Search results

  1. auxsend

    SMPL+ : Where can I find one?

    Really want to get one of these bad boys. Simply cannot find one. I even contacted Epic Designs directly to no response. The Stainless one in particular. Throwing this out here in case someone happens to know of a place that has them. I can't find one anywhere. So frustrating.
  2. auxsend

    Saw a top cap at a comp, can't find it.. Anyone heard of something like this?

    There were a couple guys at a local comp recently. They were using a top cap on their RDA's that I've never seen before and I was curious about it. Here's what I can recall: From a distance it looked like the cap of dry erase marker. It was red plastic. It had holes directly on the top of...
  3. auxsend

    Hammond 1590B - Slant Question

    I am building my first box mod. Parts are ordered, everything is ready to go. I didn't notice it at first, but the Hammond box I ordered is pre-painted, however it appears to be slightly tilted from front to back. How bad is the lean, has anyone built a box using a standard pre-painted hammond...
  4. auxsend

    juice for cloud chasing?

    I recently bought a giant bottle of 100% VG for fun. It creates clouds very nicely. My question is, I have heard people say they don't use 100%, or there is no such thing as 100%, and so on. I am no chemist, but am wondering if there are any things people add to VG that would increase cloud...
  5. auxsend

    Quick bit of love for the Orchid V3

    I have been trying to find my RTA paradise for a while now. I usually just use drippers, but on the go, I like the convenience of having a tank. I have messed with Kayfuns now for a while, and at first thought they were ok, but even with the airflow expanded, I felt like the draw was still...
  6. auxsend

    IPV2/Plume Veil Issue

    Hello, I'm having a weird issue with a brand new plume veil clone on my IPV2. Hope this is an ok place to post this. Have tried this with a different builds, different gauge wires, etc, and I always run into this issue. The issue is: Say I have dual micro coils reading at .8 ohms. I am...
  7. auxsend

    Vape-Box - I signed up, anyone else?

    I was wondering since I don't see a lot of threads about this service on here, if anyone else is signed up to this subscription service? It seems cool. You get hardware, and juice, every month. I am getting my "Welcome Box" tomorrow, and am a bit excited, but... I have seen some reviews...
  8. auxsend

    Question: I want to try a single coil build on my Stillare

    I have a Stillare, and I want to try a build with a single coil. Is there a more elegant way to block the other airflow hole than say, duct tape? I have thought about drilling a 3rd hole in the top cap that would allow this, but I don't have the tools for the job. So some creative intervention...
  9. auxsend

    Best regulated box mod I can actually buy now.

    I am in the market for a box mod. Regulated. DNA30 type mods and the like, not something like an MVP. Clone, authentic, makes no difference to me. What's the best one that I could actually order today?