So I ran into an old friend today

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ECF Guru
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Sep 12, 2010
So I ran into a good guy I hadn’t seen for a long time who vapes DL. He’d recently busted his main vape and had picked up a smok as a quick emergency backup.

I suggested an ageis legend and a Doom atty to him, but he wants light weight, which is a specialty of neither of those devices. He can wrap and wick an RTA, has a lot of kanthal to use up, and wants a tank bigger than 3ml. The more the merrier I suspect. His batteries also suck.

So if it would please the participants, I’m looking for suggestions.

- light weight. Small would be nice to
- reasonably high quality. He doesn’t need ruggedized necessarily but he wants it to last.
- Low cost (he’s willing to work with Chinese no-names and to shop China channel. He likes Ali-express)
- 2x18650, though I suspect a 1x2x700 would also suffice. He vapes DL so a certain amount of power is needed
- No Blinky Lights (this one is absolutely non negotiable)

- DL
- Doesn’t leak (yeah I know. Anything will leak.)
- Capacity over 3ml

I’d personally like to add no paint or gold electroplating over pit metal. He didn’t ask but they suck bad.

Gonna mail him a link to this thread.

Dude is an old ECF member and his account still works!
The person I was asking for is @rigorist

He will have more accurate data than me.
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ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
Light weight, reasonably high quality, and low cost don't really go together. It's the old pick 2 out of 3. The Vapoersso Gen is nice and priced fairly, the VV Swell is waterproof without being bulky like an Aegis (Jackaroo is up for whether considered overly large or not for a ruggedized mod), Oumier Rudder, all come to mind in affordable 2 battery box mods.

As for RTA, if he's going for doesn't leak and DL, any of the top air RTAs are a no brainer. All that I know of are 3 ml or more, so that's not an issue. Single or dual coil?


ECF Guru
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Sep 12, 2010
Light weight, reasonably high quality, and low cost don't really go together. It's the old pick 2 out of 3. The Vapoersso Gen is nice and priced fairly, the VV Swell is waterproof without being bulky like an Aegis (Jackaroo is up for whether considered overly large or not for a ruggedized mod), Oumier Rudder, all come to mind in affordable 2 battery box mods.

As for RTA, if he's going for doesn't leak and DL, any of the top air RTAs are a no brainer. All that I know of are 3 ml or more, so that's not an issue. Single or dual coil?

I didn’t ask. He’ll know though I suspect
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
I had a Segelei Fuchai 213 Plus, a lightweight dual battery regulated mod, which I used for about a year. It had a neat color display, including a battery voltage meter for both batteries. Very durable finish, some type of metal alloy. It was my backup setup. A good friend needed a mod and had always admired my Segelei, so I sold it to him. That was last summer and he's still using it and loves it. He's using a Vaporesso NRG tank on it, both the mod and tank are red and the combo looks great. Definitely worth looking into.


Vaporesso NRG subohm tank
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I had a Segelei Fuchai 213 Plus, a lightweight dual battery regulated mod, which I used for about a year. It had a neat color display, including a battery voltage meter for both batteries. Very durable finish, some type of metal alloy. It was my backup setup. A good friend needed a mod and had always admired the Segelei, so I sold it to him. That was last summer and he's still using it and loves it. He's using a Vaporesso tank on it, not sure exactly which one. Definitely worth looking into.

I really like the look of that Sigelei.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Jun 17, 2017
No idea if it's even something to consider but :
Vandy Vape pulse 80 (or whatever the 2nd version is) it's single 20 or 21700 compatible i believe. Also very light and pretty small imho.
Wotofo Profile rda (rdas don't really leek unless you oversquonk like a maniac imo)

I guess the profile unity rta is also worth a mention here.
Unfortunately i don't have a use for non squonk mods these days, so no idea besides the Aegis which is too bulky.
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greek mule

Unresolved Status
ECF Veteran
Feb 2, 2018
Welcome back @rigorist
For lightweight,you can use a single battery mod and you can carry a spair battery (always in a plastic case)with you.

What atty do you prefer,one that takes drop-in coils or a RTA?

If there is a possibility to step up your wattage you should go for a dual battery mod.
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ECF Guru
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May 6, 2016
Innokin Proton and a Advken Owl. Lightweight, powerful, accurate, leakproof tank (can take Baby Beast compatible coils or use the Baby Prince RBA). Relatively reasonably priced, too.

I love my Proton. Not sure they're still around though. If they are, highly recommended.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Apr 8, 2012
Ridgeway, Ohio
Jac Vapour? Don't own one so not sure of the weight. High quality, a bit pricey. SERIES-B DNA 75W Vape Mod | E Cigarette | JAC Vapour
What about an Aegis Solo? Pretty lightweight and durable.
I thought the stated requirements included dual batteries. Both the JAC and Solo are single battery mods.

I have both the JAC and the Solo. They are my all day, everyday, setups so I obviously love them. My favorite is the JAC by a landslide.

I carry spare batteries with me should I need them. I prefer doing that rather than carry a larger/heavier dual battery mod around all day, but that's my preference. I've done it both ways (dual vs single battery).


Left to right: JAC Vapour DNA75W, Geekvape Aegis Solo, Geekvape Aegis Mini
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 31, 2019
get a Aegis legend 200W for dual battery setup, and if you really want a durable mod and lightweight one... the aegis solo or orginal aegis are your call, 100W mods!

i was using dual and triple battery mods then started with aegis solo, amazing unit, now as others have stated is my top 1 choice for daily use, im starting liking a lot single battery setups,
Super good deal! Spend the money saved on good batteries and a good tank:
iStick TC100W Firmware Upgrade-able

I literally bought the last one they had. Shipping cost almost as much as the mod.

My first mod was an iStick 30 (remember when that was plenty of power? :D ) and I've always liked their style and quality. It fell out of my pocket and I've missed it ever since. Glad to have a new and more powerful one.

Thanks to everybody for your suggestions.
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