How are those TW batteries? Best place to get a passthrough?

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Ay Dee Jay

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
I just ordered a 5-pack of black ones and some atomizers for the TW RN4081 (I've got the njoy NPRO). From what I've heard the atomizers are the newer single-hole style and work great.

My NJOY batteries are actually impressing me so far; they don't last as long as advertised (2-3 days) but do last a full day for my typical use. Based on other threads it sounds like they're the same batts used in the SE Gold and are better than the PeeWee batts.

I started dripping and intuitively it made sense for me to keep the cig horizontal at all times, or pitched with the cartridge down, to prevent clogging the battery. I never drop more than 3 drops at a time too.

I ordered a 510 USB PT from Totally Wicked and might not bother getting one for my RN4081 right away, using it solely as a "wireless device," but I'm considering one just for another spare part to have if these become scarce / banned at some point.

My new 510 was a steal and is not a high-end Joye model or anything, but it does the job and I'm looking forward to loading up some fat cartridges. Right now I don't notice much of a taste difference with the 510 vs RN4081.
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