Naz's Ruyan #1 Disposable Cigar

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
Got them from Heavensgifts today- they shipped on Monday, Wayne from HeavensGifts mentioned there might be a 2-3 day delay because of stricter controls on shipping because of the olympics, but they still got here pretty fast imo.

First impressions after 20 minutes of smoking:

HIT/THROAT/LUNGSTo be honest, I was expecting a bit bigger hit. The very first puff was great & I though Woowee- this is gonna be killer, then it mellowed out on just the second puff it seemed- a bit too mellow for my taste really. It does have a throat hit that I can only describe as 'different' than my other devices. It's not sharp, doesn't sting, but is a bit 'raspy', almost liek a slight tingle in the throat I guess would be hte way to describe it. The hit to lungs for me is just so-so. I can kinda feel soemthing, but ot be honest, I've had penstyle atomizers that delivered bigger lung whacks (Especially when hte fiber burns out and delivers scalding hot lava vapor to hte lungs lol). Now, when I straight inhale, I get a good lung feeling, but most people don't straight inhale Cigars, and it's made more for puffing hten inhaling.

HIT/NICOTINE It's ok right now- not great, but not too bad- These Cigars from Heavensgifts only go as high as 16mg, but if I recall correctly, I've seen Ruyan disposables as high as 24mg- I could be wrong though. I think though, that the cigar will give enough nic to keep the nic-jitters at bay, at least for awhile, but don't expect it to deliver for the whole length of the cartridge life for sure.

HIT/TASTEIs it 'cigar-like'? No, not really. While it 'resembles' a cigar, it does so very weakly in my opinion. I would describe it as an 'ultra-light cigar', a very mild cigar- perfect for htose looking for soemthing mild with a bit of a kick, but not too much of a kick. If that is what you are looking for, I honestly don't think you will be dissappointed, as the taste really is quite nice, although I personally was looking for a much more pronounced taste. If I had to scale the taste on how it impacts the taste buds on a scale of 1-5 I'd have to give it perhaps a 3 1/2 as compared to any smoking juices or cartridges that I've tried being about a 2 1/2. To me it's only slightly better than the blander less "tastebud impacting" E-cigarettes. I might give it a 3 3/4 just because it has more of a cigar flavor that is quite pleasing, but could use some beefing up in the impact arena in my opinion.

(NOTE: This may change as the atomizer becomes more saturated with hte liquid- already I think I can sense a slight increase in taste- I also just got a fairly ok hit to hte throat- nothign earth shattering or anything, but a bit better hit- so stay tuned for updates my good people)

QUICK UPDATE TO NOTE: The hit to throat and lungs does indeed seem a bit stronger now after abotu 50 puffs- will keep ya posted if it gets any better- The hit started out around a 2 3/4 for me, and is now I think a 3 on a 1-5 scale

(NOTE #2) also note that my sense of taste isn't hte greatest, so it owuld take a pretty decent strong liquid for me to really note the taste of something- Years of smoking I guess have ruined my sense of taste, so take my taste review lightly, and don't let this portion of review influence your descision one way or the other. I'm just taste-impaired.

DRAW Wow! This is what E-Smoking should be like- not too light, but light enough that you don't have to work hte device so hard your jaw aches at hte endof the day. Compared to hte LoongTotem, which has the lightest draw of any device I've tried, it is abotu the loong's equal- maybe even better as it gives, in my opinion, the perfect resistance- not going over the line to too easy. The draw is very easy, yet just enough resistance to give the impression of actually smoking a real cigar. There doesn't seem to be a cutoff point, and you can take a good long healthy inhale- unlike some of my other devices that cut you off just as you were really startign to get into a good inhale.

VAPOR When puffed and not inhaled, it's about 1/3-1/2 of what my LoongTotem can produce when just puffed and blown out of hte mouth without inhaling. If you want a god comparison, it is about on par, perhaps an 1/8 less than, Cashme's video where he demonstrates refilling and uses his cigar in the video. (Note, I'm not talking about his inhale and exhale, but when he puffed the cigar- As well, you can see the vapor in Dusty's video for hte throwaway, and also Leaford's video, although Leaford's vid showed it refilled and was producing more vapor as a result)

FORM FACTOR This category excells- holds just liek a cigar should, and hte wieght, while a bit heavy for a cigar, is quite nice. It is styled just liek a cigar should be, and you won't be gettign any funny glares from folks like we do when smoking a penstyle and peeps don't know what to think when your "Pen" billows out a cloud of vapor lol. Overall, quite pleased with hte form factor- now if only they can make those backwoods style- Clint EastWood style smaller cigars in throwaway versions, and beef up the nic and htroat hit by double, maybe even triple, I'll be quite a happy camper. The only real issue I have with hte form factor is that like Dusty said, the mouthpiece is hard plastic, which makes it awkward to keep cigar in mouth liek you can with a real cigars.

EXHALE VAPOR Not much to report here except that I really like the fact that it totally absorbs in lungs and nothign gets exhaled for discreete smoking around company and in hte house. I could do the same with my other devices, but it would require much longer holding of breath waiting for vapor to diminish in lungs- too long to be comfortable infact- but with hte cigar, very little is exhaled even with a quick exhale, but, there is also the possibility of inhaling slowly and still being able to exhale vapor if you so choose- I quite liek the fact that you can decide what you want in this department.

More to come
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2008
Naz i felt like this with my ruyan "bling" for the first few days i wasn't that impressed throat hit wasnt as good as my 901 neither was vapour.
but after a week things seem to change in a major good way.
if you just stick to smoking just the cigar taste increases so does vapour and throat hit im talking about a different ruyan cigar here but im total hooked on it now it excels past my dse901 and that takes some beating but there is definitely a transition period when changing devices.
stick it out and see what happens !


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
I'm going to Kit- I can already sense a better throat and lung hit, and taste for that matter. I'm definately goign to state that in htose 3 categories, they were a good 3 3/4, moving toward a 4 already. I'm sure htis will drop off a bit as the cigar nears the end of it's life, but for now, it's getting pretty good- we'll see how long it remains liek htis or if it improves of declines-


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 24, 2008
I'm going to Kit- I can already sense a better throat and lung hit, and taste for that matter. I'm definately goign to state that in htose 3 categories, they were a good 3 3/4, moving toward a 4 already. I'm sure htis will drop off a bit as the cigar nears the end of it's life, but for now, it's getting pretty good- we'll see how long it remains liek htis or if it improves of declines-

Naz keep with it dude and remember as long as you dont tinker with other e-juices in the cigar the life span looks promising.
bishybobs is still going strong hes over a month in and he uses his every day religiously.
ive had mine nearly three weeks and i feel like ive struck gold in e-devices.
it actual delivers where others fail.
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
The first cigar I'm not goign to alter with juices of flavors or anythign until it the cartridge craps out- I'll be testign how many puffs I actually get, how long hte vapor stays strong, the taste, the battery stays charged etc. Just so we have a reference to go by- the the second cigars I might alter a bit- we'll see.

also- like you discovered, I've found I can inhale slowly, and get soem vapor on exhale if I inhale right- takes some practice, as it's kinda different than regular esmoking to inhale htis way, but it works good, get a decent amount of vapor out- not stupendous or anything- probably abotu as much as a half flat battery in a penstyle would produce. It's certainly satisfyign to see the vapor exhale as it's more liek a real cigg and calms the urge to smoek real cigg and see the smoke from them, and IO love hte fact that I can do either or- Exhale vapor, or exhale nothing if need be.

I can see myself smoking the cigar for my morning smoke, which will be a huge victory for me as that a.m smoke I think for me is the hardest one to overcome- that and hte 'before-bed-time' cigg, then third woudl be the 'after-meal-time' ciggs, then 4'th most difficult woudl be the 'sitting-'round-and-jibber-jabbin-with-folks' cigg, then 5'th would be the 'break-time' cigg, the 6'th most difficult battle would be the .... and so on and so forth- I'm hoping hte cigar will help defeat these trigger points for me to smoke real cigg
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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
Hold off on the Loongtotem throwaways until you talk with Ned abotu htem more fully- He states that he can't smoke his because hte taste is terrible- he describes it as a 'grass-like' taste that is awful. Also, remember, that even htough loong's cigars are $28 dollars right now, they have a shipping fee of anywhere from $30-$50 which makes htem more expensive htan Heavensgifts Ruyans, and next month when Loong's sales are over, who knows how much loong will be charging for the cigars?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
OK folks, just a quick update- I've smoked 400 puffs (I puff until light goes out an count that as one puff, as it gives a good dose of vapor), and htought I'd give a quick update of my impressions.

First of all, obviously the Nic isn't very strong, as I was a 1 pack a day smoker, and having puffed 400 fro mthe cigar, that is equivilent to about 4 packs of cigarettes (concidering a regular cig takes me 10 puffs to finish), and I'm still standing. If I tried smokign 4 packs of real cigarettes, I'd be lyign in a morgue soemwhere lol, so obviously the nic in the cigar certainly isn't the = to real ciggs. I did have a couple of instances of dizzy and sweating, so it is deliverign some good nic- just not sure how much- I'd say probably more than 1 pack worth of nic at least, maybe two, as I'm sure if I tried smoking two packs of real ciggs, I'd probably experience the same instances of dizzy and sweating-

I'm not sure what my nic tolorance is nowadays as I've smoked eciggs and now ecigar liek htey're going out of style, maybe my nic needs are up over2 packs now, and the cigar is packign more of a nic punch than I realize- but I don't beleive it's anywhere near 4 packs though.

OK, i'm liking hte flavor more now, it seems a bit strogner now, and does hit hte htroat a bit better than it did at first for some reason- perhaps because hte atomizer got saturated fro mthe cartridge while smokign it I guess.

The vapor at 400 is still about hte same as it was when I first started the cigar. I've discovered that if I want a real good throat and lung hit, that a 6 second straight inhale does hte trick quite nicely, and I'm thinking that this hit will help wean me off my morning real cigarette quite nicely, as I need a good strong smoke in the morning, and I think a few straight inhales from the cigar will accomplish this for me.

I've also discovered that I get more flavor by taking two puffs (puffign until light goes out), and just rolling hte vapor around in mouth, lettign soem escape, and taking a whiff of hte vapor as it rises near hte nose- you get a pleasant smell and taste this way I've found.

The taSte is much different than any ecig I've tasted, and it's reminscent of a real cigar, very mild, but nice- I still think it could be ramped up more though, but again, it's still a pleasant smokign expeirence and taste.

I'm not sure if I'll smoke the cigar as heavy tomorrow, if not, I'll wait until I reach 1000 puffs in a couple days to give another update of my impressions, then again around 1500 or so, if it makes it that long, then I'll give my impressions of refilling when htat time comes. I'm smoking this cigar too fast, as the normal smoking would probably only do 100-150 a day, which means the battery would have to last for quite a number of days, and might affect the performance the more the days go by, so this review won't reflect normal smoking, but will give a good idea of the capabilities and taste and vapor etc at least. a sorta rough baseline to judge by.


Peace, I'm outta here
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 22, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
I'm glad you are looking a the numbers game.. I'm horrible and have very little patience for counting puffs, hence why i don't do it.

Thanks for the review, and i'm glad you are enjoying it. I'm sad that mine is on it's way out. I was really starting to love the flavor and everything else. the non-disposable just doesn't taste the same to me. Don't worry, after i go grab some hats tomorrow i think i have like 6-10 videos to do and one will be the update on my ruyans. i might even refill the disposable on camera and see what it does. :D

Quick note as well. I think the smell of the vapor really impressed me. very reminiscent of a light,sweet cigar, but not as strong as a real one. i do enjoy it though.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
You are sooooo selling me. This is exactly what I want -- with NO refilling -- but at half the present price. I might could make these disposable e-cigars my only e-device. And despite the fact that I inhale e-cig vapor about 300 times a day, I think I would easily switch to never inhaling this e-cigar. No question that would be safer than what I now do.

I'm not old enough to remember the slogan: What this nation needs is a good 5-cent cigar. But today we would say, What this nation needs is a good $5 e-cigar.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
Lol TB- "No Refilling" :) you can chuck em if ya likes-

I made a major gaff yesterday and didn't realize it until after I shut down comp for hte night- it wasn't 4 packs equivilient ad 400 puffs, it was only 2 packs of real smoking equivilent, so I'd have to revise my last post and state that the Nic probably is about on par with 2 packs, as I did like I said get dizzy and sweaty from smoking too much the first day in attempt to keep count (again, being only a 1 pack a day smoker, I'm almost certain I was experiencing more nic than I was used to with hte ecigar by smoking the equivilent of 2 packs) - but htese cigars are so comfortable smoking that I find myself goign through 30 or so puffs like it was nothing. My next cigar htough I'm goign to smoke more liek I would regular Ciggs- and not toke all day long without taking breaks.

Quick note as well. I think the smell of the vapor really impressed me. very reminiscent of a light,sweet cigar, but not as strong as a real one. i do enjoy it though.

Dusty, I'll strongly agree with htis. I think that about sums up the experience pretty well- the vapor is quite pleasant smelling and tasting, not too strong (although I'd prefer it a bit stronger myself), and the smell just has a pleasant aroma that's not in the least bit overwhelming liek a real cigar's smoke is.

I'm not old enough to remember the slogan: What this nation needs is a good 5-cent cigar. But today we would say, What this nation needs is a good $5 e-cigar.

TB, at about $30 for one, whgich includes the shipping fee, if it lasts abotu 10 packs equivilent, I'll be happy. I certainly liek ot see them around $10-$15 though, but still, I'm currently paying close to $70 for a carton of regular smokes, so the $30 apiece for hte ecigar is fien for now for me. I'm currently at 650 puffs, (I know, I said I was going to slow down, but my curiosity is gettign hte better of me), and hte vapor is abotu as strong as yesterday still, maybe just a bit weaker- the taste is still goign strong, but I'm not sure how much longer it will last- if I keep goign hte rate I've been going, I should be up to perhaps 800-900 tonight which would be the 1/2 mark almost.

I haven't tried a Ruyan Bling, but htere's a few people on here that really like them alot, and I think that the Bling as the main workhorse, coupled with the Ruyan throwaways, a person could really be set up very nicely for the Esmoking experience, and probably not need anythign else. The only other one or two I might recommend based solely on people's reviews, might be to pick up a 901 and or a loong if you want smaller form factor ecigs for when you go out- the 901 will need frequent refillings, but from everythign I've read, they are great vapor producers, and hte loong while about tasteless after a coupel of hours, is a great vapor producer with no fussing with eliquids- but again, the loong is a crap shoot as far as getting good batteries.

I think probably right now, these are soem top performers that can make hte Esmoking experience a more enjoyable one without havign to worry abotu atomizers goign bad- if one does- oh well- got 49 more atomizers at hte ready, as well as 4 more cigar atomizers at hte ready (I'd probably buy a 5 pack of cigars per month)

I think I would easily switch to never inhaling this e-cigar. No question that would be safer than what I now do.

That's my eventual goal, but for now, I'm just concentratign on gaining small victories over the usual smoking trigger points that most of us experience. I think these Ecigars might just barely be strong enough to be able to just puff instead of inhale, but I'd personally like/perhaps need, a stronger nic feeling in the mouth, and a bit more vapor I think. If you just let the vapor roll out of hte mouth with out breathign out, it's pretty ok vapor, but it's just a bit too light on the vapor for blowing hte smoke out- doing that it's just too whimpy in my opinion, but a refill of hte Cartridge with perhaps a better vapor producing liquid might fix that issue for me.

TB, another point I think is that there may not be alot of vapor when inhaled- I think certainly much less than other devices, especially notable is that the nic probably mostly absorbs in the mouth, and so little would be goign into lungs- whereas the other devices are designed to carry hte nic into hte lungs- so I think the Ecig might be a safer way ot go in that department (Yup- nic is never 'safe', but the cigar vapor would I think be 'safer' for hte lungs at least), but yeah, I too eventually want ot just puff vapor instead of inhaling- but htat goal for me seems a long way off- but a journey of a 100 miles begins with hte first step


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
Dusty- someone mentioned that Janty is selling liquid now in the UK, not sure if they sell the cigar liquid, but if so, we could use that liquid to top off the disposables when hte flavor starts to die a bit. I've been waitign for Ruyan or Janty to start sellign hteir liquid, and hopefully they have hte cigar liquid- but I'm not sure.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
Well I said I was gonna slow down, & that's the last time I listen to me lol- I hit 950 today, and I'm stopping right here for the rest of evening.

NIC You know, I don't think it's diminished too awfully badly, around 700 puffs or so, I'd been vaping quite steadily, and again I got the sweats and dizzy, which forced me to slow down for an hour again. I'd say, they Nic though probably is beginning to drop off some. Now, I'm assuming it is hte nicotine. I know htere are reports that state Nic dimishes, but I've also read someone on here that the nic in the carts gets retained throughout life of cartridge- so who knows- It certainly feels liek nic when the sweats and dizziness start, and if I back off, I feel better in a bit and can go on some more- a bit later.

One hting lackign for me htough in all esmokign devices I own is the instant nic satisfaction that I get with real ciggs- not sure if htis is psychological or physical, but even this cigar doesn't help with that as I had hoped- it's better than other devices, but not enough in my opinion

TASTE I must say that hte taste is holding otu fairly well- perhaps a bit weaker, but rolling hte vapor in mouth, letting it roll out of mouth and smellign hte vapor really does help and really does give a pretty good replication of smoking a cigar, although a very mild one. I'm fiarly impressed with how well this smell/taste has held out, and the 'tobacco feel' in the mouth was more pronounced for me today at hte start of day, and hasn't diminished much throughout the day- holding somewhat steady at the moment.

THROAT/LUNG HIT You know, it's abotu hte same, and if anyhting, perhaps just a bit stronger for some reason- I feel it more in the htroat today- and I just took another good inhale to make sure, and it's hitting better today than it was yesterday- Not sure why. I do feel a bit lightheaded tonight, so maybe I'm coming down with something, and it's affecting the feel of hte vapor in the throat- will know better tomorrow- if so, then this category won't be reflected accurately.

VAPOR A bit less perhaps, but if so, not by much surprisingly enough. Still gettign pretty good vapor when puffing andblowing the vapor out without inhaling.

The draw is still very easy and pleasant, and the smell of the vapor is really growing on me (No, I'm not talking about it making me stink- lol). The battery is holding out well- but hten again, it's only been two days- this cigar should last 10 days for the = of a pack a day smoker accordign to the claims, so I can't comment on battery life really because I'll most definately be doen with the cigar way before 10 days and won't know if they can last for 10 days goign strong enough to keep everythign goign strong or not- The fact that normally you'd vape the cigar over several days might- scratch that- most likely will also affect the vapor issue over several days, and maybe even the taste, as less vapor is produced, so keep this in mind as well. It might just be that after say 5-6 days, the battery drains enough that vapor is reduced upon each puff, which would also cut down on taste and hit categories too.

Overall, even htough I'm goign htrough the cigar very fast, I have to say I quite liek it and the different categories are holding up nice so far for the hsort time. I think it's premature to recommend based on the fact that I won't be takign the usual 9-10 days while evaluating the cigar, but I think I can at this point state that vaping one of htese has been a quite pleasant experience, anbd if you're a person who enjoys cigars, I think you would certainly enjoy this Ecigar even htough it is quite mildish, and a bit weakon the vapor side, and htose looking for soemthign different to add to esmoking experience I don't think will be dissappointed one bit if you're looking for a good taste and vaping experience.

One thing I've begun to do is puff, roll the vapor around a bit, let just a bit roll out of mouth so I can catch a whiff, and hten inhale the rest for that back of throat feel along with the smell and taste- this works quite nicely to enhance all three senses in one shot i've found. Just puffign in and inhaling, you lose the smell part of it, and also a bit of hte htroat hit as well- allowing hte msoke to roll a bit before inhaling seems for soem reason to icnrease hte hit feel, perhaps because it's a slower inhale or soemthing.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
Short update- 1300 Puffs in now.

Puff vapor reamins almost about what it was yesterday, a little less, but not too bad at all. Still a pretty good cloud on exhale when not inhaling the vapor.

Inhale feel has dimished a bit, maybe an 1/8'th less to 1/4 less than what iit was yesterday

Straight inhale for 5 seconds still produces a strong throat lung hit

Taste has dimished by abotu 1/4, and the smell when you roll vapor out of mouth has dropped by about 1/4 I'd say- still there though, and still strong enough to make the vapor still reminiscent of real cigar smell and taste.

Exhaling after a slow inhale, the vapor has dropped by abotu 1/3, but you can still see a small cloud/stream of vapor

I'm still enjoying the experience, but the cigar is just startign to show signs of tiring. I'll try to reach 1800 tomorrow (I mgiht get another 100 puffs in tonight), which should be just about hte limits of the vapor, but so far, I can attest to the fact that these will go 1300 quite nicely. I'm stil lgettign the tingling in the mouth a bit, and still getting that nice cigar smoke-like taste in the mouth even after not vapign for a bit.

ned Zeppelin

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 24, 2008
Nazareth just pulled off the end of this Loong Totem cigar and added a bit of pillbox cigar liquid to try and take the taste of the original go away.
I could not get much in as it was full with liquid anyway but it is certainly giving me a bit more kick than before.
It does not damage it by pulling the end off. It just pulls off then fill then pop back on.
But this baby holds some liquid.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 14, 2008
I agree Ned- this thing is holding out quite well really- One thing you might try is to see if you can remove the 'wool' inside hte cartridge and squeeze the juice out that's in there and then pop it back in and refill with good tasting liquid, or dilute the snot out of the loong liquid i nthe cart or osmething.

My first cigar I'm goign to run quite dry just to see how long it can go and when it starts really going down hill- so far, at 1400 puffs, it's doing well, although I feel the atomizer heatign up a bit now whereas it didn't before when cartridge was newish, and also the draw is just a bit harder- nothign drastic yet, but the vapor has dimished just slightly.

When I feel I'm not gettign enough vapor and taste to bother to go on with the test, I'll pop the cartridge out and refill (will probably eat up my liquid bottles lol) and see how long hte battery holds out before it gets too weak to provide good vapor- this will be the second leg of my test, provided I don't burn up the atomizer by running the cartridge dry in the first segment of test. The second segment wil ltake longer as I won't be be too concerned with puff count (althogh I'll probably keep a runnign rough guestimate count going, just to have an idea of how far the 'disposable' can be pushed beyond what it's designed for. Wil lbe interestign to see how it fares.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 1, 2008
London, UK
More good work Naz. I have two of these puppies inbound from HG. largely as a result of your observations. Managed to balls up my order, though. Thought I'd pick up a few pen batts'n'ats while I was at it. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, quite a bit. I just searched the shop for parts and clicked the buy now button on 4 batts and 4 atomisers. Problem is half were on eBay US and half on eBay UK. Ended up with weirdo calculations and 40 bucks postage.

I dropped Wayne a mail and he sorted it all out for me. He really is a good guy - quick replies and good attention to detail. I know we've all heard horror stories so it's very refreshing to be able to report good things about a seller in China.

I'm very much looking forward to this. I've never been much of a cigar smoker - to be honest the only time I really smoked them was when backsliding on a quit attempt (you know the score - it doesn't count if I just have 'one' cigar. Not gonna inhale it anyway. Then you lung it like crazy and find yourself lighting a fat stogie at 6am)

But I did like one on major occasions. This could well be my after christmas dinner smoke. I might even dump all the liquid from one of 'em and fill up with Johnson's, if I don't like the flavour.

Bob, with regards to the cost element, I think this would work for us Brits. We get scalped so much on tobacco products that it's pretty equivalent. If it delivers performance-wise the disposable argument is over, at least for cigars. I paid £13.40 for it. If I get 6 days heavy use out of it, it's a winner.



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
I'm coming to realize cost is not uniform. Naz said he had to pay, what, $70 for a carton of cigarettes? Where I live, we have some of the lowest tobacco taxes anywhere. A carton of namebrand cigarettes is $22. After tax. I did a carton a week until 13 months ago.

I also used Dean's Lil Cigars, which are $8.40 a carton!! In Florida, our tobacco store shelves groan under the weight of the new little cigars that are replacing cigarettes (they aren't subject to cigarette taxes). Most are about $1 a pack of 20. Strong enough that a pack is good for a day.

I understand the e-smoking appeal to the pocket for many. For me, it seems expensive compared to smoking tobacco cigs.
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