Is vaping dangerous to tarantulas

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May 2, 2015
Linwood, NJ
I never smoked in my house so nicotine in the air was never an issue. now i wonder if its safe to vape in same room as my spider. Its not foggy in here but vapor is present. Im only vaping .6 nic. I realize there is little danger to humans but spiders are more sensitive to their surroundings. Ive had him for 15 years now. man they live a long time.


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Feb 10, 2010
oh it's a serious question! Just by reading the title I thought it was going to be a new stupid ban to stop vaping because it was endangering tarantulas all over the world :)

Cloudmann: where did you read that cats are sensitive to PG? There's lots of people on this forum with every kind of pets, they vape inside and it's been fine for years.

As for vaping with tarantulas, I'm sure it's fine. If you're a bit concerned, open up your window a little bit.


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Jan 29, 2012
The burbies of Cleveland
oh it's a serious question! Just by reading the title I thought it was going to be a new stupid ban to stop vaping because it was endangering tarantulas all over the world :)

Cloudmann: where did you read that cats are sensitive to PG? There's lots of people on this forum with every kind of pets, they vape inside and it's been fine for years.

As for vaping with tarantulas, I'm sure it's fine. If you're a bit concerned, open up your window a little bit.

lol - I thought this was a joke at first! Hey, tarantulas need love too!:blush: (niiiiiice tarantula!! *patpat*)

But that info Cloudmann gave about cats being sensitive to PG is true. The FDA has approved PG as a food additive for dogs, but not for cats. ya...Propylene Glycol and cats - why is it bad?

I have two cats, and while they both ran off into the sunset when I lit a cigarette, neither one of them does that when I vape. I've been vaping for almost four years now, and neither one of my furballs seems any worse for wear. (I do open a window when I'm chucking the clouds on an RDA, but other than that, I vape all OVER the place around here and I'm not worried about it. Pudge and Luigi are fine!)


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Mar 17, 2015
North Charleston, SC
PG is bad for cats to ingest, as in food.

AFAIK no inhalation hazards have been reported with cats, other than Grimm Green freaking out about it several years ago.
PG ingestion via inhaling still causes sensitivity to cats (actually causes hemmoraging by not allowing thier blood to clot properly). It actually affects their blood more quickly in vaping since the PG in the vapor is pretty much directly placed into the blood stream by the lungs the same way oxygen and other gasses are absorbed. Just because kitties aren't complaining doesn't mean it's not hurting them. For cats, vaping is literally exposure to low doses of a lethal toxin... and it's totally avoidable by switching to VG only and thinning it with distilled water.

If nic is toxic to spiders (lots of studies support this concerning nic resistant, tobacco eating worms and the spiders that feed on them. High nic content in these worms repel, harm, or even kill the spider), vape zero nic. Still, it's worth calling an exotic vet to find out about VG and PG. Nobody here is likely to have an answer for that.
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May 22, 2012
PG ingestion via inhaling still causes sensitivity to cats (actually causes hemmoraging by not allowing thier blood to clot properly). It actually affects their blood more quickly in vaping since the PG in the vapor is pretty much directly placed into the blood stream by the lungs the same way oxygen and other gasses are absorbed. Just because kitties aren't complaining doesn't mean it's not hurting them. For cats, vaping is literally exposure to low doses of a lethal toxin... and it's totally avoidable by switching to VG only and thinning it with distilled water.

If nic is toxic to spiders (lots of studies support this concerning nic resistant, tobacco eating worms and the spiders that feed on them. High nic content in these worms repel, harm, or even kill the spider), vape zero nic. Still, it's worth calling an exotic vet to find out about VG and PG. Nobody here is likely to have an answer for that.
Ingestion still means eating and inhalation still means inhaling, unless or until you can show me actual proof by means of a study stating otherwise, I call BS on the PG vapor exposure scare as it pertains to cats. I understand what PG does if ingested by a cat, I just don't beleive it is an inhalation danger at all.

As for spiders, I don't keep them and can't speak to that, although yes, nic is a toxin to most living things, depending on the dose.


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May 2, 2015
Linwood, NJ
Thanks for all for your responses and concerns. Funny i was worried about my spider that im not emotionally attached to and i come to learn about pg and cats. I love my cat and now will not vape around her. You all just made me love this group that much more.:wub: Thanks again.


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Feb 6, 2014
Boston, MA
I don't think it should be dangers for your spider as long as it understands battery safety and doesn't push its gear past the limits. Your spider should be fine.

BTW, what does it vape? I think I tried a fly flavored ejuice a few months ago but can't recall the name, if I find the bottle I'll send it on to you.
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