Tasty Vapor + Joye 510.... what is this thing?

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Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2010
So I ordered my 510 from Joye based on recommendations from a few ECF members, and so far.... it's okay. I didn't read enough first to know there was primer on it. After that mistake, they have been cleaned with coke and all seems okay.

Now I ordered Nuport , cool, and pomegranate flavors from tasty vapor and as a special treat, they sent my an orange juice flavored cartomizer. there are two problems I've had, please help!!!!

#1 there is almost ZERO vapor. even the first puff, is like no vapor.... what am I doing wrong? the polyfil it wet, the atty was primed with 2 drops of e juice.... no vapor, but a weird chemical taste is there.....

#2 the cartomizer they sent me for the orange juice flavor.... so I need an attachment, because it doesn't fit on my Joye 510. :(

please help if you can, still new at this, only vaping for 7 days now....


PV Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 23, 2010
Homeish now
Ah.....Personally,I think All the Dekang juices have a "weird chemical taste"
(Dekang is the Chinese company that mass produces e-juice, and then retailers will resell them rebranded. I'm not 100% but it's a very strong possibility thats what V4L is selling)

could clean your atty out and try another flavor...the lack of vapor is more then likely just adding to much only need like to two drops on the atty..and dont over fill the cart


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 3, 2010
A Brit, abroad, (USA)
V4L make cartos for KR8s dont they? Not 510 cartos- afaik - at least the 2 are not the same thing; so if V4L *do* make 510 cartos then they would fit on your 510.
As for lack of vapor - well that could still be a too -dry atty (it could also be too wet, and yeah I know, these things are fussy), or not great vapor producing juice.
Try vaping one of the low vapor liquids without the cart filler - just direct drip (2-3 drops, no more, on the atty bridge) and use an empty cart (the one the 510 arrived with will do) as a mouthpiece.
How did the juice perform?


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 28, 2010
East Coast
Got my Joye 510 3 weeks ago and one of my atomizers was acting JUST like yours, luckily my kit came with two and one of them was amazingly perfect. I have confirmed that the atomizer is indeed defective and your atomizer may be too. You should email the supplier an describe the problem you've been having, they might send you replacements. As for v4l juice, I don't like their juice.
And personally, if I were you, I wouldn't clean your atomizer out like you did unless you're trying to save a dying atty as a last resort. Sometimes the cleaning can kill them. Anyway good luck with everything I hope you can get this resolved and truly enjoy the 510 because it's a great model! (aside from battery life)


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 13, 2010
Capitol District New York
510 to 901/808-D Adapter

That is an adapter to hook your 510 battery to the atomizer of a DSE901 or a cartomizer for the KR808D-1 which is what Vaper4Life sells.

I too got juices from V4L that I thought were some of the nastiest most foul tasting things ever. But I've also found some of my favorite flavors. Truly a hit or miss proposition for me. But if you get their sample packs of cartomizers you just ignore the ones you hate and get more juice in the flavors you like. Makes it pretty easy to try flavors.
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