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  1. HippyJeepChick

    Vaping in humid climates?

    I won't even attempt to vape outdoors anymore in this Texas heat and humidity. Just the 100+ temps and high humidity it is hard enough just to breath. Can't wait for cooler weather!
  2. HippyJeepChick

    1 Year

    That is great! I'm 5 months in and go hours without vaping. I just get busy and don't even miss it. I vape alot first thing in the morning and at night. As long as I am busy I can easily go without. I'm down to 8mg and 4mg; hopefully by the time I hit the 1 year mark I can quit all...
  3. HippyJeepChick

    E Cigs and Sleeping

    Only when I chain vape right before bed. Too much nicotine makes my mind ramble constantly.
  4. HippyJeepChick

    Is vaping an appetite suppressant like smoking?

    I am a lot hungrier now a days. When I vape peanut butter it just makes me want to go get a tablespoon of peanut butter. lol I eat a lot of fruits or low carb low fat snacks with fiber throughout the day to keep me feeling full so I don't snack a lot on junk food.
  5. HippyJeepChick

    Eyelid twitches?

    I used to get them when I would chain vape 18mg. Now that I'm using 12mg and 8mg and I no longer get them.
  6. HippyJeepChick

    Terrible gas!

    It is just your body getting rid of all the toxins from smoking. I had the same issue for about a month after I quit smoking. For me I know it has nothing to do with vaping because this has happened to me every time I have quit in the past. Gas, face breaking out in little pimples, and flu...
  7. HippyJeepChick

    Peanut Butter vape?

    My two favorites at the moment are Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Peanut Butter. My daughter used to complain about smelling like smoke from being around me; and now she is complaining about smelling like chocolate! lol
  8. HippyJeepChick


    YES! :) Congrats! I love mine!
  9. HippyJeepChick

    Bacon Flavor

    My friend had ordered some bacon from Juicy Vapors and brought it over last weekend. It tasted like unflavored pork rinds.
  10. HippyJeepChick

    Stevia sweetner

    That is a good question and I wish someone on here would have the answer!
  11. HippyJeepChick

    My New Favorite

    Awesome! Happy Vaping with it!
  12. HippyJeepChick

    Stevia sweetner

    Type in Stevia in the search bar. There are alot of threads on Stevia and Sweeteners.
  13. HippyJeepChick

    Vaprlife and VV PVs?

    I had ordered an AV Turbo from them a couple months ago and at first I thought it was awesome. However, I was always charging the batteries due to low battery life. Also had to deal with the little screwdriver and tiny hole to change the voltage. You have to get a voltage meter for it to...
  14. HippyJeepChick

    These are flavors currently on hand, which ones should I mix?

    I never thought about that combo! I mix alot of my juices together when I get burned out on them. Most have tasted good but there have been a few that were a big mistake. lol
  15. HippyJeepChick

    These are flavors currently on hand, which ones should I mix?

    you could mix the caramel with the apple and have caramel apple; the Caramel Cream maybe with the Ry4 since Ry4 has caramel in it already. Don't know about the rest. I am surprised no one has chimed in on your post already! This is a big forum and alot of posts even mine have been dropped...
  16. HippyJeepChick

    6 Months went by REALLY fast!

    Way to go! That is awesome! I'm on 3 months now and have to admit it has been pretty easy so far!
  17. HippyJeepChick

    Can't really taste juice?!?

    It might be the juice or in my case anytime I have vaped cinnamon or any kind of mint my taste buds get fried for a long time. I can never get the smell and taste out of my atomizers and always resort to having to use another atomizer for other flavors. The other day I made the mistake of...
  18. HippyJeepChick

    Houston Summer 2011 Vape meet up! May 14th @ 5pm, Wunsche Bros. Cafe

    My step-daughter is too but her graduation ceremony is Friday.
  19. HippyJeepChick

    Houston Summer 2011 Vape meet up! May 14th @ 5pm, Wunsche Bros. Cafe

    I am hoping me and my husband (N2Rock) can make it. We have my step-daughters graduation party to go to that day but since this doesn't start till 5pm we might still be able to come.
  20. HippyJeepChick

    something personal that i need to get off my chest

    I know what you are going through sort of. I moved in with my current husband 9 years ago and his kids were ages: twins (6year olds boy and girl); and two other sons ages 15 and 12. The mother has never helped financially and used to get them every other weekend but the last 5 years or so she...