
  1. PennelopeVaper

    Newbie :)

    Hi All, My name is Penny, I've been Vaping for awhile and just wanted to find a community of like minded vapers to share hints and tips with :) Please give me a shout for any vaping questions! Thanks, Penny
  2. OnTheFidele

    Simple Hints, Tips, and Tricks for Vapers [To Save Time And Money]

    Hey Guys, Been vaping for about 3-4 months and I keep discovering little things that would have saved me a lot of time and money (e.g. burnt cartomizers, bad tasting silica wick and coils, etc.). What do you guys think about a consolidated thread of SIMPLE--in other words SHORT--hints, tips and...
  3. Spikey

    New, Updated, Comprehensive Intro to Vaping!

    http://www.viddler.com/player/fc208b66/ This new and more comprehensive version of Intro to Vaping is less than an hour long. It makes it much easier for newbies. It is seperated into chapters by.. -Assembly of device and how it works technically -Contents of starter kit...
  4. F

    my battery cooked my wimpy atomizer to perfection!

    Alright i found this pretty damn cool and maybe a solution to healing wimpy atomizers!! Right well here goes.... My atomizer started to go wimpy after i decided to clean it. It has been alive for almost 2months now so i thought it was due a good old clean. Well anyway, after i cleaned and...
  5. L

    I'm a newbie with lots of questions

    Hi - I'm a newbie to e-cigs, and although I purchased the n-joy e-cig about 6 months ago, I only within the last week quit smoking real ciggarettes and started using my e-cig. After going through the cartridges I had from n-joy, I was shopping for refills online, found this website and came to...
  6. J

    A Few Questions!!

    Hello everyone! Wow, I cannot believe I only found out about these things, I am gettin me one very soon. But first, I need to make sure I get the right one so I have a few questions for you experts!! Can anyone recommend a decent brand of e-cigarette?? Is there any main difference between...
  7. RatInDaHat

    Helpful links and videos for a new user.

    Hey all, I figured i'd start a sticky for new user info. I'll post up my tutorial videos. Feel free to put up things that are good info for new users. This is not a thread for questions, comments, concerns, etc. It is only for info. I will trim this post if it gets out of hand. Now for the...
  8. Kate

    How to ...

    Here's a link to Knutselpeter's How to ... videos. Includes - How to use a Classic Cartridge Dropsmoke without cartridge Liquid extraction Cartridge refill Fill Classic Cartridge Complete ,also for e-pipe Refill Mini Cartridge A little movie on how to use the e-pipe Officiële "Hoe...