I know some of you look down upon US Snus, but... (review)

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Jan 24, 2012
Central Coast, CA
I gotta say, I don't think it's that bad. I am currently awaiting a shipment of some Swedish Snus to see what the hype is all about, but until then I have been enjoying some of the US Snus that I can get at my local liquor store. So far all they have is Camel.

This is what I have tried so far:

From left to right, Robust, Frost, and Winterchill (as if you couldn't read the labels, lol).


I have tried frost a while ago, back in 2009 (got a sample tin for free I believe). At the time I was a cig smoker and didn't think too much about it, I just figured it was a alternative to chewing, which I was not fond of. Although I do remember getting a bit of a nic/WTA overload when using the pouch as I played Uncharted 2 on it's release day (this was back when I smoked, so I had plenty of WTA's and nic in my system already).

Left to right: New Frost, Old Frost (I have been using this old tin as a ecig parts carrier for tanks/cartos for when I am on the go, and it works great!)


But only until recently with vaping and not smoking cigs did I realize those WTA's and me went together like apple and pie. My first (well, second) venture into the snus world was with Camel Winterchill which I obtained a few days ago. On first smell it reminded me of Skoal wintergreen chew, something I dabbled in back before I was of legal age, so this brought back pleasant taboo memories of being a teen and not wanting anybody else to find out that I was secretly into tobacco. Now the taste, well the taste was something I had to get used to, as swallowing that 'juice' was somewhat unpleasant, but with a bottle of water or some soda, it was no problem at all. Now I am practically used to it and look forward to the juicing, although it does drip quite a lot and still can be a tad overwhelming if I re-position the pouch after it has been 'soaking' for 15-20 mins, I can only stomach so much of those tobacco juice before it gets the best of me. But the flavor last forever! I can have a pouch in my mouth for 2-3 hours and when I spit it out, it still has flavor! But above all I get my much needed WTA's! It was so nice to have those back, and it felt like I had gotten back a limb I lost after not smoking cigs for a month.

After being pleased with Winterchill I decided to see what other offering Camel had, most notably Frost and Robust. I decided to try out Robust first, opened the tin and immediately the smell was quite different than the Winterchill, to me it smelled almost exactly like smelling a box full of strong tea! (lets say Earl Grey). The taste was Ok, but was somewhat lacking in flavor, slightly sweet and salty, but that was about it. Nothing overpowering like Winterchill.

Next up I decided to chain-snus some Frost, the flavor I had tried years ago. Upon opening the tin I was surprised. Something which nobody else seems to have ever spoken of when talking about US Snus. Maybe they haven't noticed, maybe Camel has changed its ways, or maybe most Snus people are too focused on the Swedish snus to give it a second look... but here was the realization.

Left to tight: Robust, Frost, Winterchill (closed tin)


As you can see, the frost pouches are much smaller than the Robust (and Winterchill) pouches. I had no idea this was going to be the case. I read that the Mellow, and Frost contain 8mg of nic, while Winterchill and Robust had a claimed 15mg of nic. But I didn't realize the pouches would be smaller! Guess I should have paid more attention to the tin labeling of '15 Large pouches' for Robust and Winterchiill, and just '15 pouches' for the Frost and Mellow.

Obvious labeling of large and regular sizes.


But I was actually glad to see this, because I have been wanting a slightly smaller pouch for those more 'discreet' times of use. I am not sure how these 'mini' Camel snus pouches compare in size to the real mini Swedish snus pouches, but I would venture a guess they are pretty similar. Weighing them, the larger pouches of Robust and Winterchill weigh in at 1g, the small pouches of Frost weigh in at about 0.6g.

As for the flavor, WOW, I love Frost! So far my favorite of the Camel variety I have tasted. It's a nice presently sweet (but not overly sweet, at least to me) and minty (like spearmint gum), and is small enough to easily conceal and forget about for hours on end. I have been sporting a pouch of the Frost in my left-side upper lip now for about 2 hours now and it tastes like a have a nice piece of refreshing sweet spearmint gum in my mouth that never lost it's flavor. Above all it doesn't drip like a sieve like the larger pouches, so I don't need to have a drink handy to stomach the taste of swallowing the juice. Whatever it drips, I can handle no problem at all. Tastes very good actually, pretty much exactly like a sweet spearmint gum. Smells that way as well.

So there you have it, I know US Snus is looked down upon in the Snus community as being the red-headed step child, but there is something to be said about something that is sweeter (or not quite as sweet as in the case of Robust). I am enjoying this Snus and will likely be buying more Frost because of its small size and wonderful flavor. Sure these may not have the 'kick' of Swedish Snus (maybe they do, I dunno, haven't tried the Swedish stuff yet) but they get the job done in terms of delivering WTA's.

Oh and in the event you hate the Camel US Snus with a vengeance, the price ($3.19 ea) is worth the totally awesome tin they come in! These things are great and feel/look amazing! Very sturdy/tough, very cool looking/colorful, and work great as a ecig parts carrier for discreet on-the-go pocket carry. They lock up very tight too.

Pictured: eGo-T 600mAh battery, Smok-Tech cone, Boge LR carto, Ms. T's 6ml Sugar cookie sample (yum!), and Vermillion River 4.5ml Florida Citrus Explosion glass bottle sample.


Anywho, hope somebody enjoyed this little 'review', I didn't originally intend for it to be this long, but hey things happen. :2cool:
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Jan 24, 2012
Central Coast, CA
LOL nice review. I think you'll find that snus are far from "looked down on" around here. I see them recommended quite often for people who are having problems kicking those last few analogues. :)

Thanks :)

But if you go over to Snuson they are constantly 'crapping' on the US Snus like there was no tomorrow. Even the reviews on sites like Northerner literally one after another bad-mouthing US Snus like it is some kind of regurgitated abomination. Honestly it doesn't seem that bad to me. Sweet yes, but I like sweet.

Guess I really didn't mean here on ECF so much as I meant the more 'uppity' Snus communities :D


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  • Jul 13, 2009
    Somewhere between here and there
    I don't look down on American snus. I just didn't like it as much as the Swedish. My first snus I tried a couple years ago was frost. If you like it then use it. I say whatever works for you. If you like the frost a lot then you should try general mint. With Swedish snus there are a lot more flavor and strength options. Anywhere from 4-22mg. I use different strengths at different times and like to have those options. It's funny because I smoked the same cigarettes for years but now use several different flavors of snus in one day. I'm just glad you found some relief from your cravings. It is a great feeling.


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 24, 2009
    Upstate New York
    IT, do whatever works for you. I think you'll find that folks here on "the Dark Side" are less judgmental than at the other forum. If something is getting you through the day and you have the added bonus of actually liking the taste- go for it! I prefer Swedish snus in large part due to the sweeteners in US brands. They're just not my thing. But, when it comes to the Swedish brands I actually prefer the taste of the less expensive brands. No one here gets snobby about it. We all get along and support each other very well.

    Great review BTW. The last time I tried the Camel Frost the pouches were larger than the new ones you posted. That was another reason to prefer the Swedish brands in my case. I might grab a tin of the new version just to check it out again. A smaller pouch may mean a smaller amount of sweeteners.

    Thanks for the review, and don't feel like you wouldn't be welcome here just because you like something different. We're ALL different here and it makes for a pretty cool family.


    Vaping Master
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    Jul 23, 2009
    Green Lane, Pa
    Nice job IT. I've recently been adding Camel to my daily travel can as a change of pace. For myself, I don't think I could have a constant diet of Camel brands, but that doesn't mean anyone else couldn't find them satisfactory for constant usage. As was mentioned, with cigarettes, most people had their brand. Snus seams to be atypical of that thought process. Variety seems to be the common denominator.

    If you're enjoying, enjoy! SM (Swedish Match) is supposed to be introducing brands that were made specifically for the US market. From what I've read, they will be sweeter (US tastes) and also 15 portion ( I think that is a marketing error) to compete in the US. They're supposed to be released in Pa in Jan or Feb in the convenience stores but it's now Mar and I haven't seen any or even gotten a confirm from the managers I've talked with.


    Ultra Member
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    Apr 22, 2009
    Madison, WI USA
    Just so folks know General Wintergreen and General Mint are both tailored to the US market. I don't know if they are now sold in Sweden or not but when they came out they where only sold to the North American market. I use both and like them, but I couldn't use them all day.

    I haven't tried the Camel in a long time so can't really comment on it It was the first snus I tried and at the time I thought it was okay. It was actually more satisfying to me then e-cigs, though even with camel snus and e-cigs I still couldn't quit smoking. A few days after I tried some Swedish snus I quit and never looked back.

    I have heard good things about Skoal snus though I also haven't tried that.
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