Search results

  1. Jaguar G

    need new mod

    Just got an Aspire Archon that seems pretty good so far. Dual 18650, watt, volt, bypass, and three power curve modes as well as Ni, Ti, SS, and three memory modes. It has the rounded back form as the CF IV and lasts longer than the MVP 3.0. Been vaping on it a couple days and so far I really...
  2. Jaguar G

    Aspire Archon

    Wanted to add, the screen flips automatically, a nice feature. I also know this is likely the same basic chip and button layout as the NX75 from Aspire on which Versa did a great write up on here.
  3. Jaguar G

    Aspire Archon

    Hi everybody, I just got a new Aspire Archon ($42.95 at MyVaporStore) and while looking for information could not find much in ye old ECF forums so decided to start a thread. Background on me, I started vaping in 2010 with a KR808 and then quickly moved to a Phidias, a bottom feed battery mod...
  4. Jaguar G

    Main difference between Kanger SSOCC and Clapton SSOCC's?

    I was at a vape store and picked up a nickel coil to try. The only TC device I have is a Joyetech Cuboid so once my current Nicrhome dies I'll give it a shot. I was surprised to find it in the old style square head with horizontal coil, figured it would be the round stainless steel type - and I...
  5. Jaguar G

    Main difference between Kanger SSOCC and Clapton SSOCC's?

    I feel Kanger messed up on naming these coils, SSOCC led me to believe these were stainless steel coils, my bad, it's NiChrome. I guess the SS coils are only available in one of the new tanks and I picked up a red o-ring SSOCC thinking it was a SS coil only to have my Cuboid keep switching back...
  6. Jaguar G

    FDA TVECA post table of contents for Deeming Final Rule

    I applaud the effort to call and write elected officials, but I detiest the fact this is becoming our team vs. their team. I am a grown man, former service member, tax payer, hard working, honest and educated free American citizen. I have no use for regulators who would deny my quiet enjoyment...
  7. Jaguar G

    FDA TVECA post table of contents for Deeming Final Rule

    It was classified as a tobacco product because a judge would not allow it to be classified as a drug and/or drug delivery device. The cash cow is the cigarette. States make billions from taxes and the master settlement agreement, not from sales tax on liquid nicotine. The vaping movement is...
  8. Jaguar G

    Heads Up if looking to buy Kanger Subtank

    Been vaping STMs since June and the only problem I've had with leaking was when I knocked over my mod with the tank on top and cracked the glass. It was a thin line, barely visible running vertically the length of the glass and it took me a while to find it. It was very slowly leaking, just...
  9. Jaguar G

    What setup are you currently vaping?

    Kanger Subtank Mini 1.2 ohm OCC on an Innokin Cool fire IV at 20 watts. DIY starburst 70/30 VG, 4 mg joose.
  10. Jaguar G

    If today vaping is...

    I have about 10 years of nic in the freezer. PG, VG, flavors, resistance wire, cotton, and batteries will always be available and relative to what the cost is now. I'm sure the black market will have lots of RBAs available. However, if the cost magically increased I would stay with vaping.
  11. Jaguar G

    What is going on with all these Box Mods?

    The Cool Fire IV is my favorite to carry around, not completely a box shape but it is considered one. I have preferred boxes to tubes ever since I passed the cigalike stage 5 years ago.
  12. Jaguar G

    Lunar Eclipse

    I'm waiting for this. In 2017 there will be a solar eclipse that cuts a path from one side of the United States to the other. Only those in the path of the eclipse will be able to see it, outside the path and you will see a darkening of...
  13. Jaguar G

    A call to action item

    I posted a comment but it pulled my work info, presumably from Facebook, and put my name, job title, and company at the top of the comment. Since I feel my onion does not reflect my occupation or company I deleted the comment. Here I will just add this; Consumer Reports, brought to you your...
  14. Jaguar G

    Friday Vape Mail!

    Got my vape mail today too, .5L of 100mg/ml nic and lots of flavors. Mixed some cherry starburst and watermelon bubble gum that is steeping as I type. Good times. :vapor:
  15. Jaguar G

    Anyone get nic-sick from sub ohming?

    I cut back to 4mg in my STM and still get the gurgle gut if I chain vape for hours on end, usually in the evening after work. My body lets me know when enough is enough.
  16. Jaguar G

    Kanger Mini Spitting

    I don't know then, maybe try edyle's solution. Mine tend to spit a bit but it doesn't bother me, I usually lick off any juice that gets on my fingers anyway and haven't overdosed yet. Off topic, are OCC (non-vertical) coils getting harder to find or am I just not looking in the right places?
  17. Jaguar G

    Kanger Mini Spitting

    I've seen it written that thinner (more PG) juice will wick more which leads to too much liquid on the coil which leads to spitting. I only use 70VG/30PG juice in my subtanks, usually around 20 watts on both the .5Ω and 1.2Ω OCC and haven't had too much of an issue, although sometimes they do...
  18. Jaguar G

    Win Win Win! Huge 600 device Cloupor Mini Plus TC ECF giveaway!

    724 pages, 14475 posts, probably not a good chance but what the heck. Jag ~:vapor:
  19. Jaguar G

    Last place you were asked to stop vaping?

    I did get notified by a sign at the Denton County Courthouse in Denton, TX that no smoking or electronic cigarette use allowed. Too many cops and I was there with my wife, so I didn't want to test it.
  20. Jaguar G

    Last place you were asked to stop vaping?

    I never have been asked to stop but to be fair I usually don't, or stealthy vape where is is frowned upon. But yesterday I had to take my brother to a hospital in Fort Worth, TX where the "campus" in no smoking anywhere on campus. While he was under anesthesia getting the procedure performed...