the first day, then recap it, give it a good shaking and put it in a dark for 20 days. It will make all the difference in the world.

I didn't get perfume from any of the 10 flavors I tried so far. I didn't let the caps off for fear of spillage, but I did open and shake and sniff and taste vape each day for a few weeks. (Except for one where I transferred 5 ml's from my big bottle of Gandalph and forgot about it for a month. It didn't get shook or sniffed LOL and ended up being as great as the big bottle of Gandalph after 3 weeks of all the shaking, using, sniffing, vaping daily etc. :blink:


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Dec 6, 2011
North Carolina, USA
well, my opinion gandalf and dragons fire both have a definate chocolate taste, theres some fruityness to gandalf and perhaps some vanilla to dragons fire. but from what im reading they havent steeped long enough.

but i really love the flavor im tasting, cant wait to hit 10 days and try them again.

though my order from fuzion just arrived, so my focus has now shifted away from gandalf and on to all the "blood" flavors!

Bingo! I found that it takes several weeks for HHV Purity tobaccos to properly steep.

When I tried Gandalf fresh from the mailbox, I definitely tasted floral and fruity notes, but those settled down into a musty undertone that really made it taste like a pipe tobacco, sorta the way an old, well used humidor smells. There are still hints of cocoa and coffee, but they are subtle and blend well with the core flavor of Gandalf.

It has been a while since I have had Dragon's Fire, and I have a bottle sitting in my cart, but I do remember that it had quite a few similarities with Gandalf, except that it was a tad sweeter and had stronger chocolate notes, as well as a nice warmth to it. Aptly named, I guess?


Unregistered Supplier
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Allrighty, In addition to Gandalf, got Dark Horse ,Dragon's Fire ,Dragon's Breath ,Heavenly Tobacco, Serendipity and Shadowfax in the house! Brothers Xmas gift and wanted to try the HHV mania.

I see that Gandalf needs to come in, shaken, opened for 1 day and closed and kept in dark for 20. Got it.

Do others need the same TLC

That is one hell of a good order!


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Dec 16, 2012
In the Ocean
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