Please help out me and my wife

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Feb 13, 2012
Hi we are new to the forum. We've decided to quit analog cigs for good and now we're going to do some vaping together.

When we google "E cig reviews", we'll get a lot of reviews stating that South Beach Smoke is the best brand out there, but the more we browse on this forum, it seems like a lot of forum users don't suggest SBS after all. So we are confused. We both smoke the regular Marlboro Lights, can someone point us to the right direction? We want a 2 piece e cig that would feel (feel of filter, length of the cig) the closest as Marlboro Lights. Thanks!


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Dec 27, 2011
Los Angeles
Buy these to start: EDIT: - I edited this cuz Dormouse (below) pointed out that it was weak....which I realized is in fact true, I meant to put up V4L. : )

Then when you want something that has a bit more umph to it:

KGO 1100 mAh 2 battery kit

P.S. If you want to try and see if you actually like an eCig that "feels" like a cigarette, you can pick up a Blu disposable from any Walgreens for $8. They are a good disposable. Don't touch their starter kits, however.

Good Luck!

Edit: Just found this one: V2 COUPLES KIT - V2 CIGS
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Dec 27, 2011
Los Angeles
Best 2 piece unit I've tried has been the Volt from I'd pay the little extra for the sealed automatic batteries, just beause juice getting in the non-sealed batteries will be the death of them. Good luck in your journey to stop smoking and welcome to ECF!

I've heard good things about the Volt. So, second that!


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Nov 15, 2011
Welcome to the ECF Formosa. By far the worst thing you can do is to trust Google when searching e cigs. The marketing pros make sure that their over priced so so hardware is on the top of any Google search that even remotely involves e cigs or PVs as we refer to them here. But, you did find ECF before a lot of money was spent for what could have been a very "rocky' start for you and your wife.

What you're asking for can in fact be found to a certain extent. However, since vaping is not smoking, you'll not find any juice that can give you the same flavor or "feel" that burning tobacco and paper do. Read as much here as you possibly can. Yes, it'll make your head spin and your brain hurt. But, you have to understand that there are a completely different set of rules and routines to learn. Just like you did when you started smoking cigarettes.

You'll get totally confused, lost and not know what to buy. I know this. We'll help you with that and most any bump along the way. This works. I know it does. I'm doing it without any problem after smoking without ever trying to quit for 42 years. There are so many very experienced people with so much to share. The two of you will have a very enjoyable time here.


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Dec 2, 2011
Welcome to ECF.

Can you tell us how much you and your wife smoke? If you are 1 PAD or more smokers, the slim cigarette looking ecigs will probably not get you off cigs. They don't have a lot of power (you need the oomph), and have such small batteries that you would be charging them every couple of hours. We almost never recommend the slim ecig unless you are set on them.

This is the most popular kit we have been recommending lately and a lot of brand new vapers have gotten one in the last few months. If you do a search, you will be able to see what they think of this setup.
KGO 1100 mAh 2 battery kit
Hoosier is a very reputable vendor with fast shipping, and it is also available from lots of other forum suppliers.
It has a big battery that will last about 11 hours, is 3.7 volts, has enough power to get you off the analogs and let you experiment later with lots of bits and pieces to find exactly what you like. The Kgo is about the size of a sharpie.

You would also need to buy some cartomizers, I recommend Boge 2.0 as a good starting point, a drip tip for comfort on the cartomizers, and some eliquids. We always recommend sampler packs of different juices from several vendors to help you find the right eliquid for you.

Hope that helps.
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Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
Welcome to the forum-

Lots of great info here to determine exactly what you want based on the type of smoker you are-
Beginners E-Cig Tutorial

If you want to get a mini- I would suggest looking at the Volt from Smokeless Image or Vapor 4 Life if you are a light smoker.
They have a two piece design and prefilled cartridges. Eventually you'll probably want to purchase empty cartomizers and fill them yourself. It's cheaper to do this way.

I started with an still use an ego. Also can be used as a two piece unit, the Riva lite bundle $29.99. Purchased that, a box of boge 2.0 cartomizers, drip tips and about 30 ml of juice from a juice vendor.

Electronic Cigarette - Starter Kits - Riva 510

Here's another ego with cartomizers
Riva SE Carto Kit | Sweet-Vapes E-Liquid


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Jan 15, 2012
I started with V2 and then moved on to KGO. I honestly don't know what to say, and there's been a little of a debate here about whether is a good thing for newbs to start with slim kits or not. In hindsight I would not recommend any slim / cigarette lookalike device . However, hindsight is always 20/20 and not really objective. The truth of the matter is that the V2 kit got me off cigarettes (they call those stink sticks 'analogs' here). I might just have been very lucky though...

I'm rambling, but here's the point: I know you want something to look and feel like a cigarette. We all do. BUT there's something else you really want, one feature that analog cigarettes have seamlessly and you don't even really think about it before you move to e-cigs: consistency and reliability. I don't mean to flame, but slim cigs cannot do that, as far as I can tell. When you don't run out of battery, then the carto is dry. When the carto isn't dry, the flavor is yucky. When the flavor isn't yucky, throat hit is not good enough.

Look around and explore, and ask questions because people here can help in two ways: they can just tell you what they like, or they can answer any specific question about a model or device type.

From my limited experience - I'd go straight for an E-go style larger battery device such as KGO or E-power and use it with low resistance cartomizers that you fill with e-juice so they don't run dry on you.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
Never use Google to look for e-cigs - what you find are not the best ecigs - you find the best marketeers.

re that Volcano link above - do not buy that weak Volcano model but the other models they sell are OK. The Magma is a overpriced Joye 510. The Inferno is an overpriced Joye Ego. You are paying extra for the logos. Magma/510 is one model many start with but the battery life is short (180mah is about 1.8 hours of moderate vaping). If you do get Magma I recommedn boge 3 ohm cartomizers on it and I only recommend manual batteries (510 manuals are fully sealed metal on the threaded end - impossible to kill with juice leaks. And manuals make it easier to get a good drag with less work - it's easier to press a button than to depend on your breath to activate the battery)

The stronger slim choice is KR808D-1 - See for their batteries that state a custom longer 10+ second cutoff. Or see the rubberized models at SmokelessImage, Bloogplanet or Halocigs G6. Or the standard gold button KR808D-1 sold by many vendors. (all except V4L are 5 second cutoff). For any KR808D-1 I recommend manuals and the medium/standard/78mm battery size which makes 120mm ecig and has 280mah (320mah for the rubberized models)

For any longer charge than that or the ability to use hotter low resistance atomizers or cartomizers, you need to go to fat battery models like Ego, Riva 510 ( for the 3.7v ones), Kgo. Or mods.

And note - everything uses eliquid. Most people use cartomizers for at least their all-day juices. Whether prefilled like some KR808D-1 cartos or blank, you keep them damp with eliquid so they don't singe and you should be about to get 4-10 days use out of each carto.
Welcome to the forum, Formosa! I'm somewhat of a vaping newbie myself. The load of options for e-cig's is endless, and can be overwhelming to a beginner. Especially if you're looking forward to giving up the analogs now and joining the vaping world.

Last week I picked up a Mistic Kit at Wal-Mart. For less than 30 bucks I got 2 batteries, 3 cartomizers full of either regular or menthol juice (your choice), a wall charger and a usb charger. This kit it decent to start with and relatively inexpensive. Most forum members have good things to say about this kit for a low end beginners piece.
This way you will have your starting ground, and a few days to learn proper drag technique and such, while you're researching online to find the perfect kits for you and your wife. My girl and I have shared this kit for almost a week now and its been a good fit.
You will find that there is a world of options, accessories, models, out there. After 5 days of extensive research I ordered an Ego 510, extra atomizers, extra cartridges, and some juices from Liberty Flights. Total package was about $65. I'm please with my purchase and confident that I made a wise choice based on the numerous youtube videos I watched about the product. I could have easily spent a couple hundred bucks on accessories, extras, and options, but felt it a better choice to get the basics then build from there.

Welcome to the wonderful world of vaping!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2012
Jacksonville, Alabama
Welcome! Yeah, most people here tend to stay away from the proprietary "branded" e-cigs, not necessarily because they aren't any good, but mostly because you often don't know what form factor they'll be compatible with, will you have to buy your consumables from them at premium prices, they tend to cost a ridiculous amount, etc. Lots of good choices out there though if you do a little research. I like 510 tank systems on E-go batteries, and you can get cartos for these too if you are looking for a two piece set up. Happy vaping!

*On second though, if having the device feel as close to an analog as possible, the E-go wouldn't be a good choice in that regard. I would suggest respectfully of course that you not make the form of the device a priority, and it will open up your options and experience a lot more.
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Senior Member
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Feb 13, 2012
Thanks all for the quick helpful replies. Sorry I couldn't reply to all of you.:blush: Anyways, My manager at work let me tried his EONs? at work lol. It was very good, it was smooth and I can def feel like right amount of nicotine. I think he has a 2 pc e-cig starter kit and the length was about a Marlboro 100's. Will you guys suggest that brand?

Here's something that I don't understand, if I buy the mini e-cig will I have to pull harder or longer to get the right amount of nicotine? Or it is up to the juice?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2012
Jacksonville, Alabama
Here's something that I don't understand, if I buy the mini e-cig will I have to pull harder or longer to get the right amount of nicotine? Or it is up to the juice?

How much nicotine is determined by juice strength.

The vapor and throat hit will depend on the battery voltage, atty/carto resistance, base (PG or VG) and nic level of the juice. Assuming it's a 3.7v system (most are) with standard cartomizers (2.0-2.5 ohms) then the biggest factor will be the juice and your technique. Most people say PG based juice gives better vapor. Higher nic content will give more throat hit, and menthol helps in this regard too. Make sure that when you are vaping, you first pull slow and steady and completely fill your mouth with vapor, then inhale it. That gives me the best "hit" with my set up.
I've never used and eon but took a glance at them online and they are rather pricey in my opinion.

Do you prefer a kit that looks like a real cig, or does it matter?

On the mini auto battery e-cigs you have to pull a little longer to activate that battery, than you would with an automatic battery. You can pull as long as you want based on your Juices are available in different Mg levels of nicotine which would be a much bigger factor in the amount of nic you intake.


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Jul 31, 2010
Hi & welcome to ECF.
It's a common way to think that bigger battery will require you to pull harder than small battery, but that is NOT the case. PV (personal vaporizer) or e-cig are very different from regular deathsticks (cigarettes). With cigarette, the stronger you pull the thicker smoke you'll get, but with a PV all you have to do is to pull slowly but longer to get thick vapors, if you pull hard, all you gonna get is a mouthful of e-juices - not a pleasant experience. The bigger battery are lasting longer between charges than small battery. And they have more power to keep you satisfied longer than small battery.

Sent from my mind using my fingers.


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Feb 13, 2012
How much nicotine is determined by juice strength.

The vapor and throat hit will depend on the battery voltage, atty/carto resistance, base (PG or VG) and nic level of the juice. Assuming it's a 3.7v system (most are) with standard cartomizers (2.0-2.5 ohms) then the biggest factor will be the juice and your technique. Most people say PG based juice gives better vapor. Higher nic content will give more throat hit, and menthol helps in this regard too. Make sure that when you are vaping, you first pull slow and steady and completely fill your mouth with vapor, then inhale it. That gives me the best "hit" with my set up.

Good that you mention throat hit! That is very important to me. As I previously stated my manager's e-cig (Marlboro 100's length) was enough for me, the thickness of the e-cig was about the thickness of a BIC pen. Do you think Volt will be a good choice in terms of size and look?

I've never used and eon but took a glance at them online and they are rather pricey in my opinion.

Do you prefer a kit that looks like a real cig, or does it matter?

On the mini auto battery e-cigs you have to pull a little longer to activate that battery, than you would with an automatic battery. You can pull as long as you want based on your Juices are available in different Mg levels of nicotine which would be a much bigger factor in the amount of nic you intake.

I am not sure what look we want to go for yet lol. The eGO and Riva both look real nice and elegant to me. Meanwhile Volt looks more like a real cig. Still deciding...


Moved On
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Jan 7, 2012
Mountain Home, AR
I see that company name being recommended so let me make sure u know this about V-2. Learn from my mistake. If u seen a V-2 kit at a store in your area do not buy them. I say that cause if you do they will not warranty anything. U have to buy direct for the website. Good ecig but I lost about $150 cause of the poor customer service after my purchase at a local store. My dad still uses v2 and he loves them but its been said. Buy something that will do what u need it too in the most important time. I have a provari on the way from Cost a lot but u can make up for it if you DIY your own juice and never have tech issues or have to buy more later down the road. I had 7 or the cig style ecigs in the last 4 months and looking back its hard to say money was well spent, except that I fought my .... off to stay off the analogs. Not only that my wife would have killed me after spending all that money then dropping it. She wanted me to quit ecigs at one point.
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