Why do disposables seem to taste tremendously cleaner?

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Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
And this is exactly why I would recommend going the other route. With the rda/RBA, there are a LOT of variables that are going to have drastic effects on the end goal. You seem like a guy who just wants to put something on and have it work, and this is the opposite end of the spectrum. It's the exact reason I haven't gone that route myself. That, and I tried a cheap carto tank. It's all good, (no pun intended) and I hope it works for you. I'm sure I will eventually try one myself, but I don't see anything currently out there replacing the carto tank as my every day, in my pocket, out and about topper.
Shhh...I want to see what happens if he gets a magical vape from an RBA.
...and the kayfun is one of the few that won't leak.


Moved On
Oct 25, 2013
Vaping, USA
Well, really, I tried the Cisco atomizer and while the flavor was unbelievable for 30 minutes, I killed the atty quicker than [moderated] Lindsay Lohan's coffee table. I really do want a run and gun device, but with cartos, I do have to say, I'll probably end up killing them. I won't admit a word of bad technique when it comes to tanks and clearomizers, but when it comes to dripping atties, either they suck too or I'm performing a dripping atty holocaust. I figure I'd honestly have just as bad luck with carto tanks. Once that coil singes some polyfil or if I fill it a slightly wrong way, then I'll probably end up blowing through more presidents than Monica Lewinsky.

RDA's will at least give me something to do. I hate the moments when a head or atomizer is ruined and all you can do is let it soak and hope for the best. I hate waiting around. Gimme a dripping atty, some wick, some wire, an ohm checker, and despite not wanting to have anything to do with it to begin with, I will sit there and fiddle and fart until I get something that works. I guess my motto is either give me something that works and works easy, or give me something I have full control over. If I don't have full control over whatever device it is, and it doesn't work right, it's automatically the device's fault in my head - and as insane as that may sound, it's usually pretty true. The only thing I think will stop me from achieving some sort of clean vape on an RDA is finding out that RDA's are as big a scam as everything else, that vaping is like North Korea where random people are paid big bucks to make review videos and go to vape meets, all so that consumers buy into the whole scam.

Hey, if North Korea does it, American industries can too. It isn't the wildest thing I've ever proven in this world. I mean, someone pays the actors for Blu e-cigs to go on screen and vape a charcoal briquet, and the actors keep a pretty straight face doing it, so if they can vape those nasty things and not throw up, I'd say the industry can find some pretty good actors to be our modders and reviewers.

I'm just joking of coarse. But it would be funny if true. Imagine Phil like getting up after his reviews and shaking hands with the big cats. Imagine RIP going berzerk over being handed a big check. Imagine that one older Italian gentleman (love his reviews, always forget his name) being like a vaping mob boss that's doing dirty deals with the CEO's of big tobacco and big vapor. And then you hear of my assassination (er, "battery explosion accident from my faulty techniques") days later.
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Ultra Member
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Sep 15, 2013
Austin,TX, USA
Shhh...I want to see what happens if he gets a magical vape from an RBA.
...and the kayfun is one of the few that won't leak.

And I sincerely hope that he does! :) Heck, if he can get an acceptable vape from it then I'm pretty sure the results would blow my mind. Then I would be forced to try one! I'm just so absolutely happy with my cartos and ibt I haven't felt that desire to head off in another direction. lol


Ultra Member
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Sep 15, 2013
Austin,TX, USA
Well, really, I tried the Cisco atomizer and while the flavor was unbelievable for 30 minutes, I killed the atty quicker than [moderated] Lindsay Lohan's coffee table. I really do want a run and gun device, but with cartos, I do have to say, I'll probably end up killing them. I won't admit a word of bad technique when it comes to tanks and clearomizers, but when it comes to dripping atties, either they suck too or I'm performing a dripping atty holocaust. I figure I'd honestly have just as bad luck with carto tanks.

Now THAT, was funny! They key to cartos is all in the priming. If you don't prime it properly, there is absolutely no going back. That being said, it really is a simple process once you get it down. I was very nervous on my first one. I took my time, followed the instructions, and BAM! Everything I had been looking for in terms of flavor and vapor. I'm sure it's possible, but once the carto is fully primed, I think it would be pretty hard to kill. BUT, I seem to recall you using some heavy vg liquid, and I'm a 50/50 or close to it guy, so someone else might have more input on that.

As an aside, this has been an enjoyable thread. Thanks for the conversation.
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Super Member
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Oct 1, 2013
FL 510 (Over The Top Baby)
I'm thinking about upgrading to the iTaste battery as I've been considering that my battery somehow runs hot, but I'll have to test the RDA first and see if there's really any truth to it. Even if for some odd reason my battery does run hot, I'd hope that a high-ohm coil could simply fix that.

I'm sorry but I just can't read through all your posts, my attention span only lasts a few hours.

However I'm going to say it one last time then I swear by all that is holy I'm never responding to anything you post again because I have beat my head against the wall to the point it no longer hurts which means I've been doing it too long.

There are two common denominators in all of your "Bad News" experiences with all this vaping stuff. The one you can change is......wait.....get this...... YOUR BATTERY!!! Why pray tell are you so ******* attached to that battery that's getting hot, not working right, burning anything under 3.5 ohms etc. You can go buy $1,000's worth of top line atomizers but if your battery is getting hot and not working right with a CE4 what in all that is holy makes you think it's going to be better with an RDA??? I don't have any desire to do reviews or anything like that yet I have at least 2 dozen different VV/VW and mechanical mods. You have one battery that you have already said is getting hot which means there's something wrong with it. I just took a .8 ohm coil and held it till it burned in two on a twist cranked all the way up and the only heat was my body heat transferred to the battery.

$34 for an Itaste VV/VW mod shipped and it has a digital readout so you know exactly what it's set at not a twistable end cap that changes the output but is far from anything exact.

You can chase that perfect vape till the cows come home but if you don't do something about the.....wait.....get this.....DISPOSABLE BATTERY that you refuse to admit has out lived its life then your going to continue to come up with theories and garner even less respect and credit than you have now. You already said your battery gets hot, news flash.......if a Lithium battery is getting hot it's done, it needs proper disposal, it's not working right, it may blow up, it........................ the list goes on.

The other common problem your having with your vaping experience........................................

For the sanity of most on here I hope and pray that you finally get that perfect vape that seems so elusive. I've gotten mine as have hundreds of thousands if not millions of others. Hundreds have tried to offer you help yet you keep repeating the same thing over and over hoping for a different result.

I for one will continue to read the advice of others on here, figure out what I'm doing wrong, make changes to what I'm doing wrong and enjoy every nuance of flavor from my juices.

Good Luck and Good Day Mr. GoodNews!
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ECF Guru
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Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
I agree at this point im sure that your very best bet would be a cheap carto tank and some good quality cartos.

i think the rba route is going to drive you crazy. those thumb screw look look in theory but are just as much a pain as a regulatr one especially if you have bigger fingers. they are way smaller then they look in any picture. with my beat up hands i can barely feel them between my fingers and the other posts get in the way on some attys


Ultra Member
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Jun 30, 2010
Face down in the gutter, USA
Why all these people are still trying to help you is beyond me.

It just gets more and more convoluted with each new post.

You're constantly contradicting yourself, theorizing/creating solutions to problems that don't exist, and repeating the same nonsense over and over again.

I know this sounds harsh but its getting painful reading this crap day after day after day.

People consistently try to help you with your issues, yet you always present some sort of round about argument (usually completely unrelated) explaining how informed you are, or generally avoid their advice altogether.

Also typing out a book for every post/reply doesn't make the posts information (if any) more valuable.

Either start actually taking the advice/suggestions of all these people, or give us a break.

Ill leave you with one of my favorite quotes:

"The less a man makes declarative statements, the less apt he is to look foolish in retrospect."


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Dec 29, 2012
Oregon, IL
Why is this? How is this possible? I just bought Imperial Hookah's disposable from a nearby gas station, it's made in China and all good such, yet it tastes pretty darn remarkable, almost exactly as clean and tasty as actual hookah (which I'm a fan of.)

Cartos do have potential to produce the cleanest vape, truest flavor. I actually build carto style, vertical , micro coils(coil like Cisco turned vertical like carto) it has been the best for me.

The reason disposables are like that is that they've soaked for a long long time before you fired it.

Do a carto tank let the carto soak a long time , when you start using it drip into the top every hour to keep it wet. Also there is a certain kind of carto that is more absorbent, this may also be what they use.


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
May 22, 2012
Could be a couple of things going on given your past posts.

Firstly, whoever is doing the R&D for the disposables is probably making sure the juice is the right viscosity for the device, which seems to be something you have constant problems with.

Secondly, there is almost zero user interface, ie, you can't futz around with the voltage and burn anything.

Thirdly, I would imagine, again, whoever designed the disposable you are using properly paired the battery's voltage with the proper resistance coil, unlike your attempt to drip using a Cisco 3 ohm atty on a Spinner dialed all the way down.

Which brings me to the fourth reason this disposable tastes clean to you versus all the other things you have tried. It is sealed and you can't keep adding different liquids with different flavors and viscosities into, resulting in a nasty, burnt or dirty taste.

Maybe you should just stick with these disposables, sounds like they have provided you with the best results so far.


Ultra Member
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Aug 5, 2013
The beautiful Puget Sound
I've given unboiled cotton wicks a try and it really gave off some cotton-y tastes and send my asthma in a frenzy, but I hope to try boiled cotton sometime soon, I have a feeling it'd be much better.
Pot. Water. Stove. Go for it.

The only thing I think will stop me from achieving some sort of clean vape on an RDA is finding out that RDA's are as big a scam as everything else, that vaping is like North Korea where random people are paid big bucks to make review videos and go to vape meets, all so that consumers buy into the whole scam.
Uh oh, I think you should have made a left turn at Albuquerque.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
Dayton, Ohio
You'll be back. You know you will. :evil:

I'm sorry but I just can't read through all your posts, my attention span only lasts a few hours.

However I'm going to say it one last time then I swear by all that is holy I'm never responding to anything you post again because I have beat my head against the wall to the point it no longer hurts which means I've been doing it too long.

There are two common denominators in all of your "Bad News" experiences with all this vaping stuff. The one you can change is......wait.....get this...... YOUR BATTERY!!! Why pray tell are you so ******* attached to that battery that's getting hot, not working right, burning anything under 3.5 ohms etc. You can go buy $1,000's worth of top line atomizers but if your battery is getting hot and not working right with a CE4 what in all that is holy makes you think it's going to be better with an RDA??? I don't have any desire to do reviews or anything like that yet I have at least 2 dozen different VV/VW and mechanical mods. You have one battery that you have already said is getting hot which means there's something wrong with it. I just took a .8 ohm coil and held it till it burned in two on a twist cranked all the way up and the only heat was my body heat transferred to the battery.

$34 for an Itaste VV/VW mod shipped and it has a digital readout so you know exactly what it's set at not a twistable end cap that changes the output but is far from anything exact.

You can chase that perfect vape till the cows come home but if you don't do something about the.....wait.....get this.....DISPOSABLE BATTERY that you refuse to admit has out lived its life then your going to continue to come up with theories and garner even less respect and credit than you have now. You already said your battery gets hot, news flash.......if a Lithium battery is getting hot it's done, it needs proper disposal, it's not working right, it may blow up, it........................ the list goes on.

The other common problem your having with your vaping experience........................................

For the sanity of most on here I hope and pray that you finally get that perfect vape that seems so elusive. I've gotten mine as have hundreds of thousands if not millions of others. Hundreds have tried to offer you help yet you keep repeating the same thing over and over hoping for a different result.

I for one will continue to read the advice of others on here, figure out what I'm doing wrong, make changes to what I'm doing wrong and enjoy every nuance of flavor from my juices.

Good Luck and Good Day Mr. GoodNews!


Signature Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 9, 2012
Woodburn, OR
Could be a couple of things going on given your past posts.

Firstly, whoever is doing the R&D for the disposables is probably making sure the juice is the right viscosity for the device, which seems to be something you have constant problems with.

Secondly, there is almost zero user interface, ie, you can't futz around with the voltage and burn anything.

Thirdly, I would imagine, again, whoever designed the disposable you are using properly paired the battery's voltage with the proper resistance coil, unlike your attempt to drip using a Cisco 3 ohm atty on a Spinner dialed all the way down.

Which brings me to the fourth reason this disposable tastes clean to you versus all the other things you have tried. It is sealed and you can't keep adding different liquids with different flavors and viscosities into, resulting in a nasty, burnt or dirty taste.

Maybe you should just stick with these disposables, sounds like they have provided you with the best results so far.
This is what I wanted to say, but couldn't get past the "...because you can't :censored: with it." And that didn't seem like a nice thing to say. :p
This is how all cults begin !
Did someone mention ProVari?


Ultra Member
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Oct 22, 2013
Hey guys, one of the things that simply got me into vaping is the disposable e-cigs. I've tried Blu, Njoy, Premium, Logic, Offbrand, Who Knows What Else Over The Years, and tonight, Imperial Hookah.

The disposable e-cig that made up my earlier vaping experiences was the Blu's Disposable. They don't make them the same way as they do now (different juice, different internal build I believe), but back quite a few years ago, they were pretty great - they didn't last long, but the flavoring they used from Johnson's Creek, to me, tasted like caramel popcorn - they were unlike any disposable, and produce quite a ton of flavor and vapor.

Since then, I've tried various disposables throughout my journey, and the usual result is always this: they taste cleaner than anything I've ever gotten out of a tank or clearo. The only exception, believe it or not, is Cisco's atomizers.

Why is this? How is this possible? I just bought Imperial Hookah's disposable from a nearby gas station, it's made in China and all good such, yet it tastes pretty darn remarkable, almost exactly as clean and tasty as actual hookah (which I'm a fan of.) There's no silica bite, there's nothing muddying up the vape, it is extraordinarily clean and pristine. After about 20 puffs, I'm starting to taste the ever so slightest hint of possible polyfil, but it is like - %5 of how nasty the vapor is from the usual silica wicks. It's miniscule at worst.

How are the internal aspects of these disposables actually built? What makes them taste so remarkably clean? I don't even get this taste when I've turned around and bought the "cartridge" version kits of the disposable brands (certainly not with Blu - suck, suck, suck.) But in the disposables? The vapor is as clean as hookah smoke! This is what I want to get out of my devices, this is what soothes my throat! Silica feedoff and cotton feedoff gives me asthma and coughing attacks! And it tastes muddy and dirty!

In the words of Rasputia on the Eddie Murphy film Norbit, "Why 'fo come!?"

I don't know how you can make such sweeping statements with from what i recall is your very limited experience with gear. Your comments also go counter to what the overwhelming majority of users say about products and how they work.

Have you TRIED a Protank or something similar with a boiled cotton wick? Nope. So how can you say a Blu or whatever gas station junk you're babbling about is "cleaner"?

I would suspect at this point you're either a shill of Imperial Hookah, or you're just trolling.


Ultra Member
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Oct 22, 2013
Well, really, I tried the Cisco atomizer and while the flavor was unbelievable for 30 minutes, I killed the atty quicker than [moderated] Lindsay Lohan's coffee table. I really do want a run and gun device, but with cartos, I do have to say, I'll probably end up killing them. I won't admit a word of bad technique when it comes to tanks and clearomizers, but when it comes to dripping atties, either they suck too or I'm performing a dripping atty holocaust. I figure I'd honestly have just as bad luck with carto tanks. Once that coil singes some polyfil or if I fill it a slightly wrong way, then I'll probably end up blowing through more presidents than Monica Lewinsky.

RDA's will at least give me something to do. I hate the moments when a head or atomizer is ruined and all you can do is let it soak and hope for the best. I hate waiting around. Gimme a dripping atty, some wick, some wire, an ohm checker, and despite not wanting to have anything to do with it to begin with, I will sit there and fiddle and fart until I get something that works. I guess my motto is either give me something that works and works easy, or give me something I have full control over. If I don't have full control over whatever device it is, and it doesn't work right, it's automatically the device's fault in my head - and as insane as that may sound, it's usually pretty true. The only thing I think will stop me from achieving some sort of clean vape on an RDA is finding out that RDA's are as big a scam as everything else, that vaping is like North Korea where random people are paid big bucks to make review videos and go to vape meets, all so that consumers buy into the whole scam.

Hey, if North Korea does it, American industries can too. It isn't the wildest thing I've ever proven in this world. I mean, someone pays the actors for Blu e-cigs to go on screen and vape a charcoal briquet, and the actors keep a pretty straight face doing it, so if they can vape those nasty things and not throw up, I'd say the industry can find some pretty good actors to be our modders and reviewers.

I'm just joking of coarse. But it would be funny if true. Imagine Phil like getting up after his reviews and shaking hands with the big cats. Imagine RIP going berzerk over being handed a big check. Imagine that one older Italian gentleman (love his reviews, always forget his name) being like a vaping mob boss that's doing dirty deals with the CEO's of big tobacco and big vapor. And then you hear of my assassination (er, "battery explosion accident from my faulty techniques") days later.

Okay. I'm done responding to you, or reading your comments. Accusing and insulting the people who do reviews FOR FREE of being scams is the line in the sand. You're not witty, nor clever, and you don't add anything to this community.

Please find somewhere else to post? All of us here are trying to help people and have rational discussions.
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