Headaches and e-Smoking

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2008
Houston, TX
I sometimes get headaches after using the ecig. Yesterday I noticed it after smoking and thought it was just a dull headache but today it did the same thing...right after I get done smoking my head hurts. Ihighly doubt this is caused by nicotine because I use snus also, and it has a lot more nic than the ecig. I'm thinking maybe it's something else (in the liquid) that's causing it. Possibly the Propylene Glycol? Anyone else here experience headaches after using the ecig? I've been using Janty RY4, not sure if that one contains PG or VG. THink it might be a good idea to try a VG based liquid and see if the headaches go away?



Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2008
Houston, TX
If you have quit burning tobacco all together than it might be side affects of quitting all those terrible other gases that are inhaled when you smoe burning tabacco.

Possibly... but it seems like it's more pronounced right after I'm done with an ecig which makes me believe it might be a chemical in the liquid.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 21, 2008
Maryland USA
what are you vaping? the cartridge that came with the ecig or eliquid you bought along with the ecig? Might wanta try some topping off cartridges with some bought liquid. You might need non pg...JC has that. I haven't had side affects like that...maybe a bit of a swore throat with the original formulas that came with them. Just one newbies experience. Maybe the more experienced will have an answer for you.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 12, 2008
I used to have the same problem when i first got my ecig but after 3 days of vaping the headaches went away.

This tends to happen alot.

Soar Throats, Headaches, nausea, etc... After several days, bodies seem to adjust and symptoms/issues seem to disappear.

However, there are a rare few that will always have issues.
This tends to happen alot.

Soar Throats, Headaches, nausea, etc... After several days, bodies seem to adjust and symptoms/issues seem to disappear.

However, there are a rare few that will always have issues.

sounds more like a De-tox symptoms of all the other chemicals your body was wanting from a regular smoke. i personally never had these happen, but those who did i would guess were harder smokers then i was..


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
The two suggestions here are very much related. Nicotine, no matter the form in which you ingest it, causes a rapid spike in blood pressure and heart rate. It is a vasoconstrictor, which means it narrows your circulatory system. Keep it up for a lifetime and you'll be a prime candidate for hardening of the arteries, stroke or heart disease.

Your head is filled with blood vessels, tiny ones connected to every part of your brain, bringing oxygenated blood. Nastasha Richardson died because one of hers broke off in the fall, and blood leakage and swelling killed her brain. When you first increase your nicotine dose, the constriction in the head can be felt as a headache.

I mentioned not long ago that I got frontal lobe headaches with my first uses of 36mg liquid. Yep, twice. But no more. Your body adapts to the level of nicotine poison you feed it. Mine adapted after two uses. I now feel ... nothing from 36mg.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2009
St. Paul MN, USA
I've noticed that with me (been vaping only a week) that I will get a headache when I'm not inhaling "correctly."

When I first started, I was sucking on it just like a regular cig. And I was getting headaches. Then I read on here a recommendation that one should draw like one is smoking a cigar. It's hard to explain... instead of drawing the vapor out of the device with my lungs/diaphram (causing headaches), I draw the vapor out with my cheeks and then inhale the vapor into my lungs after taking the device from my lips.

Don't know if that makes sense or not. Anyway, I've found that the second method doesn't give me headaches. These devices have much more resistance than an analog and I've found that sucking against the resistance is what gives me headaches.

I'm vaping TW 24ml spearmint, for what it's worth...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 23, 2009
Austin Texas
Well since I am a migraine sufferer and use to smoke analogs, I could get a headache from those as well. Many times it was when switching brands and such. So nicotine is a huge factor. I dont know if there is a difference between VG and PG in regards to more headaches though.

Finally, I found out quick taht you cant puff on an e-cig like you can an analog.. I tend to describe the way I do e-cigs as like sucking through a straw from a milkshake.
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