Unflavored liquid

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Vaping Master
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  • Sep 19, 2009
    Pittsburgh, Pa
    Does anyone vape just unflavored nic liquid? I am wondering because I just recently found out that almost all eliquids contain artificial sweeteners. I have been having stomach problems, most especially nausea almost since I started vaping. Blamed it on anxiety, which it could be, but I am extremely sensitive to artificial sweeteners.

    So, my other questions would be, is the unflavored without sweeteners and does is have any flavor at all????

    PLEASE help. I was stunned when I found this out today. I think it should be told to everyone that artificial sweeteners are used. There are lots of people sensitive to them.

    Thanks so much for any help.



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    Aug 22, 2013
    Salem, MA, USA
    Many folks vape unflavored and there are not any other ingredients, its PG, VG, Nic base and thats it.

    As far as artificial sweeteners - that is probably highly unlikely to be the cause of your stomach problem. I am also super sensitive to sweeteners like sucralose and aspertame. VG is naturally a bit sweet and most folks sweeten with Ethyl Maltol Ethyl maltol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which is an organic compound and in no way related to ^^ those ickies. Every once in a while DIYers use liquid stevia or what have you - but I think that most liquid contains no or VERY little and even if you had say 1 drop per ml the trace amount you get through vapor is still going to be pretty teeny weeny. And even then - it is also not really going to go through the gut as it would if orally ingested in food, drink or gum.

    Definitely try ruling it out, vape unflavoured or email the juice vendor(s) you use and find out if they use sweetener ( When I diy I very rarely need to add any sweetener) and what they use - if you can isolate some that you already have without any sweetener in them you can spend like 7-10 days vaping just those and/or the unflavored to see if you find a difference. :)

    Good luck and keep us posted!


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
  • Sep 19, 2009
    Pittsburgh, Pa
    Many folks vape unflavored and there are not any other ingredients, its PG, VG, Nic base and thats it.

    As far as artificial sweeteners - that is probably highly unlikely to be the cause of your stomach problem. I am also super sensitive to sweeteners like sucralose and aspertame. VG is naturally a bit sweet and most folks sweeten with Ethyl Maltol Ethyl maltol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which is an organic compound and in no way related to ^^ those ickies. Every once in a while DIYers use liquid stevia or what have you - but I think that most liquid contains no or VERY little and even if you had say 1 drop per ml the trace amount you get through vapor is still going to be pretty teeny weeny. And even then - it is also not really going to go through the gut as it would if orally ingested in food, drink or gum.

    Definitely try ruling it out, vape unflavoured or email the juice vendor(s) you use and find out if they use sweetener ( When I diy I very rarely need to add any sweetener) and what they use - if you can isolate some that you already have without any sweetener in them you can spend like 7-10 days vaping just those and/or the unflavored to see if you find a difference. :)

    Good luck and keep us posted!

    Thanks for your quick reply. It may not be the e liquid, but it's interesting that the nausea started a few months after I started vaping and has never gone away. I did read that MOST vendors use artificial sweeteners in their flavors, and there are a few vendors who do not use it and they are very expensive. I guess it can't hurt to try unflavored. Now I have to find out who sells it....lol.

    Thanks again,


    Ultra Member
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    Aug 22, 2013
    Salem, MA, USA
    Thanks for your quick reply. It may not be the e liquid, but it's interesting that the nausea started a few months after I started vaping and has never gone away. I did read that MOST vendors use artificial sweeteners in their flavors, and there are a few vendors who do not use it and they are very expensive. I guess it can't hurt to try unflavored. Now I have to find out who sells it....lol.

    Thanks again,

    A lot of vendors sell it, its super cheap too. Not sure what ratio and nic level you like but Premixed PG/VG/Nicotine Base(Flavorless Ejuice) | The Vape Mall has 3mg nic and up with a lot of pg/vg ratio options. Its a great vendor- I use them often :)


    Vaping Master
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  • Sep 19, 2009
    Pittsburgh, Pa


    Ultra Member
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    Aug 22, 2013
    Salem, MA, USA
    That's another good idea. Thanks..

    Um, where is ReoVille???

    Its over in the supplier forum - its like the little posting area where reo owners hang out and chat, trouble shoot, etc. Just seems to be rather common for many to use unflavoured. No idea how that worked out, but its the only group I visit here that has a lot of discussion about unflavoured liquid :blush:


    Vaping Master
    ECF Veteran
  • Sep 19, 2009
    Pittsburgh, Pa
    Its over in the supplier forum - its like the little posting area where reo owners hang out and chat, trouble shoot, etc. Just seems to be rather common for many to use unflavoured. No idea how that worked out, but its the only group I visit here that has a lot of discussion about unflavoured liquid :blush:

    Well, I for one, am so grateful you hang out there and knew how to help me. My goal is to give up vaping some day, but I am not ready to completely let go of the nicotine OR the hand to mouth habit.


    Ultra Member
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    Aug 22, 2013
    Salem, MA, USA
    Well, I for one, am so grateful you hang out there and knew how to help me. My goal is to give up vaping some day, but I am not ready to completely let go of the nicotine OR the hand to mouth habit.

    Im glad too! And I am *so* with you on not letting go just yet either. I built the whole smoking habit over 18 stinking years. If I want to vape for a few to remain on a successful quit - then FINE- I will :)


    Ultra Member
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    Aug 22, 2013
    Salem, MA, USA
    You know - this may be not even close to on par, but I started some tummy things including nausea after I quit smoking last year and quitting tobacco can apparently wreak some havoc on the gut. Ive been seeing my PCP and a GI specialist and started some enzymes and probiotics - the things are MAGIC. May be worth looking into - cant hurt anything using them. Just get a probiotic with the B Infantis strain, there is a decent store brand at walgreens and cvs for it.


    Vaping Master
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  • Sep 19, 2009
    Pittsburgh, Pa
    I already ordered the unflavored from The Vape Mall. Great prices and cheap shipping. Can't beat that.

    And yes, I smoked over 40 years, so that hand to mouth thing is a part of who I am....lol, plus I enjoy it. It's the whole stomach thing and you could be right that it is not the sweeteners, but why not try it without. It may help, even a little, and I'll take that!!:)


    Super Member
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    Apr 30, 2014
    Northlake, IL, USA
    Hey, Katmar. I vape unflavored almost exclusively. I do make it myself 70Pg/30Vg between 18mg and 12mg, and all ingredients are bought from My Freedom Smokes.com. I can't say it does not have a flavor as sometimes is just ever so slightly sweet, while other times there is no flavor..... unless you burn the cotton :-/ LOL I haven't figured out why the change yet, though I feel it may have something to do with Wattage or maybe new vs older coil. I switched to unflavored after seeing how many flavors contain diacetyl or worse, are diacetyl free until heated. And FYI, if you can DIY the liquid, unflavored is VERY cheap per ml.... 30ml usually costs me about $2 worth of liquid and maybe $1-$2 in syringes if I just toss them after use(some people will clean and reuse). For me, I'll make a few hundred ml's at once and toss them. However, 250ml of 100mg nic, 1000ml of Pg, 1000ml of Vg, and mis syringes and needles ran me about $130 upfront.
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    Super Member
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    Apr 30, 2014
    Northlake, IL, USA
    Thanks, David. If all goes well with the unflavored, I will probably then go to DIY. Thanks for the info....:)
    Your welcome Katmar. If you do decide to go DIY give me a message, I'm not an "expert" but I'll help you pick out the stuff that works best (for me anyway) and where I've found it cheapest. I know I spent way more starting off than I needed to, but hind sight is 20/20. Some things are a must, others look like they would be/work great until you use them that first time.


    Ultra Member
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    Jun 8, 2013
    Farmington, NM USA
    I vape 70pg, 30vg, 36mg/ml nic almost exclusively, and never get tired of it. Coil heads last a heck of a long time, too. I don't do it DIY yet, but the local b&m keeps a bottle with my name on it. Really, they do. No extra charge for the nicotine and no discount for the lack of flavorings.

    What does it taste like? Kind of like back when we were smoking our normal brand. You notice the satisfaction, but not the taste. I finally figured out that the only time I tasted my regular brand was when I had an exceptionally dry mouth. It wasn't very good.


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    Apr 30, 2014
    Northlake, IL, USA
    Nermal, I think you hit it spot on with the taste. I know how the B&M shops charge for "naked juice". When I first started DIY I notice that per ml, the flavoring was the most expensive item by far, why B&M don't pass that saving on... IDK, possible for the same reason most don't charge extra for more nic on the 6-36mg range, just easier to have 1 price per bottle size? One thing I would tell anyone starting DIY, 100mg must be handled with care. One way to help is to use pierce able top caps and luer lock needles on syringes. Little chance of spilling this way if you know how to use the cap properly. Have you ever notice that sometimes it has a "sweet" taste and other times it does not?
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