Phiniac Zodiac Tank Contest

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Vaping Master
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Jul 4, 2011
Thanks Odium! :)

No problem. That one confused me too! If I hadn't misunderstood it I would have likely post way more in the beginning and scattered my post through out the thread in hope of winning! lol


" sexually straightforward and not given to experiment."

I am sexually straightforward but I'm not afraid to experiment!


Pink Spot Fanatic
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Jun 23, 2011
Long Beach, CA
The Pisces personality is hard to pin down, it is very mysterious and elusive. Pisces are molded by their surroundings, they incorporate their experiences and surroundings into themselves. They have extreme compassion and they feel the pain of others. If something is wrong in the world that affects them, it affects them deeply, they take it to heart and feel extreme feelings regarding the matter. When they are happy, they are extremely happy and when they are sad, they are extremely depressed.

This is so true for me. When something makes me sad or worried I have a hard time letting it go. Fortunately my hubby does not dwell on things he can't control so he helps pull me out of the doldrums!


ECF Guru
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Aug 26, 2010
The Peach State
Another common trait of Geminis is their desire for change. Rarely does a Gemini like to find himself in
a routine, which is why Geminis are always on the go. A Gemini is very likely to get bored easily while
trying to complete a specific task, which leads to them being very undependable. While a Gemini may
be good a multi-tasking given the fact that he or she will be seeking other projects to work on at the
same time, this characteristic can lead to several projects going unfinished.

this does NOT describe me at all. not even a little. I love having a routine and I fear change, of any size.


Vape Proud
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Aug 15, 2011
Long Beach Ca
The best matches for Virgo are Taurus, Capricorn, and another Virgo (Virgos tend to understand each other). Cancer, Leo, Libra, and Scorpio might work well for some individuals. It will likely be tough going with Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

I would have to say this is not even close to true for me. I love my Pisces girl and our relationship is anything but tough. ;)


Vaping Master
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Jul 4, 2011
"Taurus traits help you to be known as a good listener; appearing to have a relaxed attitude to other’s faults. However, this may be true concerning loved ones, but you are likely to have a very clear set of standards that you hold your own self to."

I do hold myself to higher standards, I am my own worst enemy! If I have done something wrong I beat myself up far more then anyone else ever could! But I am not a good listener


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Jan 25, 2011
I'm a Virgo for better or worse. :laugh:

Virgos....independent analytical perfectionists!

Drove my parents crazy when I was little. I had to do it all....and ALL by myself. Projects...we see them one way, and don't quit till it's done to our satisfaction (yep....check me off on perfectionist too). Analytical in many different aspects of life (this one drives my hubby up the wall *snicker*). Seeing both sides and finding points of truth that are sound and rational....analyzing every detail....yep :laugh:

Thank you and such a great contest guys! I love reading how everyone fits into their astrological sign. I used to try and prove it wrong....and you just cant change some things no matter how hard you try :lol::lol:
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Super Member
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Jan 18, 2012
Most Taurus women sees through people to the root of them as a whole, so do not bother with a front as she will find this to be an insult to her intelligence. She will also carry and interesting array of friends and she will want her mate to be tolerant and respectful of her choice in people. Each person will be different and quirky in their own right. She will want your respect for the people closest to her. And it will be best for you to honor her family as she does. She will have the tendency for great regard of her mother. She does not need social status or money from her mate and she is independent and cautious. She will take her time when making any decision, especially with that of a mate. Other signs often grow impatient with her slow and steady nature. But this is all in an effort to be sure. If you are right today, you will be right tomorrow, so why rush today. True I don't care for people who are not real. I will respect and like youj more if you share quirks with me. I appreciate people's differences. I think my decisons are important enough to take my time, I dont do rash!
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