Looking for a new BF RDA

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Sep 15, 2013
Mound - Minnesota, USA
Hey All,
I am looking for a new rda, and with the number out there, I figured I would ask for recommendations rather than buy one of everything to find what I like (though that would be fun too if I could get the wife to sign off on it o_O)

What I am looking for -
  • Squonk pin (obviously but had to state it)
  • Single coil. I have a lot of Dual+ coil RDAs and they do not get used very much, if at all
  • Exceptional Flavor. The two RDAs that I love are the Gorge and the Hadaly, both provide great flavor. I would get more of these if I could find them
  • Something readily available and $40 or under. When I find one I like, I like to buy multiples. This is very hard to do, if I have to either win a spot on a list to buy one or try and justify to the wife why I need to spend hundreds of dollars on vape stuff when I have a whole collection in the den. And yes I tried the shoe argument, it didn't work.
Let me know what you recommend


ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
Throw in a KRMA styled to the Fasttech order with the Venna.

If clones are not an option for you, an Axial from Mass Mods/Unicorn Vapes can be built with a large single coil and performs beautifully for flavor with the 3 holes open to slightly restrict the airflow (The full slots are just too airy for a single coil to give the kind of flavor you can otherwise achieve, but they work well if you want to build it in a dual coil configuration) . $40 retail although it can go on sale for less. Machining is beautiful and it stands up well to more expensive RDAs quite well.

For a readily available single coil that also performs well the original single coil Recurve is worth consideration and very affordable, especially if you want duplicates..


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 16, 2019
Hello @Rathamar, heard people mention Alliance Tech Vapor Flave RDA and Atmizoo Creek RDA quite a lot. Unfortunately no clones are available, yet.

Hussar RDA clone could be of great interest to you, and more importantly it's cheap.

One of my favourites and first RDA I got hold of was Thunderhead Creations Tauren SOLO, I don't know if it may interest you at all. But you can get them for less than $20 at fasttech by using MAP code at checkout.
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Jan 25, 2018
GR1, nudge 22, recurve, and wasp nano for authentics.

Venna and krma are both solid choices for clones.

Out of all mentioned, I would go for the venna, krma, and gr1. Those are all RDAs that I would replace without thought if I lost the ones I already have.

Bam Lingus

New Member
Sep 7, 2019
My new favorite Profile RDA using nexMesh in place of a coil. I've leapfrogged different atties over the years in search of better flavor, but the difference has never been as great as from my Entheon clone by SXK, to the Profile and nexMesh. Btw, the jump made to the Entheon was pretty big itself. This mesh heating element is stellar. I read some articles about hotspots that concerned me a bit, but the four I've installed so far haven't caused any problems for me. Takes like 4x wicking tho, but it's not going through as much eliquid as I thought it would, except for the initial saturation of the dry cotton. The Profile does allow for a coil, but I haven't, and won't, tried that. I do like the airflow tho. I use to rock Claptons in previous RDAs. If you go with the Profile, make this modification: there is a tiny spring that pushes a thingamajig into the cotton to keep it pressed up into the mesh strip. There are two spares, but install all three as one. I read advice saying use two, but it comes with three anyways, so what's the point of having one as a backup to a double-thick spring? You'll also read that a dry hit from mesh is way worse than one from a coil. I don't know, but I believe it. I've had no hotspots, spitback or dryass cotton. I can easily tell when I need to squonk without even a burnt taste. I can tell by the drag I take having less vapor. I use two Profiles everyday. It might be discontinued by the time I finish writing this novel! lol good luck


Vaping Master
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Feb 5, 2011
Knoxville, TN USA
Wotofo Profile has stopped me looking at new atties after almost 9years as a squonk vaper. It is the only atty I have ever bought more than 2 of. Airflow is smooth and quiet. Flavor is spectacular (unless a Godawful hotspot). Vapor is abundant.

I've used it with fancy claptons and the mesh. I was hesitant of the mesh at first, because I have multiple spools of various wire. Well, after getting comfortable with the mesh, my wire is gathering dust...literally.

Twins Win

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Jan 7, 2018
I love the Wotofo Elder Dragon on my single 18650 direct output squonks. I get a good hit and fantastic flavor with the coils right out of the box. They're N80 3x26 + 36ga fused claptons. It's so easy to set up and they give you a coil tool.

I also really like Han Solo's cousins, Tauren Solo and Drop Solo. Both have a lot of airflow but I still get awesome flavor.
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